28,446 research outputs found

    Distribution matching for transduction

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    Many transductive inference algorithms assume that distributions over training and test estimates should be related, e.g. by providing a large margin of separation on both sets. We use this idea to design a transduction algorithm which can be used without modification for classification, regression, and structured estimation. At its heart we exploit the fact that for a good learner the distributions over the outputs on training and test sets should match. This is a classical two-sample problem which can be solved efficiently in its most general form by using distance measures in Hilbert Space. It turns out that a number of existing heuristics can be viewed as special cases of our approach.

    Structured learning of metric ensembles with application to person re-identification

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    Matching individuals across non-overlapping camera networks, known as person re-identification, is a fundamentally challenging problem due to the large visual appearance changes caused by variations of viewpoints, lighting, and occlusion. Approaches in literature can be categoried into two streams: The first stream is to develop reliable features against realistic conditions by combining several visual features in a pre-defined way; the second stream is to learn a metric from training data to ensure strong inter-class differences and intra-class similarities. However, seeking an optimal combination of visual features which is generic yet adaptive to different benchmarks is a unsoved problem, and metric learning models easily get over-fitted due to the scarcity of training data in person re-identification. In this paper, we propose two effective structured learning based approaches which explore the adaptive effects of visual features in recognizing persons in different benchmark data sets. Our framework is built on the basis of multiple low-level visual features with an optimal ensemble of their metrics. We formulate two optimization algorithms, CMCtriplet and CMCstruct, which directly optimize evaluation measures commonly used in person re-identification, also known as the Cumulative Matching Characteristic (CMC) curve.Comment: 16 pages. Extended version of "Learning to Rank in Person Re-Identification With Metric Ensembles", at http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2015/html/Paisitkriangkrai_Learning_to_Rank_2015_CVPR_paper.html. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.0154

    Stochastic Attraction-Repulsion Embedding for Large Scale Image Localization

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    This paper tackles the problem of large-scale image-based localization (IBL) where the spatial location of a query image is determined by finding out the most similar reference images in a large database. For solving this problem, a critical task is to learn discriminative image representation that captures informative information relevant for localization. We propose a novel representation learning method having higher location-discriminating power. It provides the following contributions: 1) we represent a place (location) as a set of exemplar images depicting the same landmarks and aim to maximize similarities among intra-place images while minimizing similarities among inter-place images; 2) we model a similarity measure as a probability distribution on L_2-metric distances between intra-place and inter-place image representations; 3) we propose a new Stochastic Attraction and Repulsion Embedding (SARE) loss function minimizing the KL divergence between the learned and the actual probability distributions; 4) we give theoretical comparisons between SARE, triplet ranking and contrastive losses. It provides insights into why SARE is better by analyzing gradients. Our SARE loss is easy to implement and pluggable to any CNN. Experiments show that our proposed method improves the localization performance on standard benchmarks by a large margin. Demonstrating the broad applicability of our method, we obtained the third place out of 209 teams in the 2018 Google Landmark Retrieval Challenge. Our code and model are available at https://github.com/Liumouliu/deepIBL.Comment: ICC
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