1 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Leadership and Knowledge Sharing: an Empirical Study of Private Schools in Dubai

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    Purpose The study empirically examines the relationship between leadership styles (Transformational and Transactional Leadership) and knowledge management processes in context of private schools in Dubai. Knowledge processes and leadership styles have both been central to discussions within the academic literature. While the number of empirical studies looking at the interaction between these dimensions has been limited. Design /Methodology /Approach The study has adopted an explanatory design model (Thomas, et al, 2015; Creswell & Clark, 2007; Tashakouri and Teddlie, 2003). An explanatory design is a two-phased mixed methods design that begins with the collection of quantitative data followed by a subsequent qualitative data collection (Bentahar, et al, 2015; Creswell & Clark, 2007). The collection of qualitative data was intended to enrich the data collected during the quantitative phase (Bazeley, 2015; Creswell & Clark, 2007; Miles, et al, 2013; Tashakouri and Teddlie2003). The research methods have included a survey (quantitative Phase 1) that had 223 respondents followed by semi-structured interviews (qualitative Phase2) with 10 school leaders. Within this study structural equation modelling using SMART PLS for the quantitative data analysis was utilised to identify the implications when determining the most effective leadership styles for achieving knowledge transfer in the data analysis for phase 1. Thematic analysis was then used for the qualitative data analysis in phase 2 based on Braun and Clarke (2005) six-stage technique with Nvivo software to elaborate and explain the quantitative findings in order to gain better understanding and insights of the phenomena and the role leaders play to conceptualize knowledge sharing through leaders’ emerging themes which represent the core values in their schools such as leading by example, empowerment of teachers, mentoring and culture of care, building cultures of trust, collaboration, and relationship, building cultures of knowledge and knowledge sharing and commonly celebrate success. Findings and contributions It was found and learned that a combined leadership approach was the most effective when considering knowledge processes through the SECI model in Dubai private schools. The research study contributes to the literature by allowing us to identify specific leadership style attributes being matched to specific knowledge process attributes for achieving maximum impact. Further, the study was based on and extends prior research by conceptualizing knowledge sharing in Dubai context. The research study also allowed us to test empirically the suitability and applicability of the leadership and knowledge constructs in the UAE. Originality/value This research originally examines the effects of implementing the core values of trust collaboration empowering teachers leading by example, and culture of knowledge and knowledge sharing with the appropriate leaders’ attributes to foster knowledge sharing. No prior research has carried out such an integrated analysis. This study will have significant value for private schools trying to implement these core values and concepts coupled with appropriate leadership attributes to enhance knowledge management processes