7,379 research outputs found

    Kernel Quantization for Efficient Network Compression

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    This paper presents a novel network compression framework Kernel Quantization (KQ), targeting to efficiently convert any pre-trained full-precision convolutional neural network (CNN) model into a low-precision version without significant performance loss. Unlike existing methods struggling with weight bit-length, KQ has the potential in improving the compression ratio by considering the convolution kernel as the quantization unit. Inspired by the evolution from weight pruning to filter pruning, we propose to quantize in both kernel and weight level. Instead of representing each weight parameter with a low-bit index, we learn a kernel codebook and replace all kernels in the convolution layer with corresponding low-bit indexes. Thus, KQ can represent the weight tensor in the convolution layer with low-bit indexes and a kernel codebook with limited size, which enables KQ to achieve significant compression ratio. Then, we conduct a 6-bit parameter quantization on the kernel codebook to further reduce redundancy. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet classification task prove that KQ needs 1.05 and 1.62 bits on average in VGG and ResNet18, respectively, to represent each parameter in the convolution layer and achieves the state-of-the-art compression ratio with little accuracy loss

    Recent Advances in Efficient Computation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks have evolved remarkably over the past few years and they are currently the fundamental tools of many intelligent systems. At the same time, the computational complexity and resource consumption of these networks also continue to increase. This will pose a significant challenge to the deployment of such networks, especially in real-time applications or on resource-limited devices. Thus, network acceleration has become a hot topic within the deep learning community. As for hardware implementation of deep neural networks, a batch of accelerators based on FPGA/ASIC have been proposed in recent years. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of recent advances in network acceleration, compression and accelerator design from both algorithm and hardware points of view. Specifically, we provide a thorough analysis of each of the following topics: network pruning, low-rank approximation, network quantization, teacher-student networks, compact network design and hardware accelerators. Finally, we will introduce and discuss a few possible future directions.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    DNN Feature Map Compression using Learned Representation over GF(2)

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    In this paper, we introduce a method to compress intermediate feature maps of deep neural networks (DNNs) to decrease memory storage and bandwidth requirements during inference. Unlike previous works, the proposed method is based on converting fixed-point activations into vectors over the smallest GF(2) finite field followed by nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NDR) layers embedded into a DNN. Such an end-to-end learned representation finds more compact feature maps by exploiting quantization redundancies within the fixed-point activations along the channel or spatial dimensions. We apply the proposed network architectures derived from modified SqueezeNet and MobileNetV2 to the tasks of ImageNet classification and PASCAL VOC object detection. Compared to prior approaches, the conducted experiments show a factor of 2 decrease in memory requirements with minor degradation in accuracy while adding only bitwise computations.Comment: CEFRL201

    Design Automation for Efficient Deep Learning Computing

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    Efficient deep learning computing requires algorithm and hardware co-design to enable specialization: we usually need to change the algorithm to reduce memory footprint and improve energy efficiency. However, the extra degree of freedom from the algorithm makes the design space much larger: it's not only about designing the hardware but also about how to tweak the algorithm to best fit the hardware. Human engineers can hardly exhaust the design space by heuristics. It's labor consuming and sub-optimal. We propose design automation techniques for efficient neural networks. We investigate automatically designing specialized fast models, auto channel pruning, and auto mixed-precision quantization. We demonstrate such learning-based, automated design achieves superior performance and efficiency than rule-based human design. Moreover, we shorten the design cycle by 200x than previous work, so that we can afford to design specialized neural network models for different hardware platforms

    CNN inference acceleration using dictionary of centroids

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    It is well known that multiplication operations in convolutional layers of common CNNs consume a lot of time during inference stage. In this article we present a flexible method to decrease both computational complexity of convolutional layers in inference as well as amount of space to store them. The method is based on centroid filter quantization and outperforms approaches based on tensor decomposition by a large margin. We performed comparative analysis of the proposed method and series of CP tensor decomposition on ImageNet benchmark and found that our method provide almost 2.9 times better computational gain. Despite the simplicity of our method it cannot be applied directly in inference stage in modern frameworks, but could be useful for cases calculation flow could be changed, e.g. for CNN-chip designers

    Low-Dimensional Bottleneck Features for On-Device Continuous Speech Recognition

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    Low power digital signal processors (DSPs) typically have a very limited amount of memory in which to cache data. In this paper we develop efficient bottleneck feature (BNF) extractors that can be run on a DSP, and retrain a baseline large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) system to use these BNFs with only a minimal loss of accuracy. The small BNFs allow the DSP chip to cache more audio features while the main application processor is suspended, thereby reducing the overall battery usage. Our presented system is able to reduce the footprint of standard, fixed point DSP spectral features by a factor of 10 without any loss in word error rate (WER) and by a factor of 64 with only a 5.8% relative increase in WER.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 201

