76 research outputs found

    Kachina - Foundations of Private Smart Contracts

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    Smart contracts present a uniform approach for deploying distributed computation and have become a popular means to develop security critical applications. A major barrier to adoption for many applications is the public nature of existing systems, such as Ethereum. Several systems satisfying various definitions of privacy and requiring various trust assumptions have been proposed; however, none achieved the universality and uniformity that Ethereum achieved for non-private contracts: One unified method to construct most contracts. We provide a unified security model for private smart contracts which is based on the Universal Composition (UC) model and propose a novel core protocol, Kachina, for deploying privacy-preserving smart contracts, which encompasses previous systems. We demonstrate the Kachina method of smart contract development, using it to construct a contract that implements privacy-preserving payments, along the lines of Zerocash, which is provably secure in the UC setting and facilitates concurrency

    SoK: Privacy-Preserving Computing in the Blockchain Era

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    Privacy is a huge concern for cryptocurrencies and blockchains as most of these systems log everything in the clear. This has resulted in several academic and industrial initiatives to address privacy. Starting with the UTXO model of Bitcoin, initial works brought confidentiality and anonymity to payments. Recent works have expanded to support more generalized forms of private computation. Such solutions tend to be highly involved as they rely on advanced cryptographic primitives and creative techniques to handle issues related to dealing with private records (e.g. concurrency and double spending). This situation makes it hard to comprehend the current state-of-the-art, much less build on top of it. To address these challenges, we develop a systematization of knowledge for privacy-preserving solutions in blockchain. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first of its kind. After motivating design challenges, we devise two systematization frameworks---the first as a stepping stone to the second---and use them to study the state-of-the-art. For our first framework, we study the zero-knowledge proof systems used in surveyed solutions, based on their key features and limitations. Our second is for blockchain privacy-preserving solutions; we define several dimensions to categorize the surveyed schemes and, in doing so, identify two major paradigms employed to achieve private computation. We go on to provide insights to guide solutions\u27 adoption and development. Finally, we touch upon challenges related to limited functionality, practicality, and accommodating new developments

    Foundations of decentralised privacy

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    Distributed ledgers, and specifically blockchains, have been an immensely popular investment in the past few years. The heart of their popularity is due to their novel approach toward financial assets: They replace the need for central, trusted institutions such as banks with cryptography, ensuring no one entity has authority over the system. In the light of record distrust in many established institutions, this is attractive both as a method to combat institutional control and to demonstrate transparency. What better way to manage distrust than to embrace it? While distributed ledgers have achieved great things in removing the need to trust institutions, most notably the creation of fully decentralised assets, their practice falls short of the idealistic goals often seen in the field. One of their greatest shortcomings lies in a fundamental conflict with privacy. Distributed ledgers and surrounding technologies rely heavily on the transparent replication of data, a practice which makes keeping anything hidden very difficult. This thesis makes use of the powerful cryptography of succinct non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs to provide a foundation for re-establishing privacy in the decentralised setting. It discusses the security assumptions and requirements of succinct zero-knowledge proofs atlength, establishing a new framework for handling security proofs about them, and reducing the setup required to that already present in commonly used distributed ledgers. It further demonstrates the possibility of privacy-preserving proof-of-stake, removing the need for costly proofs-of-work for a privacy-focused distributed ledger. Finally, it lays out a solid foundation for a smart contract system supporting privacy – putting into the hands of contract authors the tools necessary to innovate and introduce new privacy features

    Multiverse of HawkNess: A Universally-Composable MPC-based Hawk Variant

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    The evolution of Smart contracts in recent years inspired a crucial question: Do smart contract evaluation protocols provide the required level of privacy when executing contracts on the Blockchain? The Hawk (IEEE S&P \u2716) paper introduces a way to solve the problem of privacy in smart contracts by evaluating the contracts off-chain, albeit with the trust assumption of a manager. To avoid the partially trusted manager altogether, a novel approach named zkHawk (IEEE BRAINS \u2721) explains how we can evaluate the contracts privately off-chain using a multi-party computation (MPC) protocol instead of trusting said manager. This paper dives deeper into the detailed construction of a variant of the zkHawk protocol titled V-zkHawk using formal proofs to construct the said protocol and model its security in the universal composability (UC) framework (FOCS \u2701). The V-zkHawk protocol discussed here does not support immediate closure, i.e, all the parties (nn) have to send a message to inform the blockchain that the contract has been executed with corruption allowed for up to tt parties, where t<nt<n. In the most quintessential sense, the V-zkHawk is a variant because the outcome of the protocol is similar (i.e., execution of smart contract via an MPC function evaluation) to zkHawk, but we modify key aspects of the protocol essentially creating a small trade-off (removing immediate closure) to provide UC (stronger) security. The V-zkHawk protocol leverages joint Schnorr signature schemes, encryption schemes, Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs (NIZKs), and commitment schemes with Common Reference String (CRS) assumptions, MPC function evaluations, and assumes the existence of asynchronous, authenticated broadcast channels. We achieve malicious security in a dishonest majority setting in the UC framework

    Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts

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    The proliferation of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO), which in current form are exposed to front-running of token transactions and proposal voting, demonstrate the need to shield user inputs and internal state from the parties executing smart contracts. In this work we present “Eagle”, an efficient UC-secure protocol which efficiently realises a notion of privacy preserving smart contracts where both the amounts of tokens and the auxiliary data given as input to a contract are kept private from all parties but the one providing the input. Prior proposals realizing privacy preserving smart contracts on public, permissionless blockchains generally offer a limited contract functionality or require a trusted third party to manage private inputs and state. We achieve our results through a combination of secure multi-party computation (MPC) and zero-knowledge proofs on Pedersen commitments. Although other approaches leverage MPC in this setting, these incur impractical computational overheads by requiring the computation of cryptographic primitives within MPC. Our solution achieves security without the need of any cryptographic primitives to be computed inside the MPC instance and only require a constant amount of exponentiations per client input

    Smart Contracts Obfuscation from Blockchain-based One-time Program

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    We propose a cryptographic obfuscation scheme for smart contracts from one-time programs using a blockchain, a garbled circuit, and witness encryption. The proposed scheme protects not only the privacy of its input data and states but also the privacy of its algorithm and hardcoded secrets. Its security depends on existing secure blockchains and does not require the honest majority of secure multiparty computation and trusted hardware. This scheme is more efficient than obfuscating an entire program with indistinguishability obfuscation. In addition, it needs a trusted setup, but its security is protected unless all participants of the setup process are malicious

    Dialektos: Privacy-preserving Smart Contracts

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    Digital ledger technologies supporting smart contracts usually does not ensure any privacy for user transactions or state. Most solutions to this problem either use private network setups, centralized parties, hardware enclaves, or cryptographic primitives, which are novel, complex, and computationally expensive. This paper looks into an alternative way of implementing smart contracts. Our construction of a protocol for smart contracts employs an overlay protocol design pattern for decentralized applications, which separates transaction ordering from transaction validation. This enables consensus on application state while revealing only encrypted versions of transactions to public consensus protocol network. UTXO-based smart contract model allows partitioning state of distributed ledger in a way that participants would need to decrypt and reach consensus only on those transactions, which are relevant to them. We present security analysis, which shows that, assuming presence of a secure consensus protocol, our construction achieves consensus on UTXO-based transactions, while hiding most of transaction details from all protocol parties, except a limited subset of parties, which need particular transactions for construction of their state

    SoK: Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract

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    The privacy concern in smart contract applications continues to grow, leading to the proposal of various schemes aimed at developing comprehensive and universally applicable privacy-preserving smart contract (PPSC) schemes. However, the existing research in this area is fragmented and lacks a comprehensive system overview. This paper aims to bridge the existing research gap on PPSC schemes by systematizing previous studies in this field. The primary focus is on two categories: PPSC schemes based on cryptographic tools like zero-knowledge proofs, as well as schemes based on trusted execution environments. In doing so, we aim to provide a condensed summary of the different approaches taken in constructing PPSC schemes. Additionally, we also offer a comparative analysis of these approaches, highlighting the similarities and differences between them. Furthermore, we shed light on the challenges that developers face when designing and implementing PPSC schemes. Finally, we delve into potential future directions for improving and advancing these schemes, discussing possible avenues for further research and development

    Flexible Anonymous Transactions (FLAX): Towards Privacy-Preserving and Composable Decentralized Finance

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    Decentralized finance (DeFi) refers to interoperable smart contracts running on distributed ledgers offering financial services beyond payments. Recently, there has been an explosion of DeFi applications centered on Ethereum, with close to a hundred billion USD in total assets deposited as of September 2021. These applications provide financial services such as asset management, trading, and lending. The wide adoption of DeFi has raised important concerns, and among them is the key issue of privacy---DeFi applications store account balances in the clear, exposing financial positions to public scrutiny. In this work, we propose a framework of anonymous and composable DeFi on public-state smart contract platforms. First, we define a cryptographic primitive called a flexible anonymous transaction (FLAX) system with two distinctive features: (1) transactions authenticate additional information known as ``associated data\u27\u27 and (2) transactions can be applied flexibly via a parameter that is determined at processing time, e.g. during the execution time of smart contracts. Second, we design an anonymous token standard (extending ERC20), which admits composable usage of anonymous funds by other contracts. Third, we demonstrate how the FLAX token standard can realize privacy-preserving variants of the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem of today---we show contract designs for asset pools, decentralized exchanges, and lending, covering the largest DeFi projects to date including Curve, Uniswap, Dai stablecoin, Aave, Compound, and Yearn. Lastly, we provide formal security definitions for FLAX and describe instantiations from existing designs of anonymous payments such as Zerocash, RingCT, Quisquis, and Zether

    Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts

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    The proliferation of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO), which in current form are exposed to front-running of token transactions and proposal voting, demonstrate the need to shield user inputs and internal state from the parties executing smart contracts. In this work we present “Eagle”, an efficient UC-secure protocol which efficiently realises a notion of privacy preserving smart contracts where both the amounts of tokens and the auxiliary data given as input to a contract are kept private from all parties but the one providing the input. Prior proposals realizing privacy preserving smart contracts on public, permissionless blockchains generally offer a limited contract functionality or require a trusted third party to manage private inputs and state. We achieve our results through a combination of secure multi-party computation (MPC) and zero-knowledge proofs on Pedersen commitments. Although other approaches leverage MPC in this setting, these incur impractical computational overheads by requiring the computation of cryptographic primitives within MPC. Our solution achieves security without the need of any cryptographic primitives to be computed inside the MPC instance and only require a constant amount of exponentiations per client input