83 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Kepolisian dalam Melakukan Penyelidikan Tindak Pidana Penipuan Online Melalui Media Elektronik Internet

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    This study uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly by the police who handle online fraud cases via the internet, while secondary data is obtained through literature studies. The data were analyzed qualitatively and then presented descriptively by explaining and describing according to the related problems. The results of the study show that: Investigations of online fraud crimes handled by the police are still not effective so the ineffectiveness of the investigation results in a large backlog of cases that are not resolved properl

    Kajian Yuridis Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

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    This research aims to examine and analyze the effectiveness of law enforcement against criminal acts of domestic violence and the factors that become obstacles to law enforcement against criminal acts of domestic violence. The method used in the research is a juridical and sociological approach. The results of the research show that in this study criminal law enforcement regarding domestic violence was less effective due to the existence of several conflicting laws and regulations governing domestic violence such as Criminal Code Law Number 39 of 1999 and Law number 23 of 2004. In connection with several of the cases presented, it can be stated that the law regarding the eradication of domestic violence has only just begun to be socialized and handled well, so that the perpetrators have begun to receive appropriate punishment and the victims receive legal protection and a sense of security. as citizens and as members of society, as well as the existence of law enforcers who are not yet professional in dealing with criminal acts of domestic violence and also the public's legal awareness is still lacking, because there is still an assumption that women are under the auspices of me

    Kajian Yuridis Pengesahan Perkawinan di Pengadilan Agama

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    This study aims to determine the judge's legal considerations for the legalization of marriage (isbat nikah) based on decision no. 189/Pdt.P/2021/PA.Pare, and application of judge's law to the legalization of marriage (isbat nikah) based on decision no. 189/Pdt.P/2021/PA.Pare. This research uses a type of normative research with a statutory approach and a case study approach, the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The types and sources of legal materials use primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The results of this study indicate that determining the case for a marriage certificate by the judge in decision No. 189/Pdt.P/2021/PA.Pare by the applicants Hriyandi bin H. Abd Rahman and Khofifah Nur Syahrah bint Hasbulla were declared legally valid. The marriage of the applicants is following Islamic law and has fulfilled the provisions of Article 14 to Article 30 of the Compilation of Islamic Law regarding the terms and pillars of marriage

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pemenuhan Hak Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

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    This study aims to find out the rights of workers according to Law No. 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation and to find out about Legal Protection for Occupational Safety and Health According to Legislation at PB Medina in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The type of research used is the type of research used in this research is normative and empirical research or commonly known as legal research which combines the two. Based on the analysis of data and facts from research results and discussion, as follows: Some of the articles regulated in Law Number. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation has not sufficiently regulated the issue of labor rights. For example, those that regulate Work Agreements for a Specific Time (PKWT), wages, provincial or district/city minimum wages, serious errors in layoffs by workers/laborers, and the right to apply for labor if they feel disadvantaged. The Labor Law, which was 17 years old until the entry into force of the Job Creation Law, is currently unable to answer issues regarding labor rights and is considered very detrimental. The implementation of labor protection at Rice Milling  Madina Sidenreng Rappang has been carried out by using the application of an occupational safety and health system. aims to provide security, safety, and health at work. The company protects all workers by providing work safety and security equipment and guidance regarding using PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). However, in practice, the application of OSH has not been carried out optimally, this is evidenced by the presence of workers/laborers who do not follow the SOPs applied by the company by not using personal protective equipment while working

    Analisis Yuridis Kepemilikan Ex Tanah Adat Pada Masyarakat Pamboang

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    The aims of this research were to find out the process of acquiring individual rights in the Pamboang community to become individual ownership rights and to understand the handling of obstacles faced in obtaining legal certainty regarding individual ownership rights over customary land in the Pamboang community, Majene Regency. This research was an empirical normative study. The data collection method in this research were primer data and seconder. The result of this research was the process of obtaining rights over customary land and converting it into individual ownership in the Pamboang community, Majene Regency, involves three stages. In order to be recognized as ownership rights over land, it must meet certain requirements or essential elements contained within the concept of ownership itself, such as the elements of hereditary, strongest, and fulfilled, as well as other elements like social function. In order to obtain evidence of ownership rights over land in the form of a land certificate, the land must be registered with the National Land Agency.The aims of this research were to find out the process of acquiring individual rights in the Pamboang community to become individual ownership rights and to understand the handling of obstacles faced in obtaining legal certainty regarding individual ownership rights over customary land in the Pamboang community, Majene Regency. This research was an empirical normative study. The data collection method in this research were primer data and seconder. The result of this research was the process of obtaining rights over customary land and converting it into individual ownership in the Pamboang community, Majene Regency, involves three stages. In order to be recognized as ownership rights over land, it must meet certain requirements or essential elements contained within the concept of ownership itself, such as the elements of hereditary, strongest, and fulfilled, as well as other elements like social function. In order to obtain evidence of ownership rights over land in the form of a land certificate, the land must be registered with the National Land Agency

    Membongkar Kedalaman Kriminalitas: Analisis Ilmiah Pembunuhan Terhadap Orang Tua Tiri

