92 research outputs found

    Kinematic modeling of hybrid parallel serial five-axis machine tool

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    Paralelne strukture mašina alatki i robota u odnosu na serijske strukture imaju niz prednosti. Za gradnju paralelnih mašina alatki i robota danas se koristi veći broj mehanizama sa paralelnom kinematikom različitih topologija sa 3 do 6 stepeni slobode. Međutim, s obzirom na izvesna ograničenja paralelnih mehanizama intenzivirana su istraživanja na iznalaženju mehanizama hibridnih arhitektura kao kombinacija paralelnih i serijskih struktura. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati kinematičkog modeliranja hibridne paralelno-serijske petoosne mašine alatke na bazi Tricept mehanizma. Kako ovakva mašina uključuje paralelnu strukturu sa tri stepena slobode i serijsku strukturu sa dva stepena slobode, to rešenja problema inverzne i direktne kinematike takođe uključuju paralelni i serijski deo. Inverzni kinematički problem je rešen analitički dok rešenje direktnog kinematičkog problema sadrži analitički i numerički deo. Na osnovu rešenja inverznog kinematičkog problema analiziran je radni prostor u cilju izbora projektnih parametara prototipa.Compared with serial structured machine tools and robots, parallel kinematic machine tools and robots have many advantages. Many different topologies of parallel mechanisms with 3-6 DOF have been used. Considering that some limitations are indeed due to the use of parallel mechanisms, it is appealing to investigate architectures based on hybrid arrangements where serial and parallel concepts are combined. This paper is aimed at presenting a study on the kinematic modeling of the Tricept based five-axis vertical machine tool. Since the machine comprises 3-DOF parallel structure and 2-DOF serial wrist direct and inverse kinematics also comprise serial and parallel part. Inverse kinematics is solved analytically while direct kinematics consists of an analytical and numerical part. Based on machine inverse kinematics, the workspace has been analyzed in order to select machine prototype design parameters

    Overview of the mean of production used for FSW

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    The Friction Stir welding process is now introduced in production plants. More and more applications are developed and the most part of the work is now centered on the mean of production to be used. Institut de Soudure and Arts et Métiers ParisTech are working on this subject since mid of 2005. The results of this work is a recognize knowledge on the methodology for qualifying a Friction Stir Welding Equipment [1]. In the same time, and based on this work, Institut de Soudure has bought a new kind of Friction Stir Welding machine based on a KUKA Robot

    Methodology for qualifying a Friction Stir Welding equipment

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    The objective of this research work is the industrialization of the friction stir welding process in order to provide tools to industrials to select and qualify a machine for their FSW applications. This paper presents a methodology to determine the Friction Stir Welding equipment adequate to an application. The adequate equipment can be every machine that can perform friction stir welds. This paper presents a short review, based on literature survey, of the existing friction stir welding equipments. Then, the methodology developed is presented. It is based on the studying of the interactions between the tool and the workpiece

    Inverse kinematics of a 5-axis hybrid robot with non-singular tool path generation

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    This paper deals with non-singular tool path generation of a 5-axis hybrid robot named TriMule, which is designed for large part machining in situ. It is observed that at a singularity pose sudden changes occur in rotation of the C-axis and lengths of three telescopic legs. It is found that when the tool axis rotates about the axis normal to the plane expanded by the tool axis and the singular axis, the singular axis itself is forced to rotate simultaneously about the same axis in the opposite direction. This exploration enables the minimum rotation angle of the tool axis to be determined accurately for avoiding singularity and reducing machined surface errors caused by tool axis modification, leading to the development of an algorithm for non-singular tool path generation by modifying a partial set of the control points of B-splines. Both simulation and experiment on a prototype machine are carried out to verify the effectiveness of this approach

    Kinematic Analysis of a Serial - Parallel Machine Tool: the VERNE machine

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    The paper derives the inverse and the forward kinematic equations of a serial - parallel 5-axis machine tool: the VERNE machine. This machine is composed of a three-degree-of-freedom (DOF) parallel module and a two-DOF serial tilting table. The parallel module consists of a moving platform that is connected to a fixed base by three non-identical legs. These legs are connected in a way that the combined effects of the three legs lead to an over-constrained mechanism with complex motion. This motion is defined as a simultaneous combination of rotation and translation. In this paper we propose symbolical methods that able to calculate all kinematic solutions and identify the acceptable one by adding analytical constraint on the disposition of legs of the parallel module