1 research outputs found

    Fixed Points in Computer Science

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    This document in subdirectory NS/02/2/ 2002 (FICS'02) Preliminary Proceedings July 20 and 21, 2002 Copenhagen, Denmark ii Content 1. Glynn Winskel, U Cambridge, UK (Invited talk) Calculus for categories 1 2. JirAdamek, Stefan Milius, and Jiri Velebil; Techn. U of Braunschweig, Germany Parametric corecursion and completely iterative monads 2 3. Neil Ghani, U Leicester, UK; Christoph Luth, U Bremen, Germany; and Frederico De Marchi, U Leicester, UK Coalgebraic approaches to algebraic terms 6 4. Tarmo Uustalu, Tallinn Techn. U, Estonia Generalizing substitution 9 5. Nick Benton, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK and Martin Hyland, U Cambridge, UK Traced pre-monoidal categories 12 6. Luca Aceto, Aalborg U, Denmark (Invited talk) Kleene through the process algebraic glass 20 7. Christoph Sprenger, Swedish Inst. of Computer Science, Sweden and Mads Dam, Royal Inst. of Techn., Sweden A note on global induction in a mu-calculus with explicit approximations 22 8. Nikolay Vyacheslavovich Shilo