1,461 research outputs found

    Predavanje z Zhu Xijevega vidika o povpraševanju in učenju za sodobno napredno humanistično učenje in raziskovanje

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    We are bearing witness to the rapid rise of a brave new world of education as flashy websites and interactive software replace individual study and classroom lectures. The expansion of college lecture halls has been stretched thin with video lessons and distance learning, and the siren call of massive open online courses (MOOCs) by star Ivy League professors renders the traditional classroom barren in the eyes of savvy students who have the system pegged.Several questions arise in this context. Can the students of today receive a college education in the full sense? Does learning still have the same quality without close interactions with teachers and classmates in small to medium sized classrooms? Does research hold the same significance today when much of the work is done and so much information supplied by computers? What lessons do Zhu Xi’s teachings on inquiry and learning have for this educational world of e-texts and cyber-lessons? While not a Luddite tract, the present study raises questions and concerns about the goals and conduct of higher education today which, as Heisenberg avers, should not only aim at transmitting knowledge understood in set ways, but also at inculcating new ways of thinking and understanding.A college education, as Zhu Xi holds for “advanced learning”, is as much about cultivating a thoughtful, responsible person as producing a professional expert. Such education should include cultivating a student’s sensitivity, logic, and judgment, as well as knowledge about humanity, society, and the world. It is often forgotten that such sensitivity, logic, knowledge, and commitment not only make the student more thoughtful and responsible, in short more self-conscious, but also give her additional perspectives and enhance her professional expertise.V sodobnem svetu smo priča eksplozivnemu naraščanju izobraževalnih sistemov krasnega novega sveta. Bleščeče spletne strani in interaktivni programi so v nekaterih primerih že nadomestili individualne pedagoške pristope ter učenje v predavalnicah in učilnicah. Tako študij vse pogosteje poteka preko posnetih predavanj in učenja na daljavo. Skušnjave množičnih spletnih tečajev odprtega tipa so že premamile marsikaterega študenta in marsikdo že meni, da so tradicionalne učilnice zastarele in premalo učinkovite.S tem se odpira vrsta vprašanj. Ali imajo študentje na sodobnih fakultetah sploh še možnost pridobivanja celovite univerzitetne izobrazbe? Ali je pouk brez osebnega stika med učitelji in učenci v fizičnih učilnicah res enako kakovosten? Ali je raziskovanje dandanes, ko lahko veliko dela namesto nas opravijo računalniki, ki nas zalagajo z nepregledno množico informacij, še vedno enako pomembno, kot je bilo prej? In kaj bi nas lahko v svetu digitalnih besedil in spletnih tečajev naučil Zhu Xi? Študija sicer nima namena najti rešitve za vse probleme, ki nastajajo v procesu omenjene tranzicije, vendar obravnava vprašanja, povezana s cilji in postopki sodobnega izobraževanja, ki naj bi, kot poudarja Henderson, pomenilo več kot zgolj posredovanje znanja. Pravo izobraževanje bi moralo namreč temeljiti tudi na uvajanju novih načinov razmišljanja in razumevanja.Zhu Xijevo tako imenovano »napredno učenje«, ki je primerljivo s sodobnim univerzitetnim izobraževanjem, se ne osredotoča zgolj na proizvodnjo strokovno podkovanih specialistov, temveč tudi na kultivacijo razmišljajočega, odgovornega človeka. Takšna izobrazba mora vključevati tako razvoj logičnega mišljenja in razumnega odločanja kot tudi razumevanje človeka, družbe in sveta. Dandanes se pogosto pozablja, da je treba faktično znanje in logično razmišljanje povezati tudi s senzibilnostjo in predanostjo; takšna celovita izobrazba pomaga študentom do večjega samozaupanja, hkrati pa odpira nove perspektive in s tem izboljšuje tudi njihovo strokovno znanje

