22 research outputs found

    Knowledge Transfer from Weakly Labeled Audio using Convolutional Neural Network for Sound Events and Scenes

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    In this work we propose approaches to effectively transfer knowledge from weakly labeled web audio data. We first describe a convolutional neural network (CNN) based framework for sound event detection and classification using weakly labeled audio data. Our model trains efficiently from audios of variable lengths; hence, it is well suited for transfer learning. We then propose methods to learn representations using this model which can be effectively used for solving the target task. We study both transductive and inductive transfer learning tasks, showing the effectiveness of our methods for both domain and task adaptation. We show that the learned representations using the proposed CNN model generalizes well enough to reach human level accuracy on ESC-50 sound events dataset and set state of art results on this dataset. We further use them for acoustic scene classification task and once again show that our proposed approaches suit well for this task as well. We also show that our methods are helpful in capturing semantic meanings and relations as well. Moreover, in this process we also set state-of-art results on Audioset dataset, relying on balanced training set.Comment: ICASSP 201

    Secost: Sequential co-supervision for large scale weakly labeled audio event detection

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    Weakly supervised learning algorithms are critical for scaling audio event detection to several hundreds of sound categories. Such learning models should not only disambiguate sound events efficiently with minimal class-specific annotation but also be robust to label noise, which is more apparent with weak labels instead of strong annotations. In this work, we propose a new framework for designing learning models with weak supervision by bridging ideas from sequential learning and knowledge distillation. We refer to the proposed methodology as SeCoST (pronounced Sequest) -- Sequential Co-supervision for training generations of Students. SeCoST incrementally builds a cascade of student-teacher pairs via a novel knowledge transfer method. Our evaluations on Audioset (the largest weakly labeled dataset available) show that SeCoST achieves a mean average precision of 0.383 while outperforming prior state of the art by a considerable margin.Comment: Accepted IEEE ICASSP 202