6 research outputs found

    Automatic Classification of Queries by Expected Retrieval Performance

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    International audienceThis paper presents a method for automatically predicting a degree of average relevance of a retrieved document set returned by a retrieval system in response to a query. For a given retrieval system and document collection, prediction is conceived as query classification. Two classes of queries have been defined: easy and hard. The split point between those two classes is the median value of the average precision over the query collection. This paper proposes several classifiers that select useful features among a set of candidates and use them to predict the class of a query. Classifiers are trained on the results of the systems involved in the TREC 8 campaign. Due to the limited number of available queries, training and test are performed with the leave-one-out and 10-fold cross-validation methods. Two types of classifiers, namely decision trees and support vector machines provide particularly interesting results for a number of systems. A fairly high classification accuracy is obtained using the TREC 8 data (more than 80% of correct prediction in some settings)

    The voting model for people search

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    The thesis investigates how persons in an enterprise organisation can be ranked in response to a query, so that those persons with relevant expertise to the query topic are ranked first. The expertise areas of the persons are represented by documentary evidence of expertise, known as candidate profiles. The statement of this research work is that the expert search task in an enterprise setting can be successfully and effectively modelled using a voting paradigm. In the so-called Voting Model, when a document is retrieved for a query, this document represents a vote for every expert associated with the document to have relevant expertise to the query topic. This voting paradigm is manifested by the proposition of various voting techniques that aggregate the votes from documents to candidate experts. Moreover, the research work demonstrates that these voting techniques can be modelled in terms of a Bayesian belief network, providing probabilistic semantics for the proposed voting paradigm. The proposed voting techniques are thoroughly evaluated on three standard expert search test collections, deriving conclusions concerning each component of the Voting Model, namely the method used to identify the documents that represent each candidate's expertise areas, the weighting models that are used to rank the documents, and the voting techniques which are used to convert the ranking of documents into the ranking of experts. Effective settings are identified and insights about the behaviour of each voting technique are derived. Moreover, the practical aspects of deploying an expert search engine such as its efficiency and how it should be trained are also discussed. This thesis includes an investigation of the relationship between the quality of the underlying ranking of documents and the resulting effectiveness of the voting techniques. The thesis shows that various effective document retrieval approaches have a positive impact on the performance of the voting techniques. Interestingly, it also shows that a `perfect' ranking of documents does not necessarily translate into an equally perfect ranking of candidates. Insights are provided into the reasons for this, which relate to the complexity of evaluating tasks based on ranking aggregates of documents. Furthermore, it is shown how query expansion can be adapted and integrated into the expert search process, such that the query expansion successfully acts on a pseudo-relevant set containing only a list of names of persons. Five ways of performing query expansion in the expert search task are proposed, which vary in the extent to which they tackle expert search-specific problems, in particular, the occurrence of topic drift within the expertise evidence for each candidate. Not all documentary evidence of expertise for a given person are equally useful, nor may there be sufficient expertise evidence for a relevant person within an enterprise. This thesis investigates various approaches to identify the high quality evidence for each person, and shows how the World Wide Web can be mined as a resource to find additional expertise evidence. This thesis also demonstrates how the proposed model can be applied to other people search tasks such as ranking blog(ger)s in the blogosphere setting, and suggesting reviewers for the submitted papers to an academic conference. The central contributions of this thesis are the introduction of the Voting Model, and the definition of a number of voting techniques within the model. The thesis draws insights from an extremely large and exhaustive set of experiments, involving many experimental parameters, and using different test collections for several people search tasks. This illustrates the effectiveness and the generality of the Voting Model at tackling various people search tasks and, indeed, the retrieval of aggregates of documents in general

    Index ordering by query-independent measures

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    There is an ever-increasing amount of data that is being produced from various data sources — this data must then be organised effectively if we hope to search though it. Traditional information retrieval approaches search through all available data in a particular collection in order to find the most suitable results, however, for particularly large collections this may be extremely time consuming. Our purposed solution to this problem is to only search a limited amount of the collection at query-time, in order to speed this retrieval process up. Although, in doing this we aim to limit the loss in retrieval efficacy (in terms of accuracy of results). The way we aim to do this is to firstly identify the most “important” documents within the collection, and then sort the documents within the collection in order of their "importance” in the collection. In this way we can choose to limit the amount of information to search through, by eliminating the documents of lesser importance, which should not only make the search more efficient, but should also limit any loss in retrieval accuracy. In this thesis we investigate various different query-independent methods that may indicate the importance of a document in a collection. The more accurate the measure is at determining an important document, the more effectively we can eliminate documents from the retrieval process - improving the query-throughput of the system, as well as providing a high level of accuracy in the returned results. The effectiveness of these approaches are evaluated using the datasets provided by the terabyte track at the Text REtreival Conference (TREC)

    Selective web information retrieval

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    This thesis proposes selective Web information retrieval, a framework formulated in terms of statistical decision theory, with the aim to apply an appropriate retrieval approach on a per-query basis. The main component of the framework is a decision mechanism that selects an appropriate retrieval approach on a per-query basis. The selection of a particular retrieval approach is based on the outcome of an experiment, which is performed before the final ranking of the retrieved documents. The experiment is a process that extracts features from a sample of the set of retrieved documents. This thesis investigates three broad types of experiments. The first one counts the occurrences of query terms in the retrieved documents, indicating the extent to which the query topic is covered in the document collection. The second type of experiments considers information from the distribution of retrieved documents in larger aggregates of related Web documents, such as whole Web sites, or directories within Web sites. The third type of experiments estimates the usefulness of the hyperlink structure among a sample of the set of retrieved Web documents. The proposed experiments are evaluated in the context of both informational and navigational search tasks with an optimal Bayesian decision mechanism, where it is assumed that relevance information exists. This thesis further investigates the implications of applying selective Web information retrieval in an operational setting, where the tuning of a decision mechanism is based on limited existing relevance information and the information retrieval system’s input is a stream of queries related to mixed informational and navigational search tasks. First, the experiments are evaluated using different training and testing query sets, as well as a mixture of different types of queries. Second, query sampling is introduced, in order to approximate the queries that a retrieval system receives, and to tune an ad-hoc decision mechanism with a broad set of automatically sampled queries

    Juru at trec 2003 - topic distillation using query-sensitive tuning and cohesiveness filtering

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    This is the third year that our group participates in TREC's Web track, the second year in the topic distillation task. Our experiments last year, as well as those of other participants, indicated that sophisticated link-based measures did not significantly improve search results in comparison to standard text-based relevance scoring. W