    Trinity College Commencement Program, 2014

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    Prospectus, May 2, 1984

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    SUPPORT YOUR COLLEGE! VOTE FOR STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICERS; News Digest; Students protest CIA campus recruitment; PC Happenings; Humanities Awards Program Summer Research; Student Government candidate platforms; Fearing suits, many colleges move to control students closely; Creative Corner...Especially for you!!; Energy from the Garden; Elf; Bums; Rites of Passage; Angie; To Those Who Have Loved and Lost...; Nuclear Weapons Freeze; Finney\u27s Famous Fanwich, on Rye; Settlement on the Sangamon; Freedom summer campaign seeks 5,000 students; Campaign for a Humane Center; Non-Event kick-off; Did you know...; Classifieds; Parkland\u27s Fine Art students\u27 work exhibited in Art Gallery; Philosophy discussion group--know yourself and your world; Top AHT students receive awards; March of Dimes plans events; Two artists exhibit work; Campus springtime; \u27The Hollywood Hall of Shame\u27 -- behind the scenes dirt; \u27Android\u27 high quality with low budget; WILL airs high drama; Sports Digest; Midwest Open successful; Parkland\u27s women\u27s basketball team finishes third offensively; Scholarships should help Parkland\u27s athletics; Cobras split with Vincennes with two from Olneyhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1984/1022/thumbnail.jp

    Commencement, 2004

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    Program for the One Hundred Sixty-Seventh Commencement of Marshall University

    Spartan Daily, October 6, 1972

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    Volume 60, Issue 13https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/5648/thumbnail.jp

    The Hukou and Land Tenure Systems as Two Middle Income Traps—the Case of Modern China [post-print]

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    China’s prevailing hukou (household registration) system and land tenure system seem to be very different in their applications. In fact, they both function to deny the exit right of rural residents from a rural community. Under these systems, rural residents are not allowed to freely exit from collectives if they do not want to lose their entitlements, such as their rights to using collectively owned land and their land-based properties. Farmers are neither allowed to sell their houses to outsiders, nor allowed to sell to outsiders their rights to contracting a piece of land from the collective where their households are registered. For migrant workers from rural areas, it is extremely difficult for them to obtain an urban hukou with all its associated entitlements at an urban locality where they currently work and live. The combined effect of the two systems leads to serious distortions in labor and land markets, resulting in discrimination against migrant workers, sprawling yet exclusive urbanization, housing bubbles, and depressed domestic demand. These distortions further entrench the existing and much widened urban/rural divide. Unless these two systems are thoroughly reformed, the rural residents in Chinese mainland will be trapped in their comparatively much lower income and remain unable to share the gains from the agglomeration effects of urbanization

    What Gets Checked At The Door? Embracing Students\u27 Complex Mathematical Identities

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    Identity formation is complex, ongoing, and context specific. To be successful in mathematics classes, students must negotiate and navigate the normative identity of the class--what counts as being good at math (Cobb, Gresalfi & Hodge, 2009). Within the constraints of normative identity, students must also negotiate a personal doer-of-math identity: who they are within the context of this particular mathematics class. When students are compelled to suppress key aspects of their identity in order to accommodate the normative identity of the class cognitive bandwidth for learning may be impeded (Steele, 1997). Conversely, when students are guided in braiding individual identity traits with the normative identity, they may improve their personal opportunities for learning and benefit the class. This article describes how one student learned to use her powers for good as a comedian-mathematician. It offers analysis of how a teacher helped her student become good-at-math while keeping true-to-self

    Exploring Ethical Issues in Animal Experimentation

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    This report explores the ethical issues surrounding animal testing culture at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and in the broader bioscience and academic communities. Surveys and discussions were carried out to make observations on the animal testing culture. Another integral part of this project was the effort to establish a student-choice dissection policy as an attempt to change the culture at WPI for the better. The discussions throughout this paper center around the philosophical writings of animal rights advocates with our own critical thoughts. Recommendations for WPI are included in the concluding sections