4 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study of Behavioral Factors Influencing Text Messaging Intention

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    This manuscript provides a comprehensive review of many of the behavioral factors associated with the use of technology and tests their applicability to text messaging. The theories explored included End User Computer Satisfaction, Theory of Reasoned Action, Diffusion of Innovation, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Technology Acceptance Model. In addition, Positive and Negative Emotion factors were developed and tested to examine their influence on text messaging behavioral intention. Several statistical processes were utilized to develop and confirm the factors. The results of the study suggest that no one model can fully explain texting behavior but several factors did have a significant influence on intention at p \u3c .05. These factors were Attitude, Compatibility, Ease of Use, Satisfaction, and Visibility. These factors can serve as areas that practitioners and researchers can focus on to improve text messaging intention and obtain the significant benefits of this technology

    Liiketoiminnan analytiikan murros – Tapaustutkimus

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    The business intelligence (BI) field is changing rapidly. Companies need to be able to refine information from data faster than ever before to stay competitive. This is not an easy task in a world where volume and variety of data is increasing constantly. Social media and devices produce data on a continual basis. The BI market has responded to this challenge by providing self-service platforms that require less technical proficiency. These new tools enable business users to create and refine information more conveniently in cooperation with company IT. As new technologies empower business users and relieve the workload of BI developers, new challenges arise. Managing information flows and data models in an environment with increased number of citizen developers, number of source systems and volume of data requires a clear understanding of related challenges. This work examines a BI culture change in a Finnish energy distribution company divested from a larger energy company in 2014. Effects of moving from IT administered BI development closer to business driven development are examined through a case study research. The case study research identified the cross organizational knowledge, overlapping roles and low technical proficiency requirements of the BI platform as the key components of the improved ability to create BI solutions for business needs. The findings are in line with critical success factors proposed by BI related publications.Liiketoiminnan analytiikassa (Business intelligence) eletään murrosvaihetta. Yritysten tulee kyetä jalostamaan tietoa nopeammin kuin koskaan aikaisemmin säilyttääkseen kilpailukykynsä. Sosiaalinen media sekä sensorit ja laitteet generoivat dataa valtavalla nopeudella sekä vaihtelevissa formaateissa. BI-markkinat ovat reagoineet muutokseen tarjoamalla erilaisia käyttäjäläheisiä tuotteita, jotka vaativat aikaisempaa vähemmän teknistä perehtyneisyyttä. Tuotteet mahdollistavat analytiikan tuottamisen lähempänä varsinaista liiketoimintaa yhteistyössä IT:n kanssa. Kehityksen muuttuminen käyttäjälähtöisemmäksi tuo kuitenkin mukanaan uusia haasteita. Informaatiovirtojen ja datamallien hallinnointi ympäristössä, jossa on aikaisempaa enemmän käyttäjiä, lähdejärjestelmiä sekä dataa vaatii tarkan ymmärryksen aiheeseen liittyvistä haasteista. Tässä työssä tutkitaan BI-kulttuurin muutosta suomalaisessa sähkönsiirtoon erikoistuneessa yrityksessä, joka myytiin omaksi yrityksekseen 2014. Kehityksen muuttumista IT-lähtöisestä enemmän liiketoimintalähtöisemmäksi tutkitaan tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Tapaustutkimus tunnisti organisaatiorajat ylittävän tiedon, yhteiset vastuut kehitystyössä sekä BI-alustan helppokäyttöisyyden tärkeimmiksi tekijöiksi, jotka paransivat yrityksen kykyä toteuttaa liiketoiminnan analytiikkaa. Löydökset olivat linjassa aikaisemman aihepiiriin liittyvän kirjallisuuden kanssa

    Introducing an Enterprise Project Management Tool into an Agile Development Environment: Fit and Performance Impact

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    The principles of Agile software development promote interactions over tools, but practical application of Agile can demand a considerable amount of structure from software development teams. Vendor software solutions specifically designed for Agile work offer an alternative for many organizations still using manual methods or ill-fitted tools. In this study, we examined task-tool fit between functionality provided by a vetted Agile software solution, and tasks needing to be accomplished by software development teams practicing Agile Scrum methods. A high level of task-tool fit was determined for tasks within several Scrum summary activities. Also evaluated was task-tool fit impact on actual performance of Scrum teams. Quantitative metrics demonstrated an average overall increase in performance after tool implementation for accomplishment of tasks within two Scrum summary activities being measured (Sprint Planning and Sprint Execution). It is suggested this performance improvement can be generally attributed to the determined high level of task-tool fit.Master of Science in Information Scienc