515 research outputs found

    Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking

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    Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking features two key themes. First it focuses on helping students become more seasoned and polished public speakers, and second is its emphasis on ethics in communication. It is this practical approach and integrated ethical coverage that sets Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speaking apart from the other texts in this market

    Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson

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    History of Computing; Computer Appl. in Arts and Humanities; Data Structures; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interactio

    Mobile Auditory Guidance for Public Transportation

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    Helsingin seudulla on vapaasti saatavilla kattavaa tietoa julkisesta liikenteestä. Tietoa välitetään käyttäjille monien eri sovellusten avulla. Yleensä nämä sovellukset toimittavat tiedon pelkästään visuaalisessa muodossa, jättäen äänen potentiaalin (lisä)tiedon välityksessä täysin vaille huomiota. Graafinen ratkaisu voi olla epäkäytännöllinen ja tiedon saanti vaatia paljon keskittymistä, kun kyseessä on mobiililaite ja informaatio tarvitaan liikenteessä. Tässä työssä suunniteltiin ja kehitettiin täysin toiminnallinen mobiilisovellus reittisuunnittelua ja -opastusta varten. Sovelluksen tavoitteena on minimoida visuaalinen huomiointi ja tarkkailu, toimittaen äänen avulla tietoa perustuen aikatauluihin, kellonaikaan sekä käyttäjän sijaintiin. Päämääränä on tarjota informaatio merkityksellisessä ja helposti ymmärrettävässä muodossa, hyödyntäen muuta ääntä kuin puhetta, vapauttaen käyttäjän silmät ja kädet sekä poistaen tarpeen seurata kellonaikaa. Käytettyjen merkkiäänten tunnistettavuutta ja arvioita niiden ärsyttävyydestä testattiin epämuodollisesti pienellä määrällä koehenkilöitä. Sovelluksen tarkoitus ja äänten metaforat selitettiin lyhyesti, jonka jälkeen suurin osa käytetyistä auditiivisista symboleista tunnistettiin hyvin. Ylipäänsä mitään ääniä hyödyntävän sovelluksen käyttö julkisissa paikoissa ilman kuulokkeita herätti joissakin testihenkilöissä epäilyksiä. Kaiken kaikkiaan sovelluksessa todettiin olevan selviä mahdollisuuksia hyödylliseksi apuvälineeksi ja useimmat koekuuntelijoista havaitsivat ominaisuuksia, joiden he kokivat olevan itselleen käytännöllisiä.Comprehensive information for using public transportation in the Helsinki region is freely available and there are different applications that provide this. These applications, however, typically only provide information in the visual modality, completely neglecting the potential of using audio for conveying (additional) messages. In the context of mobile devices and requiring information while on the move, this can be cumbersome and requires the user to pay a lot of attention to the application in order to get the information. A completely functional mobile application for journey planning and guidance for travelling along a found route was designed and developed in this thesis. The aim for the application is to reduce the attention requirements to a minimum by using sound to deliver useful information to the user based on schedules, time, and the user's location. The objective is to provide the information by meaningful and easily understandable non-speech auditory cues to free the user's eyes and hands while, at the same time, removing the need to pay attention to the time. The recognizability of the used sounds, and estimation of whether they would be useful or annoying, was tested informally by a small number of people. After a brief explanation of the purpose and metaphors of the sounds in the application, most auditory icons were recognized well. Using an application with any sort of sound in public without headphones raised doubts in some. Overall the application was found to have potential for being a helpful aid and most of the test subjects saw elements that would be useful for themselves

    The C-SPAN Archives: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Discovery, Learning, and Engagement

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    The C-SPAN Archives records, indexes, and preserves all C-SPAN programming for historical, educational, and research uses. Every C-SPAN program aired since 1987, from all House and Senate sessions in the US Congress, to hearings, presidential speeches, conventions, and campaign events, totaling over 200,000 hours, is contained in the video library and is immediately and freely accessible through the database and electronic archival systems developed and maintained by staff. Whereas C-SPAN is best known as a resource for political processes and policy information, the Archives also offers rich educational research and teaching opportunities. This book provides guidance and inspiration to scholars who may be interested in using the Archives to illuminate concepts and processes in varied communication and political science subfields using a range of methodologies for discovery, learning, and engagement. Applications described range from teaching rhetoric to enhancing TV audience’s viewing experience. The book links to illustrative clips from the Archives to help readers appreciate the usability and richness of the source material and the pedagogical possibilities it offers. Many of the essays are authored by faculty connected with the Purdue University School of Communication, named after the founder of C-SPAN Brian Lamb. The book is divided into four parts: Part 1 consists of an overview of the C-SPAN Archives, the technology involved in establishing and updating its online presence, and the C-SPAN copyright and use policy. Featured are the ways in which the collection is indexed and tips on how individuals can find particular materials. This section provides an essential foundation for scholars’ and practitioners’ increased use of this valuable resource. Parts 2 and 3 contain case studies describing how scholars use the Archives in their research, teaching, and engagement activities. Some case studies were first presented during a preconference at the National Communication Association (NCA) convention in November 2013, while others have been invited or solicited through open calls. Part 4 explores future directions for C-SPAN Archive use as a window into American life and global politics

