5 research outputs found

    Dual Adaptive Transformations for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Segmentation

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    Weakly supervised point cloud segmentation, i.e. semantically segmenting a point cloud with only a few labeled points in the whole 3D scene, is highly desirable due to the heavy burden of collecting abundant dense annotations for the model training. However, existing methods remain challenging to accurately segment 3D point clouds since limited annotated data may lead to insufficient guidance for label propagation to unlabeled data. Considering the smoothness-based methods have achieved promising progress, in this paper, we advocate applying the consistency constraint under various perturbations to effectively regularize unlabeled 3D points. Specifically, we propose a novel DAT (\textbf{D}ual \textbf{A}daptive \textbf{T}ransformations) model for weakly supervised point cloud segmentation, where the dual adaptive transformations are performed via an adversarial strategy at both point-level and region-level, aiming at enforcing the local and structural smoothness constraints on 3D point clouds. We evaluate our proposed DAT model with two popular backbones on the large-scale S3DIS and ScanNet-V2 datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model can effectively leverage the unlabeled 3D points and achieve significant performance gains on both datasets, setting new state-of-the-art performance for weakly supervised point cloud segmentation.Comment: ECCV 202

    Exploring Bottom-up and Top-down Cues with Attentive Learning for Webly Supervised Object Detection

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    Fully supervised object detection has achieved great success in recent years. However, abundant bounding boxes annotations are needed for training a detector for novel classes. To reduce the human labeling effort, we propose a novel webly supervised object detection (WebSOD) method for novel classes which only requires the web images without further annotations. Our proposed method combines bottom-up and top-down cues for novel class detection. Within our approach, we introduce a bottom-up mechanism based on the well-trained fully supervised object detector (i.e. Faster RCNN) as an object region estimator for web images by recognizing the common objectiveness shared by base and novel classes. With the estimated regions on the web images, we then utilize the top-down attention cues as the guidance for region classification. Furthermore, we propose a residual feature refinement (RFR) block to tackle the domain mismatch between web domain and the target domain. We demonstrate our proposed method on PASCAL VOC dataset with three different novel/base splits. Without any target-domain novel-class images and annotations, our proposed webly supervised object detection model is able to achieve promising performance for novel classes. Moreover, we also conduct transfer learning experiments on large scale ILSVRC 2013 detection dataset and achieve state-of-the-art performance