127,688 research outputs found

    DDRprog: A CLEVR Differentiable Dynamic Reasoning Programmer

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    We present a novel Dynamic Differentiable Reasoning (DDR) framework for jointly learning branching programs and the functions composing them; this resolves a significant nondifferentiability inhibiting recent dynamic architectures. We apply our framework to two settings in two highly compact and data efficient architectures: DDRprog for CLEVR Visual Question Answering and DDRstack for reverse Polish notation expression evaluation. DDRprog uses a recurrent controller to jointly predict and execute modular neural programs that directly correspond to the underlying question logic; it explicitly forks subprocesses to handle logical branching. By effectively leveraging additional structural supervision, we achieve a large improvement over previous approaches in subtask consistency and a small improvement in overall accuracy. We further demonstrate the benefits of structural supervision in the RPN setting: the inclusion of a stack assumption in DDRstack allows our approach to generalize to long expressions where an LSTM fails the task

    Exploring the Syntactic Abilities of RNNs with Multi-task Learning

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    Recent work has explored the syntactic abilities of RNNs using the subject-verb agreement task, which diagnoses sensitivity to sentence structure. RNNs performed this task well in common cases, but faltered in complex sentences (Linzen et al., 2016). We test whether these errors are due to inherent limitations of the architecture or to the relatively indirect supervision provided by most agreement dependencies in a corpus. We trained a single RNN to perform both the agreement task and an additional task, either CCG supertagging or language modeling. Multi-task training led to significantly lower error rates, in particular on complex sentences, suggesting that RNNs have the ability to evolve more sophisticated syntactic representations than shown before. We also show that easily available agreement training data can improve performance on other syntactic tasks, in particular when only a limited amount of training data is available for those tasks. The multi-task paradigm can also be leveraged to inject grammatical knowledge into language models.Comment: To appear in CoNLL 201

    SwellShark: A Generative Model for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition without Labeled Data

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    We present SwellShark, a framework for building biomedical named entity recognition (NER) systems quickly and without hand-labeled data. Our approach views biomedical resources like lexicons as function primitives for autogenerating weak supervision. We then use a generative model to unify and denoise this supervision and construct large-scale, probabilistically labeled datasets for training high-accuracy NER taggers. In three biomedical NER tasks, SwellShark achieves competitive scores with state-of-the-art supervised benchmarks using no hand-labeled training data. In a drug name extraction task using patient medical records, one domain expert using SwellShark achieved within 5.1% of a crowdsourced annotation approach -- which originally utilized 20 teams over the course of several weeks -- in 24 hours

    Taskonomy: Disentangling Task Transfer Learning

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    Do visual tasks have a relationship, or are they unrelated? For instance, could having surface normals simplify estimating the depth of an image? Intuition answers these questions positively, implying existence of a structure among visual tasks. Knowing this structure has notable values; it is the concept underlying transfer learning and provides a principled way for identifying redundancies across tasks, e.g., to seamlessly reuse supervision among related tasks or solve many tasks in one system without piling up the complexity. We proposes a fully computational approach for modeling the structure of space of visual tasks. This is done via finding (first and higher-order) transfer learning dependencies across a dictionary of twenty six 2D, 2.5D, 3D, and semantic tasks in a latent space. The product is a computational taxonomic map for task transfer learning. We study the consequences of this structure, e.g. nontrivial emerged relationships, and exploit them to reduce the demand for labeled data. For example, we show that the total number of labeled datapoints needed for solving a set of 10 tasks can be reduced by roughly 2/3 (compared to training independently) while keeping the performance nearly the same. We provide a set of tools for computing and probing this taxonomical structure including a solver that users can employ to devise efficient supervision policies for their use cases.Comment: CVPR 2018 (Oral). See project website and live demos at http://taskonomy.vision

    Snorkel DryBell: A Case Study in Deploying Weak Supervision at Industrial Scale

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    Labeling training data is one of the most costly bottlenecks in developing machine learning-based applications. We present a first-of-its-kind study showing how existing knowledge resources from across an organization can be used as weak supervision in order to bring development time and cost down by an order of magnitude, and introduce Snorkel DryBell, a new weak supervision management system for this setting. Snorkel DryBell builds on the Snorkel framework, extending it in three critical aspects: flexible, template-based ingestion of diverse organizational knowledge, cross-feature production serving, and scalable, sampling-free execution. On three classification tasks at Google, we find that Snorkel DryBell creates classifiers of comparable quality to ones trained with tens of thousands of hand-labeled examples, converts non-servable organizational resources to servable models for an average 52% performance improvement, and executes over millions of data points in tens of minutes

