69,434 research outputs found

    Modeling the Data-Generating Process is Necessary for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

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    Recent empirical studies on domain generalization (DG) have shown that DG algorithms that perform well on some distribution shifts fail on others, and no state-of-the-art DG algorithm performs consistently well on all shifts. Moreover, real-world data often has multiple distribution shifts over different attributes; hence we introduce multi-attribute distribution shift datasets and find that the accuracy of existing DG algorithms falls even further. To explain these results, we provide a formal characterization of generalization under multi-attribute shifts using a canonical causal graph. Based on the relationship between spurious attributes and the classification label, we obtain realizations of the canonical causal graph that characterize common distribution shifts and show that each shift entails different independence constraints over observed variables. As a result, we prove that any algorithm based on a single, fixed constraint cannot work well across all shifts, providing theoretical evidence for mixed empirical results on DG algorithms. Based on this insight, we develop Causally Adaptive Constraint Minimization (CACM), an algorithm that uses knowledge about the data-generating process to adaptively identify and apply the correct independence constraints for regularization. Results on fully synthetic, MNIST, small NORB, and Waterbirds datasets, covering binary and multi-valued attributes and labels, show that adaptive dataset-dependent constraints lead to the highest accuracy on unseen domains whereas incorrect constraints fail to do so. Our results demonstrate the importance of modeling the causal relationships inherent in the data-generating process

    Probabilistic Label Relation Graphs with Ising Models

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    We consider classification problems in which the label space has structure. A common example is hierarchical label spaces, corresponding to the case where one label subsumes another (e.g., animal subsumes dog). But labels can also be mutually exclusive (e.g., dog vs cat) or unrelated (e.g., furry, carnivore). To jointly model hierarchy and exclusion relations, the notion of a HEX (hierarchy and exclusion) graph was introduced in [7]. This combined a conditional random field (CRF) with a deep neural network (DNN), resulting in state of the art results when applied to visual object classification problems where the training labels were drawn from different levels of the ImageNet hierarchy (e.g., an image might be labeled with the basic level category "dog", rather than the more specific label "husky"). In this paper, we extend the HEX model to allow for soft or probabilistic relations between labels, which is useful when there is uncertainty about the relationship between two labels (e.g., an antelope is "sort of" furry, but not to the same degree as a grizzly bear). We call our new model pHEX, for probabilistic HEX. We show that the pHEX graph can be converted to an Ising model, which allows us to use existing off-the-shelf inference methods (in contrast to the HEX method, which needed specialized inference algorithms). Experimental results show significant improvements in a number of large-scale visual object classification tasks, outperforming the previous HEX model.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (2015

    Mining Brain Networks using Multiple Side Views for Neurological Disorder Identification

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    Mining discriminative subgraph patterns from graph data has attracted great interest in recent years. It has a wide variety of applications in disease diagnosis, neuroimaging, etc. Most research on subgraph mining focuses on the graph representation alone. However, in many real-world applications, the side information is available along with the graph data. For example, for neurological disorder identification, in addition to the brain networks derived from neuroimaging data, hundreds of clinical, immunologic, serologic and cognitive measures may also be documented for each subject. These measures compose multiple side views encoding a tremendous amount of supplemental information for diagnostic purposes, yet are often ignored. In this paper, we study the problem of discriminative subgraph selection using multiple side views and propose a novel solution to find an optimal set of subgraph features for graph classification by exploring a plurality of side views. We derive a feature evaluation criterion, named gSide, to estimate the usefulness of subgraph patterns based upon side views. Then we develop a branch-and-bound algorithm, called gMSV, to efficiently search for optimal subgraph features by integrating the subgraph mining process and the procedure of discriminative feature selection. Empirical studies on graph classification tasks for neurological disorders using brain networks demonstrate that subgraph patterns selected by the multi-side-view guided subgraph selection approach can effectively boost graph classification performances and are relevant to disease diagnosis.Comment: in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 201
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