22 research outputs found

    Large joints in graphs

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    We show that if G is a graph of sufficiently large order n containing as many r-cliques as the r-partite Turan graph of order n; then for some C>0 G has more than Cn^(r-1) (r+1)-cliques sharing a common edge unless G is isomorphic to the the r-partite Turan graph of order n. This structural result generalizes a previous result that has been useful in extremal graph theory.Comment: 9 page

    Stability for large forbidden subgraphs

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    We extend the classical stability theorem of Erdos and Simonovits for forbidden graphs of logarithmic order.Comment: Some polishing. Updated reference

    Graphs with many r-cliques have large complete r-partite subgraphs

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    We prove that for all r2r\geq2 and c>0, every graph of order n with at least cn^{r} cliques of order r contains a complete r-partite graph with each part of size crlogn.\lfloor c^{r}\log n \rfloor. This result implies a concise form of the Erd\H{o}s-Stone theorem.Comment: Some polishing. Updated reference

    Extremal problems for the p-spectral radius of graphs

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    The pp-spectral radius of a graph G G\ of order nn is defined for any real number p1p\geq1 as λ(p)(G)=max{2{i,j}E(G) xixj:x1,,xnR and x1p++xnp=1}. \lambda^{\left( p\right) }\left( G\right) =\max\left\{ 2\sum_{\{i,j\}\in E\left( G\right) \ }x_{i}x_{j}:x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}\in\mathbb{R}\text{ and }\left\vert x_{1}\right\vert ^{p}+\cdots+\left\vert x_{n}\right\vert ^{p}=1\right\} . The most remarkable feature of λ(p)\lambda^{\left( p\right) } is that it seamlessly joins several other graph parameters, e.g., λ(1)\lambda^{\left( 1\right) } is the Lagrangian, λ(2)\lambda^{\left( 2\right) } is the spectral radius and λ()/2\lambda^{\left( \infty\right) }/2 is the number of edges. This paper presents solutions to some extremal problems about λ(p)\lambda^{\left( p\right) }, which are common generalizations of corresponding edge and spectral extremal problems. Let Tr(n)T_{r}\left( n\right) be the rr-partite Tur\'{a}n graph of order n.n. Two of the main results in the paper are: (I) Let r2r\geq2 and p>1.p>1. If GG is a Kr+1K_{r+1}-free graph of order n,n, then λ(p)(G)<λ(p)(Tr(n)), \lambda^{\left( p\right) }\left( G\right) <\lambda^{\left( p\right) }\left( T_{r}\left( n\right) \right) , unless G=Tr(n).G=T_{r}\left( n\right) . (II) Let r2r\geq2 and p>1.p>1. If G G\ is a graph of order n,n, with λ(p)(G)>λ(p)(Tr(n)), \lambda^{\left( p\right) }\left( G\right) >\lambda^{\left( p\right) }\left( T_{r}\left( n\right) \right) , then GG has an edge contained in at least cnr1cn^{r-1} cliques of order r+1,r+1, where cc is a positive number depending only on pp and r.r.Comment: 21 pages. Some minor corrections in v

    Ramsey Goodness and Beyond

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    In a seminal paper from 1983, Burr and Erdos started the systematic study of Ramsey numbers of cliques vs. large sparse graphs, raising a number of problems. In this paper we develop a new approach to such Ramsey problems using a mix of the Szemeredi regularity lemma, embedding of sparse graphs, Turan type stability, and other structural results. We give exact Ramsey numbers for various classes of graphs, solving all but one of the Burr-Erdos problems.Comment: A new reference is adde