525 research outputs found

    Correlation-based communication in wireless multimedia sensor networks

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    Wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) are networks of interconnected devices that allow retrieving video and audio streams, still images, and scalar data from the environment. In a densely deployed WMSN, there exists correlation among the observations of camera sensors with overlapped coverage areas, which introduces substantial data redundancy in the network. In this dissertation, efficient communication schemes are designed for WMSNs by leveraging the correlation of visual information observed by camera sensors. First, a spatial correlation model is developed to estimate the correlation of visual information and the joint entropy of multiple correlated camera sensors. The compression performance of correlated visual information is then studied. An entropy-based divergence measure is proposed to predict the compression efficiency of performing joint coding on the images from correlated cameras. Based on the predicted compression efficiency, a clustered coding technique is proposed that maximizes the overall compression gain of the visual information gathered in WMSNs. The correlation of visual information is then utilized to design a network scheduling scheme to maximize the lifetime of WMSNs. Furthermore, as many WMSN applications require QoS support, a correlation-aware QoS routing algorithm is introduced that can efficiently deliver visual information under QoS constraints. Evaluation results show that, by utilizing the correlation of visual information in the communication process, the energy efficiency and networking performance of WMSNs could be improved significantly.PhDCommittee Chair: Akyildiz, Ian; Committee Member: Ammar, Mostafa; Committee Member: Ji, Chuanyi; Committee Member: Li, Ye; Committee Member: Romberg, Justi

    A Tutorial on Clique Problems in Communications and Signal Processing

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    Since its first use by Euler on the problem of the seven bridges of K\"onigsberg, graph theory has shown excellent abilities in solving and unveiling the properties of multiple discrete optimization problems. The study of the structure of some integer programs reveals equivalence with graph theory problems making a large body of the literature readily available for solving and characterizing the complexity of these problems. This tutorial presents a framework for utilizing a particular graph theory problem, known as the clique problem, for solving communications and signal processing problems. In particular, the paper aims to illustrate the structural properties of integer programs that can be formulated as clique problems through multiple examples in communications and signal processing. To that end, the first part of the tutorial provides various optimal and heuristic solutions for the maximum clique, maximum weight clique, and kk-clique problems. The tutorial, further, illustrates the use of the clique formulation through numerous contemporary examples in communications and signal processing, mainly in maximum access for non-orthogonal multiple access networks, throughput maximization using index and instantly decodable network coding, collision-free radio frequency identification networks, and resource allocation in cloud-radio access networks. Finally, the tutorial sheds light on the recent advances of such applications, and provides technical insights on ways of dealing with mixed discrete-continuous optimization problems

    Binaural Spatialization for 3D immersive audio communication in a virtual world

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    Realistic 3D audio can greatly enhance the sense of presence in a virtual environment. We introduce a framework for capturing, transmitting and rendering of 3D audio in presence of other bandwidth savvy streams in a 3D Tele-immersion based virtual environment. This framework presents an efficient implementation for 3D Binaural Spatialization based on the positions of current objects in the scene, including animated avatars and on the fly reconstructed humans. We present a general overview of the framework, how audio is integrated in the system and how it can exploit the positions of the objects and room geometry to render realistic reverberations using head related transfer functions. The network streaming modules used to achieve lip-synchronization, high-quality audio frame reception, and accurate localization for binaural rendering are also presented. We highlight how large computational and networking challenges can be addressed efficiently. This represents a first step in adequate networking support for Binaural 3D Audio, useful for telepresence. The subsystem is successfully integrated with a larger 3D immersive system, with state of art capturing and rendering modules for visual data


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    The strong need for security guarantee, e.g., integrity and authenticity, as well as privacy and confidentiality in wireless multimedia services has driven the development of an emerging research area in low cost Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs). Unfortunately, those conventional encryption and authentication techniques cannot be applied directly to WMSNs due to inborn challenges such as extremely limited energy, computing and bandwidth resources. This dissertation provides a quality-driven security design and resource allocation framework for WMSNs. The contribution of this dissertation bridges the inter-disciplinary research gap between high layer multimedia signal processing and low layer computer networking. It formulates the generic problem of quality-driven multimedia resource allocation in WMSNs and proposes a cross layer solution. The fundamental methodologies of multimedia selective encryption and stream authentication, and their application to digital image or video compression standards are presented. New multimedia selective encryption and stream authentication schemes are proposed at application layer, which significantly reduces encryption/authentication complexity. In addition, network resource allocation methodologies at low layers are extensively studied. An unequal error protection-based network resource allocation scheme is proposed to achieve the best effort media quality with integrity and energy efficiency guarantee. Performance evaluation results show that this cross layer framework achieves considerable energy-quality-security gain by jointly designing multimedia selective encryption/multimedia stream authentication and communication resource allocation

    Lossless video multiplexing for transport over communication networks.

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    by Chan Hang Fung.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 62-68).Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Overview of video transmission --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Previous work on lossless video transmission --- p.4Chapter 1.3 --- Central theme of thesis ´ؤ Lossless video Aggregation --- p.5Chapter 1.4 --- Organization of thesis --- p.9Chapter 2 --- Framework of LVAS --- p.11Chapter 2.1 --- Review: Transporting single VBR stream using a CBR channel --- p.11Chapter 2.2 --- Lossless aggregation of VBR streams --- p.14Chapter 3 --- Minimization of Buffer Size --- p.17Chapter 3.1 --- A theoretical approach ´ؤ Dynamic programming --- p.19Chapter 3.2 --- A practical heuristic ´ؤ Backward Equalization --- p.21Chapter 3.3 --- Simulation results of the heuristic method --- p.24Chapter 4 --- Bit-rate allocation with fixed buffer --- p.28Chapter 4.1 --- Problem formulation --- p.28Chapter 4.2 --- Different bit-rate scheduling methods --- p.33Chapter 4.3 --- Speed up using point sampling technique --- p.39Chapter 4.4 --- Simulation results --- p.44Chapter 5 --- Call Admission and Interactive Control for Video Aggregation --- p.50Chapter 5.1 --- Call admission issues --- p.50Chapter 5.2 --- Interactive Control --- p.53Chapter 5.3 --- CBR and ABR hybrid --- p.54Chapter 5.4 --- Simulation results --- p.55Chapter 6 --- Conclusions and Future research --- p.57Chapter 6.1 --- Future Research Suggestions --- p.58Chapter 6.2 --- Publications --- p.60Bibliography --- p.6

