375 research outputs found

    Jubilæumsnummer 1/2012

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    En replik om kønsforskning, videnskabelige metoder og psykologiens genstand

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    Psyke & Logos' redaktion har bedt om kommentarer til den omtale af temanummeret om kønsforskning og psykologi, 1/94, som T. Ungar Andersen er fremkommet med i det efterfølgende nummer af tidskriftet: Psyke & Logos 2/94. Vi har taget imod opfordringen - l.M. Gulbrandsen i egenskab af artikelforfatter til nummeret og D.M.Søndergaard i egenskab af gæsteredaktør og artikelforfatter. Vi skal ikke gå i detaljer med alle punkter i det omfattende skrift, Ungar Andersen har leveret, men blot fremdrage de punkter, vi anser det for interessant og konstruktivt at indgå i en dialog omkring.Psyke & Logos' redaktion har bedt om kommentarer til den omtale af temanummeret om kønsforskning og psykologi, 1/94, som T. Ungar Andersen er fremkommet med i det efterfølgende nummer af tidskriftet: Psyke & Logos 2/94. Vi har taget imod opfordringen - l.M. Gulbrandsen i egenskab af artikelforfatter til nummeret og D.M.Søndergaard i egenskab af gæsteredaktør og artikelforfatter. Vi skal ikke gå i detaljer med alle punkter i det omfattende skrift, Ungar Andersen har leveret, men blot fremdrage de punkter, vi anser det for interessant og konstruktivt at indgå i en dialog omkring

    At skrive queer historie

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    The article examines how queer theory has affected research on Danish gender and sexuality history from the year 2000 and up until today. The article does so by pursuing two analytical objectives. First, the article identifies a series of significant elements within queer theory as a theoretical framework. The article categorises the elements as: 1) an anti-essentialist point of departure, 2) a critical view on the normal, and 3) an opposition against proper objects. Second, the article examines how researchers with an interest in Danish gender and sexuality history have deployed these elements in their own studies in recent decades. The article makes a broad examination of historical research in academia and includes studies from disciplines like history, literary scholarship, sociology, and gender studies. Its argument is that queer theory has affected research on Danish gender and sexuality history by building on existing historical studies of homosexuality and by taking these studies in new directions


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    Foreningen for Kønsforskning: Årsberetning 2012Call for papers and panels: NORA conference - Voices in Nordic Gender Researc


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    Klassernes fortsatte forsvinden

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    The notion of intersectionality has become important in order to understand the condition of the subject in a society that among other factors are characterized by changing gender relations.  The notion relates itself to a society in which categories such as gender, class, ethnicity, age, sexual preferences, etc. interact with each other in novel and a more fluid and fluctuant way than earlier. Even though, internationally, feminist research has begun to focus on the intersection between different categories, it seems that the attention directed towards class is still minimized; class somehow seems to continue to live in obscurity, which is why a reflection of a distant past comes to mind as the class category by various means has a history of marginalisation within the feminist agenda. The article thus emphasizes the need to develop new feminist ways of thinking and writing about class


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    Humanistiske universitetsforskeres vidensformidling og videnssamarbejde

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