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    This normative legal research employs a statutory approach and utilizes a case study from a court in Parepare City. Primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials serve as sources. The qualitative prescriptive analysis focuses on the crime of murder under Article 340 of the Criminal Code, as evidenced in Decision Number: 52/Pid.B/2022/Pn Pre. The public prosecutor presented three indictments, with the first proven against the defendant, Sahrul Alias Callu Bin Sirajuddin. The panel of judges, in Verdict Number: 52/Pid.B/2022/Pn Pre, declared the defendant guilty of premeditated murder, sentencing him to 7 years in prison. The verdict considered various factors, including prosecutor demands, trial facts, and elements fulfillment, alongside aggravating and mitigating circumstances

    Kajian Yuridis Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga

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    This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the forms of domestic violence regulated in Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning Domestic Violence. And to find out the factors behind the occurrence of domestic violence in Parepare City in Parepare City throughout 2021-2022. The type of research used in this study is the type of research used in this research is normative and empirical research or commonly known as legal research which combines the two. The results of the research show that the form of Domestic Violence is caused by the occurrence of domestic violence starting from fights and also conflicts that occur as a result of differences of opinion and also debates that lead to violence both in the form of physical violence, namely beatings, kicks, and also encouragement made by husbands to wives and also psychological violence that is carried out by saying words that should not be appropriate to say to a wife. These words can be in the form of dirty words, swearing, and also speak using a high tone and it is more appropriate to say it by shouting at the wife. As well as the factors behind the occurrence of domestic violence in Parepare City are individual factors, namely often drunk because of alcoholic beverages, those who grew up in difficult circumstances, perpetrators not used to controlling their anger, perpetrators have difficulty expressing feelings through words, people who experience pressure or stress due to work and not being able to deal with family matters as well as family factors which include chaotic family life, not loving and respecting each other, and not appreciating the role of women, lack of familiarity and social network relationships in the family, the nature of nuclear family life not the extended family. and Community factors consisting of poverty, urbanization that occurs accompanied by an income gap between residents, an environment with a high frequency of violence and crime to testify as a witness, namely about matters entrusted to the

    Status Ahli Waris Janda Terhadap Hak Penerima Testamen

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    Saharuddin,Status of the Widow's Heirs Against the Rights of Testament Recipients This study uses a normative research type with a statute approach. Types of sources of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The results of this study indicate that the widow in inheriting the abintestato is the same as the position of the child, both are classified into group 1 (one). While in testamentair inheritance the position of a widow (wife) is not the same as that of a child, this is because the child has its own absolute share while the widow (wife) does not have its own absolute rights. Regarding the part that the widow (wife) gets, it lies in the number of statements left by the heir, the more testaments, the less or none at all received by the widow (wife).This study uses a normative research type with a statute approach. Types of sources of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The results of this study indicate that the widow inheriting the intestate is the same as the child's position; both are classified into group 1 (one). While in testamentair inheritance, the position of a widow (wife) is not the same as that of a child because the child has its absolute share while the widow (wife) does not have its absolute rights. The part that the widow (wife) gets lies in the number of statements left by the heir; the more testaments, the less or none received by the widow (wife)

    Mitologi dalam Perkawinan Adat Suku Jawa dengan Suku Sunda

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    This study aims to determine the extent to which the mythological truth about the prohibition of marriage between the Sundanese and the Javanese. The method used is a juridical normative research, with a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that the discourse or myth regarding the Sundanese people who are not allowed to marry the Javanese is a historical story that has become multi-interpreted. Do not let us be consumed by issues that are not clear, so that it will damage the future of the nation's next generation. It needs to be instilled in each other's identity in accordance with the motto of our country which means that even though they are different, they are still one. Matters of mate, death and sustenance are divine secrets. It is the will of God who created this Universe

    Kekuatan Pembuktian Akta Dibawah Tangan Dalam Hukum Acara Perdata

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    This study aims to find out and analyze the strength of proof that an underhanded deed can provide legal certainty and to find out and analyze the weaknesses of proving an underhanded deed as evidence. This research uses normative-empirical research. The study results show the strength of proof of an underhanded deed to provide legal certainty if it fulfils the requirements and value of the underhanded deed, where the evidentiary requirements contain events that form the basis of a right or engagement affixed to the signature and made by the parties. Parties without the help of officials. Whereas in terms of the proof value of an underhanded deed, if from the echtheidsprosedure it cannot be proven the correctness of the signature on the underhanded deed, it means that the person concerned is deemed correct in dismissing it and the underhanded deed is aborted as evidence that has value. Conversely, if the signature on the private deed can be verified from the echinoids procedure but is still denied by the person concerned, it is a fact that the judge has found the truth of the statement above the private deed by itself also becomes sufficient evidence for the judge to consider. And the weakness of proving the deed under the hand is only limited to the formal and material sense, not the sense of birth. Because of this, what appears to be an underhand deed is not binding as evidence and becomes a real weakness in the trial, so in itself, it can become a basis for refusing to fulfil the contents of the agreement even if the statement and the contents of the agreement are recognized and justified
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