    Learning the Structure of Generative Models without Labeled Data

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    Curating labeled training data has become the primary bottleneck in machine learning. Recent frameworks address this bottleneck with generative models to synthesize labels at scale from weak supervision sources. The generative model's dependency structure directly affects the quality of the estimated labels, but selecting a structure automatically without any labeled data is a distinct challenge. We propose a structure estimation method that maximizes the ℓ1\ell_1-regularized marginal pseudolikelihood of the observed data. Our analysis shows that the amount of unlabeled data required to identify the true structure scales sublinearly in the number of possible dependencies for a broad class of models. Simulations show that our method is 100×\times faster than a maximum likelihood approach and selects 1/41/4 as many extraneous dependencies. We also show that our method provides an average of 1.5 F1 points of improvement over existing, user-developed information extraction applications on real-world data such as PubMed journal abstracts

    A Survey of Deep Learning Methods for Relation Extraction

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    Relation Extraction is an important sub-task of Information Extraction which has the potential of employing deep learning (DL) models with the creation of large datasets using distant supervision. In this review, we compare the contributions and pitfalls of the various DL models that have been used for the task, to help guide the path ahead

    Indirect Supervision for Relation Extraction using Question-Answer Pairs

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    Automatic relation extraction (RE) for types of interest is of great importance for interpreting massive text corpora in an efficient manner. Traditional RE models have heavily relied on human-annotated corpus for training, which can be costly in generating labeled data and become obstacles when dealing with more relation types. Thus, more RE extraction systems have shifted to be built upon training data automatically acquired by linking to knowledge bases (distant supervision). However, due to the incompleteness of knowledge bases and the context-agnostic labeling, the training data collected via distant supervision (DS) can be very noisy. In recent years, as increasing attention has been brought to tackling question-answering (QA) tasks, user feedback or datasets of such tasks become more accessible. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, ReQuest, to leverage question-answer pairs as an indirect source of supervision for relation extraction, and study how to use such supervision to reduce noise induced from DS. Our model jointly embeds relation mentions, types, QA entity mention pairs and text features in two low-dimensional spaces (RE and QA), where objects with same relation types or semantically similar question-answer pairs have similar representations. Shared features connect these two spaces, carrying clearer semantic knowledge from both sources. ReQuest, then use these learned embeddings to estimate the types of test relation mentions. We formulate a global objective function and adopt a novel margin-based QA loss to reduce noise in DS by exploiting semantic evidence from the QA dataset. Our experimental results achieve an average of 11% improvement in F1 score on two public RE datasets combined with TREC QA dataset.Comment: 9 pages + 1 page reference. Accepted to WSDM 201

    Machine Learning with World Knowledge: The Position and Survey

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    Machine learning has become pervasive in multiple domains, impacting a wide variety of applications, such as knowledge discovery and data mining, natural language processing, information retrieval, computer vision, social and health informatics, ubiquitous computing, etc. Two essential problems of machine learning are how to generate features and how to acquire labels for machines to learn. Particularly, labeling large amount of data for each domain-specific problem can be very time consuming and costly. It has become a key obstacle in making learning protocols realistic in applications. In this paper, we will discuss how to use the existing general-purpose world knowledge to enhance machine learning processes, by enriching the features or reducing the labeling work. We start from the comparison of world knowledge with domain-specific knowledge, and then introduce three key problems in using world knowledge in learning processes, i.e., explicit and implicit feature representation, inference for knowledge linking and disambiguation, and learning with direct or indirect supervision. Finally we discuss the future directions of this research topic

    Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Better Language Modeling: A Syntactic Distance Approach

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    It is commonly believed that knowledge of syntactic structure should improve language modeling. However, effectively and computationally efficiently incorporating syntactic structure into neural language models has been a challenging topic. In this paper, we make use of a multi-task objective, i.e., the models simultaneously predict words as well as ground truth parse trees in a form called "syntactic distances", where information between these two separate objectives shares the same intermediate representation. Experimental results on the Penn Treebank and Chinese Treebank datasets show that when ground truth parse trees are provided as additional training signals, the model is able to achieve lower perplexity and induce trees with better quality.Comment: ACL2
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