84,017 research outputs found

    Knowledge Consistency between Neural Networks and Beyond

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    This paper aims to analyze knowledge consistency between pre-trained deep neural networks. We propose a generic definition for knowledge consistency between neural networks at different fuzziness levels. A task-agnostic method is designed to disentangle feature components, which represent the consistent knowledge, from raw intermediate-layer features of each neural network. As a generic tool, our method can be broadly used for different applications. In preliminary experiments, we have used knowledge consistency as a tool to diagnose representations of neural networks. Knowledge consistency provides new insights to explain the success of existing deep-learning techniques, such as knowledge distillation and network compression. More crucially, knowledge consistency can also be used to refine pre-trained networks and boost performance

    End-to-End Video Classification with Knowledge Graphs

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    Video understanding has attracted much research attention especially since the recent availability of large-scale video benchmarks. In this paper, we address the problem of multi-label video classification. We first observe that there exists a significant knowledge gap between how machines and humans learn. That is, while current machine learning approaches including deep neural networks largely focus on the representations of the given data, humans often look beyond the data at hand and leverage external knowledge to make better decisions. Towards narrowing the gap, we propose to incorporate external knowledge graphs into video classification. In particular, we unify traditional "knowledgeless" machine learning models and knowledge graphs in a novel end-to-end framework. The framework is flexible to work with most existing video classification algorithms including state-of-the-art deep models. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on the largest public video dataset YouTube-8M. The results are promising across the board, improving mean average precision by up to 2.9%.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Training Deep Neural Networks on Noisy Labels with Bootstrapping

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    Current state-of-the-art deep learning systems for visual object recognition and detection use purely supervised training with regularization such as dropout to avoid overfitting. The performance depends critically on the amount of labeled examples, and in current practice the labels are assumed to be unambiguous and accurate. However, this assumption often does not hold; e.g. in recognition, class labels may be missing; in detection, objects in the image may not be localized; and in general, the labeling may be subjective. In this work we propose a generic way to handle noisy and incomplete labeling by augmenting the prediction objective with a notion of consistency. We consider a prediction consistent if the same prediction is made given similar percepts, where the notion of similarity is between deep network features computed from the input data. In experiments we demonstrate that our approach yields substantial robustness to label noise on several datasets. On MNIST handwritten digits, we show that our model is robust to label corruption. On the Toronto Face Database, we show that our model handles well the case of subjective labels in emotion recognition, achieving state-of-the- art results, and can also benefit from unlabeled face images with no modification to our method. On the ILSVRC2014 detection challenge data, we show that our approach extends to very deep networks, high resolution images and structured outputs, and results in improved scalable detection

    KG-GAN: Knowledge-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Can generative adversarial networks (GANs) generate roses of various colors given only roses of red petals as input? The answer is negative, since GANs' discriminator would reject all roses of unseen petal colors. In this study, we propose knowledge-guided GAN (KG-GAN) to fuse domain knowledge with the GAN framework. KG-GAN trains two generators; one learns from data whereas the other learns from knowledge with a constraint function. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of KG-GAN in generating unseen flower categories from seen categories given textual descriptions of the unseen ones

    Physics-guided Neural Networks (PGNN): An Application in Lake Temperature Modeling

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    This paper introduces a novel framework for combining scientific knowledge of physics-based models with neural networks to advance scientific discovery. This framework, termed as physics-guided neural network (PGNN), leverages the output of physics-based model simulations along with observational features to generate predictions using a neural network architecture. Further, this paper presents a novel framework for using physics-based loss functions in the learning objective of neural networks, to ensure that the model predictions not only show lower errors on the training set but are also scientifically consistent with the known physics on the unlabeled set. We illustrate the effectiveness of PGNN for the problem of lake temperature modeling, where physical relationships between the temperature, density, and depth of water are used to design a physics-based loss function. By using scientific knowledge to guide the construction and learning of neural networks, we are able to show that the proposed framework ensures better generalizability as well as scientific consistency of results.Comment: submitted to ACM SIGKDD 201

