8,510 research outputs found

    On Born's conjecture about optimal distribution of charges for an infinite ionic crystal

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    We study the problem for the optimal charge distribution on the sites of a fixed Bravais lattice. In particular, we prove Born's conjecture about the optimality of the rock-salt alternate distribution of charges on a cubic lattice (and more generally on a d-dimensional orthorhombic lattice). Furthermore, we study this problem on the two-dimensional triangular lattice and we prove the optimality of a two-component honeycomb distribution of charges. The results holds for a class of completely monotone interaction potentials which includes Coulomb type interactions. In a more general setting, we derive a connection between the optimal charge problem and a minimization problem for the translated lattice theta function.Comment: 32 pages. 3 Figures. To appear in Journal of Nonlinear Science. DOI :10.1007/s00332-018-9460-

    Local stable and unstable manifolds and their control in nonautonomous finite-time flows

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    It is well-known that stable and unstable manifolds strongly influence fluid motion in unsteady flows. These emanate from hyperbolic trajectories, with the structures moving nonautonomously in time. The local directions of emanation at each instance in time is the focus of this article. Within a nearly autonomous setting, it is shown that these time-varying directions can be characterised through the accumulated effect of velocity shear. Connections to Oseledets spaces and projection operators in exponential dichotomies are established. Availability of data for both infinite and finite time-intervals is considered. With microfluidic flow control in mind, a methodology for manipulating these directions in any prescribed time-varying fashion by applying a local velocity shear is developed. The results are verified for both smoothly and discontinuously time-varying directions using finite-time Lyapunov exponent fields, and excellent agreement is obtained.Comment: Under consideration for publication in the Journal of Nonlinear Science

    Remark on the (Non)convergence of Ensemble Densities in Dynamical Systems

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    We consider a dynamical system with state space MM, a smooth, compact subset of some Rn{\Bbb R}^n, and evolution given by TtT_t, xt=Ttxx_t = T_t x, xMx \in M; TtT_t is invertible and the time tt may be discrete, tZt \in {\Bbb Z}, Tt=TtT_t = T^t, or continuous, tRt \in {\Bbb R}. Here we show that starting with a continuous positive initial probability density ρ(x,0)>0\rho(x,0) > 0, with respect to dxdx, the smooth volume measure induced on MM by Lebesgue measure on Rn{\Bbb R}^n, the expectation value of logρ(x,t)\log \rho(x,t), with respect to any stationary (i.e. time invariant) measure ν(dx)\nu(dx), is linear in tt, ν(logρ(x,t))=ν(logρ(x,0))+Kt\nu(\log \rho(x,t)) = \nu(\log \rho(x,0)) + Kt. KK depends only on ν\nu and vanishes when ν\nu is absolutely continuous wrt dxdx.Comment: 7 pages, plain TeX; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], to appear in Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Volume 8, Issue

    Chaos at the border of criticality

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    The present paper points out to a novel scenario for formation of chaotic attractors in a class of models of excitable cell membranes near an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (AHB). The mechanism underlying chaotic dynamics admits a simple and visual description in terms of the families of one-dimensional first-return maps, which are constructed using the combination of asymptotic and numerical techniques. The bifurcation structure of the continuous system (specifically, the proximity to a degenerate AHB) endows the Poincare map with distinct qualitative features such as unimodality and the presence of the boundary layer, where the map is strongly expanding. This structure of the map in turn explains the bifurcation scenarios in the continuous system including chaotic mixed-mode oscillations near the border between the regions of sub- and supercritical AHB. The proposed mechanism yields the statistical properties of the mixed-mode oscillations in this regime. The statistics predicted by the analysis of the Poincare map and those observed in the numerical experiments of the continuous system show a very good agreement.Comment: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (tentatively, Sept 2008