35 research outputs found

    Citation Analyses in Information Systems

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    Few scientists that specialize in information systems would recognize the name one of the field’s most cited authors, Ike Antkare. It is not that Antkare is from an obscure discipline. This aberration is the result of a vulnerability of citation analyses. A vulnerability proven with a computer program. Today, funding, promotion and tenure extension depend on the results of these analyses. This paper explores the nature of citation analyses in the information systems (IS) field and classifies them based on an adapted framework of Zupic and Cater (2015). The results illustrate two types of citation analyses. The first type contains ranking studies using measures of the h-family index calculated on citation networks. The second type involves co-citation analysis applying cluster or factor analysis to determine the intellectual structure, trajectory or maturity

    The Comparison of Information Systems Develop Trends between the Chinese Mainland and International

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    The aims of this research are two fold. First, it compares the research focus of Information Systems in Mainland China with that of the international IS research community. Second, the paper describes the main features and trend of IS research in Mainland China, and makes some suggestions as to some possible interesting research arena. The data are from twenty five academic journals in China and proceedings of international Information Systems conferences

    Assessment of Academic Research Utilization for National Development in Field of Environment

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    Last few years has shown increased interest of researchers in knowledge and technology transfer. However facts show poor utilization of research into practice. This article focuses on assessment of academic research produced by highly qualified academicians working in universities in Sindh offering degrees in field of Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering. The article presents a methodology for assessment of academic research utilization for national development based on various criteria including purpose of research, funding bodies of research, relevancy of research with environmental issues, development mode of research, end users of research, mediator source for research utilization and intellectual property rights for research. This research is based on analysis of semi-structured interviews by using case study approach. Findings show that researchers have produced and published papers at larger number but very few of academic research have been utilized for national development. Academic research has been utilized by different national & international organizations (EPA, IUCN, WWF, SIDA, KDA). The research is utilized in the form of PhD thesis reports and other project reports funded by HEC, Universities and other national and international organizations. The outcomes of research utilization are either in form of new developed processes, services or policy guidelines under protection of copyrights. The findings also revealed co-operation of academicians with other stakeholders. However, none of the research has been utilized in the development of new Product or new technology under protection of industrial designs or patents. Keywords: Academicians, Academic Research, Utilization, National Developmen

    A Meta-Analysis of Survey-Based Research in MIS Field from 1992-2006

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    Survey research is among the most common methodologies employed in MIS research. However there is an increasing concern over the rigor of research method in MIS field. Based on a review and comparative analysis of the literature this paper provides a critical analysis of trends in the conduct of survey research in the MIS field. Some 651 survey-based studies reported in three leading MIS journals between 1992 and 2006 are reviewed. The finding indicate that there has been an over-reliance on the conduct of cross-sectional studies whereas more emphasis on the use of longitudinal studies would have been appropriate. In terms of unit of analysis, most of the articles reviewed had focused on the individual leading to some concern about potential mismatch between respondents and the unit of analysis

    An Anatomy of European Information Systems Research ECIS 1993 - 2002: Some Initial Findings

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    This paper reflects on European research on information systems as presented during the first ten years of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Based on an analysis of all papers published in the ECIS proceedings during the period 1993–2002, the paper presents initial findings regarding key aspects of European IS research activity

    Overview of Information Systems Research in China: An Empirical Study

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    Progress and Stewardship in Information Systems Research: Addressing Barriers to Cumulation through Active Process Ownership

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    Scientific cumulation is regarded as the goal of the information systems field but is challenged by complex and unaligned incentives operating differently at both institutional and individual level. Few studies have explored how incentives create barriers to scientific cumulation and how these can be addressed to achieve improved scientific progress. To adress this, we introduce a process model of scientific cumulation and combine this with the perspective of business process management to describe the scientific process that must be managed and to show how active process ownerhip can contribute to stewardship of the scientific process. We argue that unaligned incentives that influence the IS field can best be managed with the goal of scientific progress and cumulation in mind, where process owners and many levels actively address barriers to cumulation

    High Impact IS Papers and Researchers in the Pacific Asia Region

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    As research in information systems (IS) becomes increasingly popular, it is interesting to know the impact of research from the Pacific Asia region and who has contributed more high impact papers. With the assistance of SSCI/SCIE database of Web of Science and Google Scholar, this study investigates the impact of Pacific Asian researchers and their papers by the citation numbers of their published papers in 21 IS journals. Common keywords and theories adopted in the most cited papers are also examined. The results indicate that scholars in Hong Kong, Australia, and Singapore are major contributors in the region. MIS Quarterly publishes most highly cited papers. Papers co-authored across regions are more likely to create high citations. Our findings provide insights into how research reports from Pacific Asian authors have influenced the development of knowledge in information systems. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol1/iss1/8