607 research outputs found

    Joint Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in Cache-assisted Relaying Systems

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    We investigate the performance of time switching (TS) based energy harvesting model for cache-assisted simultaneous wireless transmission of information and energy (Wi-TIE). In the considered system, a relay which is equipped with both caching and energy harvesting capabilities helps a source to convey information to a destination. First, we formulate based on the time-switching architecture an optimization problem to maximize the harvested energy, taking into consideration the cache capability and user quality of service requirement. We then solve the formulated problem to obtain closed-form solutions. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system via numerical results

    Relaying in the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey

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    The deployment of relays between Internet of Things (IoT) end devices and gateways can improve link quality. In cellular-based IoT, relays have the potential to reduce base station overload. The energy expended in single-hop long-range communication can be reduced if relays listen to transmissions of end devices and forward these observations to gateways. However, incorporating relays into IoT networks faces some challenges. IoT end devices are designed primarily for uplink communication of small-sized observations toward the network; hence, opportunistically using end devices as relays needs a redesign of both the medium access control (MAC) layer protocol of such end devices and possible addition of new communication interfaces. Additionally, the wake-up time of IoT end devices needs to be synchronized with that of the relays. For cellular-based IoT, the possibility of using infrastructure relays exists, and noncellular IoT networks can leverage the presence of mobile devices for relaying, for example, in remote healthcare. However, the latter presents problems of incentivizing relay participation and managing the mobility of relays. Furthermore, although relays can increase the lifetime of IoT networks, deploying relays implies the need for additional batteries to power them. This can erode the energy efficiency gain that relays offer. Therefore, designing relay-assisted IoT networks that provide acceptable trade-offs is key, and this goes beyond adding an extra transmit RF chain to a relay-enabled IoT end device. There has been increasing research interest in IoT relaying, as demonstrated in the available literature. Works that consider these issues are surveyed in this paper to provide insight into the state of the art, provide design insights for network designers and motivate future research directions


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    The recent trends in the domain of wireless communications indicate severe upcoming challenges, both in terms of infrastructure as well as design of novel techniques. On the other hand, the world population keeps witnessing or hearing about new generations of mobile/wireless technologies within every half to one decade. It is certain the wireless communication systems have enabled the exchange of information without any physical cable(s), however, the dependence of the mobile devices on the power cables still persist. Each passing year unveils several critical challenges related to the increasing capacity and performance needs, power optimization at complex hardware circuitries, mobility of the users, and demand for even better energy efficiency algorithms at the wireless devices. Moreover, an additional issue is raised in the form of continuous battery drainage at these limited-power devices for sufficing their assertive demands. In this regard, optimal performance at any device is heavily constrained by either wired, or an inductive based wireless recharging of the equipment on a continuous basis. This process is very inconvenient and such a problem is foreseen to persist in future, irrespective of the wireless communication method used. Recently, a promising idea for simultaneous wireless radio-frequency (RF) transmission of information and energy came into spotlight during the last decade. This technique does not only guarantee a more flexible recharging alternative, but also ensures its co-existence with any of the existing (RF-based) or alternatively proposed methods of wireless communications, such as visible light communications (VLC) (e.g., Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)), optical communications (e.g., LASER-equipped communication systems), and far-envisioned quantum-based communication systems. In addition, this scheme is expected to cater to the needs of many current and future technologies like wearable devices, sensors used in hazardous areas, 5G and beyond, etc. This Thesis presents a detailed investigation of several interesting scenarios in this direction, specifically concerning design and optimization of such RF-based power transfer systems. The first chapter of this Thesis provides a detailed overview of the considered topic, which serves as the foundation step. The details include the highlights about its main contributions, discussion about the adopted mathematical (optimization) tools, and further refined minutiae about its organization. Following this, a detailed survey on the wireless power transmission (WPT) techniques is provided, which includes the discussion about historical developments of WPT comprising its present forms, consideration of WPT with wireless communications, and its compatibility with the existing techniques. Moreover, a review on various types of RF energy harvesting (EH) modules is incorporated, along with a brief and general overview on the system modeling, the modeling assumptions, and recent industrial considerations. Furthermore, this Thesis work has been divided into three main research topics, as follows. Firstly, the notion of simultaneous wireless information and power transmission (SWIPT) is investigated in conjunction with the cooperative systems framework consisting of single source, multiple relays and multiple users. In this context, several interesting aspects like relay selection, multi-carrier, and resource allocation are considered, along with problem formulations dealing with either maximization of throughput, maximization of harvested energy, or both. Secondly, this Thesis builds up on the idea of transmit precoder design for wireless multigroup multicasting systems in conjunction with SWIPT. Herein, the advantages of adopting separate multicasting and energy precoder designs are illustrated, where we investigate the benefits of multiple antenna transmitters by exploiting the similarities between broadcasting information and wirelessly transferring power. The proposed design does not only facilitates the SWIPT mechanism, but may also serve as a potential candidate to complement the separate waveform designing mechanism with exclusive RF signals meant for information and power transmissions, respectively. Lastly, a novel mechanism is developed to establish a relationship between the SWIPT and cache-enabled cooperative systems. In this direction, benefits of adopting the SWIPT-caching framework are illustrated, with special emphasis on an enhanced rate-energy (R-E) trade-off in contrast to the traditional SWIPT systems. The common notion in the context of SWIPT revolves around the transmission of information, and storage of power. In this vein, the proposed work investigates the system wherein both information and power can be transmitted and stored. The Thesis finally concludes with insights on the future directions and open research challenges associated with the considered framework

