15 research outputs found

    Vanishing viscosity limit for compressible magnetohydrodynamics equations with transverse background magnetic field

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    We are concerned with the uniform regularity estimates and vanishing viscosity limit of solution to two dimensional viscous compressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations with transverse background magnetic field. When the magnetic field is assumed to be transverse to the boundary and the tangential component of magnetic field satisfies zero Neumann boundary condition, even though the velocity is imposed the no-slip boundary condition, the uniform regularity estimates of solution and its derivatives still can be achieved in suitable conormal Sobolev spaces in the half plane R+2\mathbb{R}^2_+, and then the vanishing viscosity limit is justified in L∞L^\infty sense based on these uniform regularity estimates and some compactness arguments. At the same time, together with \cite{CLX21}, our results show that the transverse background magnetic field can prevent the strong boundary layer from occurring for compressible magnetohydrodynamics whether there is magnetic diffusion or not.Comment: 33 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2108.1296

    Prandtl boundary layer expansion with strong boundary layers for inhomogeneous incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations in Sobolev framework

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    We consider the validity of Prandtl boundary layer expansion of solutions to the initial boundary value problem for inhomogeneous incompressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations in the half plane when both viscosity and resistivity coefficients tend to zero, where the no-slip boundary condition is imposed on velocity while the perfectly conducting condition is given on magnetic field. Since there exist strong boundary layers, the essential difficulty in establishing the uniform L∞L^\infty estimates of the error functions comes from the unboundedness of curl of the strong boundary layers. Under the assumptions that the viscosity and resistivity coefficients take the same order of a small parameter and the initial tangential magnetic field has a positive lower bound near the boundary, we prove the validity of Prandtl ansatz in L∞L^\infty sense in Sobolev framework. Compared with the homogeneous incompressible case considered in \cite{LXY192}, some suitable functionals should be designed and the elaborated co-normal energy estimates will be involved in analysis due to the variation of density and the interaction between the density and velocity.Comment: 50 page