    Safe and Sound: Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Auditory Display

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    Complete proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2022), June 24-27. Online virtual conference

    Conference Roundup: Smart Cataloging - Beginning the Move from Batch Processing to Automated Classification

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    This article reviewed the Amigos Online Conference titled “Work Smarter, Not Harder: Innovating Technical Services Workflows” keynote session delivered by Dr. Terry Reese on February 13, 2020. Excerpt: As the developer of MarcEdit, a popular metadata suite used widely across the library community, Reese’s current work is focused on the ways in which libraries might leverage semantic web techniques in order to transform legacy library metadata into something new. So many sessions related to using new technologies in libraries or academia, although exciting, are not practical enough to put into everyday use by most librarians. Reese’s keynote, titled Smart Cataloging: Beginning the Move from Batch Processing to Automated Classification, was unique and powerful in that he discussed the more practical applications of machine learning for tomorrow, rather than a decade or more into the future

    The Animator: The 26th Society for Animation Studies Annual Conference Toronto June 16 to 19, 2014

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    The 2014 Society for Animation Studies conference hosted by Sheridan College was from June 16 - 19, 2014. As Animation Studies continues to develop as a discipline, the dialogue that has opened up between more traditional academic research into the field and what we might call ‘industry-facing’ or applied research has become more important. The critical study of animation from within higher education institutions like Sheridan represents one of the many areas in which the industry can grow. Every SAS conference has its own distinct tone and flavour because we are truly international in our membership and we devolve conference organization annually to the host institution. This means that this year’s conference is strongly allied to Sheridan’s industry focus – not least with Corus warmly welcoming conference goers to their HQ for parts of the conference. SAS provides such a welcoming environment for new members, and a terrific forum to discuss animation from a multitude of perspectives. It is within this fertile and nurturing atmosphere that we decided to focus our conference on the animation artist. As a tribute to all artists whose efforts fuel our work, and in the spirit of the centenary of celebrated National Film Board of Canada animator, Norman McLaren, the 2014 SAS Conference is named “The Animator”. Keynote speakers included Scott Dyer, Executive Vice President, Strategic Planning and Chief Technology Officer, Corus Entertainment Charile Bonifacio, Animator, Arc Productions Ltd, Canada Professor Paul Wells, Director of the Animation Academy Loughborough University, UK Michael Fukushima, Executive Producer of NFB’s English Animation Studio National Film Board of Canada Panel Discussions McLaren Legacy Panel: The Centenary Year - Nichola Dobson, Terence Dobson, Kaj Pindal Stop Motion, From Local Community Members - Chris Walsh, Bret Long, Nora Keely, Mark Mayerson Conference Twitter account: @AnimatorSAS2014https://source.sheridancollege.ca/conferences_anim/1000/thumbnail.jp

    XR Academia:Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe

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    The book XR Academia: Research and Experiences in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and Europe, has at its core the objective of making immersive technology accessible and visible worldwide, with the simultaneous breaking-down of linguistic barriers. Both European and Latin American authors can read each other’s work(s), allowing knowledge and experience in extended reality to be shared. Another important aspect of XR Academia is its attempt to introduce an open science contribution to the issues of immersive technologies, in order to inspire new generations that do not have access to increasingly expensive publications. This volume includes fourteen selected chapters from presenters from the 2020 and 2021 events. These chapters describe research and experiences on a wide range of XR applications, which include entertainment, health, narration, education, psychotherapy, guidance, language, culture and arts. Considering that great inventions and innovations are developed in Latin America but fail to be published internationally, our aim was to open a door to allow the permanent exchange between two languages: Spanish and English