    CLEVER: a cooperative and cross-layer approach to video streaming in HetNets

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    We investigate the problem of providing a video streaming service to mobile users in an heterogeneous cellular network composed of micro e-NodeBs (eNBs) and macro e-NodeBs (MeNBs). More in detail, we target a cross-layer dynamic allocation of the bandwidth resources available over a set of eNBs and one MeNB, with the goal of reducing the delay per chunk experienced by users. After optimally formulating the problem of minimizing the chunk delay, we detail the Cross LayEr Video stReaming (CLEVER) algorithm, to practically tackle it. CLEVER makes allocation decisions on the basis of information retrieved from the application layer aswell as from lower layers. Results, obtained over two representative case studies, show that CLEVER is able to limit the chunk delay, while also reducing the amount of bandwidth reserved for offloaded users on the MeNB, as well as the number of offloaded users. In addition, we show that CLEVER performs clearly better than two selected reference algorithms, while being very close to a best bound. Finally, we show that our solution is able to achieve high fairness indexes and good levels of Quality of Experience (QoE)

    Resource Allocation Frameworks for Network-coded Layered Multimedia Multicast Services

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    The explosive growth of content-on-the-move, such as video streaming to mobile devices, has propelled research on multimedia broadcast and multicast schemes. Multi-rate transmission strategies have been proposed as a means of delivering layered services to users experiencing different downlink channel conditions. In this paper, we consider Point-to-Multipoint layered service delivery across a generic cellular system and improve it by applying different random linear network coding approaches. We derive packet error probability expressions and use them as performance metrics in the formulation of resource allocation frameworks. The aim of these frameworks is both the optimization of the transmission scheme and the minimization of the number of broadcast packets on each downlink channel, while offering service guarantees to a predetermined fraction of users. As a case of study, our proposed frameworks are then adapted to the LTE-A standard and the eMBMS technology. We focus on the delivery of a video service based on the H.264/SVC standard and demonstrate the advantages of layered network coding over multi-rate transmission. Furthermore, we establish that the choice of both the network coding technique and resource allocation method play a critical role on the network footprint, and the quality of each received video layer.Comment: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Fundamental Approaches to Network Coding in Wireless Communication Systems. To appea

    Codage réseau pour des applications multimédias avancées

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    Network coding is a paradigm that allows an efficient use of the capacity of communication networks. It maximizes the throughput in a multi-hop multicast communication and reduces the delay. In this thesis, we focus our attention to the integration of the network coding framework to multimedia applications, and in particular to advanced systems that provide enhanced video services to the users. Our contributions concern several instances of advanced multimedia communications: an efficient framework for transmission of a live stream making joint use of network coding and multiple description coding; a novel transmission strategy for lossy wireless networks that guarantees a trade-off between loss resilience and short delay based on a rate-distortion optimized scheduling of the video frames, that we also extended to the case of interactive multi-view streaming; a distributed social caching system that, using network coding in conjunction with the knowledge of the users' preferences in terms of views, is able to select a replication scheme such that to provide a high video quality by accessing only other members of the social group without incurring the access cost associated with a connection to a central server and without exchanging large tables of metadata to keep track of the replicated parts; and, finally, a study on using blind source separation techniques to reduce the overhead incurred by network coding schemes based on error-detecting techniques such as parity coding and message digest generation. All our contributions are aimed at using network coding to enhance the quality of video transmission in terms of distortion and delay perceivedLe codage réseau est un paradigme qui permet une utilisation efficace du réseau. Il maximise le débit dans un réseau multi-saut en multicast et réduit le retard. Dans cette thèse, nous concentrons notre attention sur l’intégration du codage réseau aux applications multimédias, et en particulier aux systèmes avancès qui fournissent un service vidéo amélioré pour les utilisateurs. Nos contributions concernent plusieurs scénarios : un cadre de fonctions efficace pour la transmission de flux en directe qui utilise à la fois le codage réseau et le codage par description multiple, une nouvelle stratégie de transmission pour les réseaux sans fil avec perte qui garantit un compromis entre la résilience vis-à-vis des perte et la reduction du retard sur la base d’une optimisation débit-distorsion de l'ordonnancement des images vidéo, que nous avons également étendu au cas du streaming multi-vue interactive, un système replication sociale distribuée qui, en utilisant le réseau codage en relation et la connaissance des préférences des utilisateurs en termes de vue, est en mesure de sélectionner un schéma de réplication capable de fournir une vidéo de haute qualité en accédant seulement aux autres membres du groupe social, sans encourir le coût d’accès associé à une connexion à un serveur central et sans échanger des larges tables de métadonnées pour tenir trace des éléments répliqués, et, finalement, une étude sur l’utilisation de techniques de séparation aveugle de source -pour réduire l’overhead encouru par les schémas de codage réseau- basé sur des techniques de détection d’erreur telles que le codage de parité et la génération de message digest
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