3 research outputs found

    Modeling of the Natural Product Deboning Process Using Biological and Human Models

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    ©1999 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Presented at the 1999 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 1999), 19-23 September 1999, Atlanta, GA.DOI: 10.1109/AIM.1999.803141One critical area in automation for commercial deboning systems for meat processing, is the inability of existing equipment to adapt to varying sizes and shapes of products. This usually results in less than desirable outcomes when measured in terms of yield of the operations. In poultry processing for example, the initial cut of wing-shoulder joints is the most critical step in the deboning process. Two approaches for determining a trajectory for the cut is presented. The first is a technique using x-ray and visual images to obtain a 2-D model that locates the shoulder joint with respect to the surface features of the product. The second approach is obtained by determining a 3-D cutting trajectory and the associated forces/torques using a motion analysis system and a force/torque sensor incorporated with a knife. We then discuss the potential application of these results in the design of an automated cutting system that uses the obtained trajectory as a nominal cutting path. The system would make'adjustments during the cut using force feedback so as to emulate the manual cutting process

    Research on surface roughness of circular arc cut by ASJ

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    Izrađen je potpuni faktorijalni plan eksperimenata za istraživanje učinaka tlaka mlaza, reznog posmaka i polumjera kružnog luka na površinsku hrapavost kružnog luka rezanog mlazom abrazivne otopine - abrasive suspension jet (ASJ). Ortogonalnim planom eksperimenata analizirala se veličina djelovanja parametara na hrapavost rezne površine na različitim dubinama. Smanjivanje brzine prijelaza je najučinkovitija metoda za smanjenje površinske hrapavosti. Uz to, usporedbom topografije rezne površine s onom pomoću AWJ, ustanovilo se da je površina sastavljena od četiri zone: inicijalna zona, glatka zona, prijelazna zona i gruba zona. Konačno, primijenjena je metoda multipne linearne regresije za postavljanje modela hrapavosti površine na različitim dubinama, što se eksperimentima potvrdilo kao pouzdano. Zaključci mogu poslužiti kao teorijski vodič za poboljšanje učinkovitosti rezanja pomoću ASJ.Full factorial design of experiments was developed in order to investigate the effects of jet pressure, cutting feed, and circular arc radius upon the one response variable surface roughness of circular arc cut by abrasive suspension jet (ASJ). And orthogonal design of experiments was used for analysing the magnitude of effects of parameters on roughness of the cutting surface at different depths. Slowing down the traverse speed is the most effective method to reduce the surface roughness. In addition, comparing the topography of the cutting surface with that by AWJ, it is found that the surface also consists of four zones: initial zone, smooth zone, transition zone and rough zone. Finally, the multiple linear regression was employed to establish the model of cutting surface roughness at different depths, which was proved to be reliable by experiments. The conclusions can provide theoretical guidance for improving the cutting efficiency of ASJ