    Optimize Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Ternarized Weights and High Accuracy

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    Deep convolution neural network has achieved great success in many artificial intelligence applications. However, its enormous model size and massive computation cost have become the main obstacle for deployment of such powerful algorithm in the low power and resource-limited embedded systems. As the countermeasure to this problem, in this work, we propose statistical weight scaling and residual expansion methods to reduce the bit-width of the whole network weight parameters to ternary values (i.e. -1, 0, +1), with the objectives to greatly reduce model size, computation cost and accuracy degradation caused by the model compression. With about 16x model compression rate, our ternarized ResNet-32/44/56 could outperform full-precision counterparts by 0.12%, 0.24% and 0.18% on CIFAR- 10 dataset. We also test our ternarization method with AlexNet and ResNet-18 on ImageNet dataset, which both achieve the best top-1 accuracy compared to recent similar works, with the same 16x compression rate. If further incorporating our residual expansion method, compared to the full-precision counterpart, our ternarized ResNet-18 even improves the top-5 accuracy by 0.61% and merely degrades the top-1 accuracy only by 0.42% for the ImageNet dataset, with 8x model compression rate. It outperforms the recent ABC-Net by 1.03% in top-1 accuracy and 1.78% in top-5 accuracy, with around 1.25x higher compression rate and more than 6x computation reduction due to the weight sparsity

    Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Sparsity helps reduce the computational complexity of deep neural networks by skipping zeros. Taking advantage of sparsity is listed as a high priority in next generation DNN accelerators such as TPU. The structure of sparsity, i.e., the granularity of pruning, affects the efficiency of hardware accelerator design as well as the prediction accuracy. Coarse-grained pruning creates regular sparsity patterns, making it more amenable for hardware acceleration but more challenging to maintain the same accuracy. In this paper we quantitatively measure the trade-off between sparsity regularity and prediction accuracy, providing insights in how to maintain accuracy while having more a more structured sparsity pattern. Our experimental results show that coarse-grained pruning can achieve a sparsity ratio similar to unstructured pruning without loss of accuracy. Moreover, due to the index saving effect, coarse-grained pruning is able to obtain a better compression ratio than fine-grained sparsity at the same accuracy threshold. Based on the recent sparse convolutional neural network accelerator (SCNN), our experiments further demonstrate that coarse-grained sparsity saves about 2x the memory references compared to fine-grained sparsity. Since memory reference is more than two orders of magnitude more expensive than arithmetic operations, the regularity of sparse structure leads to more efficient hardware design.Comment: submitted to NIPS 201

    HadaNets: Flexible Quantization Strategies for Neural Networks

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    On-board processing elements on UAVs are currently inadequate for training and inference of Deep Neural Networks. This is largely due to the energy consumption of memory accesses in such a network. HadaNets introduce a flexible train-from-scratch tensor quantization scheme by pairing a full precision tensor to a binary tensor in the form of a Hadamard product. Unlike wider reduced precision neural network models, we preserve the train-time parameter count, thus out-performing XNOR-Nets without a train-time memory penalty. Such training routines could see great utility in semi-supervised online learning tasks. Our method also offers advantages in model compression, as we reduce the model size of ResNet-18 by 7.43 times with respect to a full precision model without utilizing any other compression techniques. We also demonstrate a 'Hadamard Binary Matrix Multiply' kernel, which delivers a 10-fold increase in performance over full precision matrix multiplication with a similarly optimized kernel.Comment: Accepted in CVPR 2019, UAVision 201

    Extremely Low Bit Neural Network: Squeeze the Last Bit Out with ADMM

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    Although deep learning models are highly effective for various learning tasks, their high computational costs prohibit the deployment to scenarios where either memory or computational resources are limited. In this paper, we focus on compressing and accelerating deep models with network weights represented by very small numbers of bits, referred to as extremely low bit neural network. We model this problem as a discretely constrained optimization problem. Borrowing the idea from Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM), we decouple the continuous parameters from the discrete constraints of network, and cast the original hard problem into several subproblems. We propose to solve these subproblems using extragradient and iterative quantization algorithms that lead to considerably faster convergency compared to conventional optimization methods. Extensive experiments on image recognition and object detection verify that the proposed algorithm is more effective than state-of-the-art approaches when coming to extremely low bit neural network
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