17 research outputs found

    Bayesian topology learning and noise removal from network data

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    Learning the topology of a graph from available data is of great interest in many emerging applications. Some examples are social networks, internet of things networks (intelligent IoT and industrial IoT), biological connection networks, sensor networks and traffic network patterns. In this paper, a graph topology inference approach is proposed to learn the underlying graph structure from a given set of noisy multi-variate observations, which are modeled as graph signals generated from a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) process. A factor analysis model is applied to represent the graph signals in a latent space where the basis is related to the underlying graph structure. An optimal graph filter is also developed to recover the graph signals from noisy observations. In the final step, an optimization problem is proposed to learn the underlying graph topology from the recovered signals. Moreover, a fast algorithm employing the proximal point method has been proposed to solve the problem efficiently. Experimental results employing both synthetic and real data show the effectiveness of the proposed method in recovering the signals and inferring the underlying graph

    State-Space Network Topology Identification from Partial Observations

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    In this work, we explore the state-space formulation of a network process to recover, from partial observations, the underlying network topology that drives its dynamics. To do so, we employ subspace techniques borrowed from system identification literature and extend them to the network topology identification problem. This approach provides a unified view of the traditional network control theory and signal processing on graphs. In addition, it provides theoretical guarantees for the recovery of the topological structure of a deterministic continuous-time linear dynamical system from input-output observations even though the input and state interaction networks might be different. The derived mathematical analysis is accompanied by an algorithm for identifying, from data, a network topology consistent with the dynamics of the system and conforms to the prior information about the underlying structure. The proposed algorithm relies on alternating projections and is provably convergent. Numerical results corroborate the theoretical findings and the applicability of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 13 pages, 3 appendix page