3 research outputs found

    Deep Generative Model for Image Inpainting with Local Binary Pattern Learning and Spatial Attention

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    Deep learning (DL) has demonstrated its powerful capabilities in the field of image inpainting. The DL-based image inpainting approaches can produce visually plausible results, but often generate various unpleasant artifacts, especially in the boundary and highly textured regions. To tackle this challenge, in this work, we propose a new end-to-end, two-stage (coarse-to-fine) generative model through combining a local binary pattern (LBP) learning network with an actual inpainting network. Specifically, the first LBP learning network using U-Net architecture is designed to accurately predict the structural information of the missing region, which subsequently guides the second image inpainting network for better filling the missing pixels. Furthermore, an improved spatial attention mechanism is integrated in the image inpainting network, by considering the consistency not only between the known region with the generated one, but also within the generated region itself. Extensive experiments on public datasets including CelebA-HQ, Places and Paris StreetView demonstrate that our model generates better inpainting results than the state-of-the-art competing algorithms, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The source code and trained models will be made available at https://github.com/HighwayWu/ImageInpainting

    Grounded and Controllable Image Completion by Incorporating Lexical Semantics

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    In this paper, we present an approach, namely Lexical Semantic Image Completion (LSIC), that may have potential applications in art, design, and heritage conservation, among several others. Existing image completion procedure is highly subjective by considering only visual context, which may trigger unpredictable results which are plausible but not faithful to a grounded knowledge. To permit both grounded and controllable completion process, we advocate generating results faithful to both visual and lexical semantic context, i.e., the description of leaving holes or blank regions in the image (e.g., hole description). One major challenge for LSIC comes from modeling and aligning the structure of visual-semantic context and translating across different modalities. We term this process as structure completion, which is realized by multi-grained reasoning blocks in our model. Another challenge relates to the unimodal biases, which occurs when the model generates plausible results without using the textual description. This can be true since the annotated captions for an image are often semantically equivalent in existing datasets, and thus there is only one paired text for a masked image in training. We devise an unsupervised unpaired-creation learning path besides the over-explored paired-reconstruction path, as well as a multi-stage training strategy to mitigate the insufficiency of labeled data. We conduct extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments as well as ablation studies, which reveal the efficacy of our proposed LSIC.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Virtual Codec Supervised Re-Sampling Network for Image Compression

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    In this paper, we propose an image re-sampling compression method by learning virtual codec network (VCN) to resolve the non-differentiable problem of quantization function for image compression. Here, the image re-sampling not only refers to image full-resolution re-sampling but also low-resolution re-sampling. We generalize this method for standard-compliant image compression (SCIC) framework and deep neural networks based compression (DNNC) framework. Specifically, an input image is measured by re-sampling network (RSN) network to get re-sampled vectors. Then, these vectors are directly quantized in the feature space in SCIC, or discrete cosine transform coefficients of these vectors are quantized to further improve coding efficiency in DNNC. At the encoder, the quantized vectors or coefficients are losslessly compressed by arithmetic coding. At the receiver, the decoded vectors are utilized to restore input image by image decoder network (IDN). In order to train RSN network and IDN network together in an end-to-end fashion, our VCN network intimates projection from the re-sampled vectors to the IDN-decoded image. As a result, gradients from IDN network to RSN network can be approximated by VCN network's gradient. Because dimension reduction can be further achieved by quantization in some dimensional space after image re-sampling within auto-encoder architecture, we can well initialize our networks from pre-trained auto-encoder networks. Through extensive experiments and analysis, it is verified that the proposed method has more effectiveness and versatility than many state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures Our project can be found in the website: https://github.com/VirtualCodecNetwor