    Are Nearby Neighbors Relatives?: Testing Deep Music Embeddings

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    Deep neural networks have frequently been used to directly learn representations useful for a given task from raw input data. In terms of overall performance metrics, machine learning solutions employing deep representations frequently have been reported to greatly outperform those using hand-crafted feature representations. At the same time, they may pick up on aspects that are predominant in the data, yet not actually meaningful or interpretable. In this paper, we therefore propose a systematic way to test the trustworthiness of deep music representations, considering musical semantics. The underlying assumption is that in case a deep representation is to be trusted, distance consistency between known related points should be maintained both in the input audio space and corresponding latent deep space. We generate known related points through semantically meaningful transformations, both considering imperceptible and graver transformations. Then, we examine within- and between-space distance consistencies, both considering audio space and latent embedded space, the latter either being a result of a conventional feature extractor or a deep encoder. We illustrate how our method, as a complement to task-specific performance, provides interpretable insight into what a network may have captured from training data signals.Comment: this work was accepted for publication in the "Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Deep Learning: Status, Applications and Algorithms)

    PortraitGAN for Flexible Portrait Manipulation

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    Previous methods have dealt with discrete manipulation of facial attributes such as smile, sad, angry, surprise etc, out of canonical expressions and they are not scalable, operating in single modality. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that supports continuous edits and multi-modality portrait manipulation using adversarial learning. Specifically, we adapt cycle-consistency into the conditional setting by leveraging additional facial landmarks information. This has two effects: first cycle mapping induces bidirectional manipulation and identity preserving; second pairing samples from different modalities can thus be utilized. To ensure high-quality synthesis, we adopt texture-loss that enforces texture consistency and multi-level adversarial supervision that facilitates gradient flow. Quantitative and qualitative experiments show the effectiveness of our framework in performing flexible and multi-modality portrait manipulation with photo-realistic effects

    Joint Learning of Neural Networks via Iterative Reweighted Least Squares

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    In this paper, we introduce the problem of jointly learning feed-forward neural networks across a set of relevant but diverse datasets. Compared to learning a separate network from each dataset in isolation, joint learning enables us to extract correlated information across multiple datasets to significantly improve the quality of learned networks. We formulate this problem as joint learning of multiple copies of the same network architecture and enforce the network weights to be shared across these networks. Instead of hand-encoding the shared network layers, we solve an optimization problem to automatically determine how layers should be shared between each pair of datasets. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms baselines without joint learning and those using pretraining-and-fine-tuning. We show the effectiveness of our approach on three tasks: image classification, learning auto-encoders, and image generation

    Every Node Counts: Self-Ensembling Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Graph convolutional network (GCN) provides a powerful means for graph-based semi-supervised tasks. However, as a localized first-order approximation of spectral graph convolution, the classic GCN can not take full advantage of unlabeled data, especially when the unlabeled node is far from labeled ones. To capitalize on the information from unlabeled nodes to boost the training for GCN, we propose a novel framework named Self-Ensembling GCN (SEGCN), which marries GCN with Mean Teacher - another powerful model in semi-supervised learning. SEGCN contains a student model and a teacher model. As a student, it not only learns to correctly classify the labeled nodes, but also tries to be consistent with the teacher on unlabeled nodes in more challenging situations, such as a high dropout rate and graph collapse. As a teacher, it averages the student model weights and generates more accurate predictions to lead the student. In such a mutual-promoting process, both labeled and unlabeled samples can be fully utilized for backpropagating effective gradients to train GCN. In three article classification tasks, i.e. Citeseer, Cora and Pubmed, we validate that the proposed method matches the state of the arts in the classification accuracy.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Mean teachers are better role models: Weight-averaged consistency targets improve semi-supervised deep learning results

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    The recently proposed Temporal Ensembling has achieved state-of-the-art results in several semi-supervised learning benchmarks. It maintains an exponential moving average of label predictions on each training example, and penalizes predictions that are inconsistent with this target. However, because the targets change only once per epoch, Temporal Ensembling becomes unwieldy when learning large datasets. To overcome this problem, we propose Mean Teacher, a method that averages model weights instead of label predictions. As an additional benefit, Mean Teacher improves test accuracy and enables training with fewer labels than Temporal Ensembling. Without changing the network architecture, Mean Teacher achieves an error rate of 4.35% on SVHN with 250 labels, outperforming Temporal Ensembling trained with 1000 labels. We also show that a good network architecture is crucial to performance. Combining Mean Teacher and Residual Networks, we improve the state of the art on CIFAR-10 with 4000 labels from 10.55% to 6.28%, and on ImageNet 2012 with 10% of the labels from 35.24% to 9.11%.Comment: In this version: Corrected hyperparameters of the 4000-label CIFAR-10 ResNet experiment. Changed Antti's contact info, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NIPS 2017) pre-proceeding