    Multicell Edge Coverage Enhancement Using Mobile UAV-Relay

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    Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted communication is a promising technology in future wireless communication networks. UAVs can not only help offload data traffic from ground base stations (GBSs) but also improve the Quality of Service (QoS) of cell-edge users (CEUs). In this article, we consider the enhancement of cell-edge communications through a mobile relay, i.e., UAV, in multicell networks. During each transmission period, GBSs first send data to the UAV, and then the UAV forwards its received data to CEUs according to a certain association strategy. In order to maximize the sum rate of all CEUs, we jointly optimize the UAV mobility management, including trajectory, velocity, and acceleration, and association strategy of CEUs to the UAV, subject to minimum rate requirements of CEUs, mobility constraints of the UAV, and causal buffer constraints in practice. To address the mixed-integer nonconvex problem, we transform it into two convex subproblems by applying tight bounds and relaxations. An iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the two subproblems in an alternating manner. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm achieves higher rates of CEUs as compared with the existing benchmark schemes

    UAV Relay-Assisted Emergency Communications in IoT Networks: Resource Allocation and Trajectory Optimization

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    In this paper, a UAV is deployed as a flying base station to collect data from time-constrained IoT devices and then transfer the data to a ground gateway (GW). In general, the latency constraint at IoT users and the limited storage capacity of UAV highly hinder practical applications of UAV-assisted IoT networks. In this paper, full-duplex (FD) technique is adopted at the UAV to overcome these challenges. In addition, half-duplex (HD) scheme for UAV-based relaying is also considered to provide a comparative study between two modes. In this context, we aim at maximizing the number of served IoT devices by jointly optimizing bandwidth and power allocation, as well as the UAV trajectory, while satisfying the requested timeout (RT) requirement of each device and the UAV's limited storage capacity. The formulated optimization problem is troublesome to solve due to its non-convexity and combinatorial nature. Toward appealing applications, we first relax binary variables into continuous values and transform the original problem into a more computationally tractable form. By leveraging inner approximation framework, we derive newly approximated functions for non-convex parts and then develop a simple yet efficient iterative algorithm for its solutions. Next, we attempt to maximize the total throughput subject to the number of served IoT devices. Finally, numerical results show that the proposed algorithms significantly outperform benchmark approaches in terms of the number of served IoT devices and the amount of collected data.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Self-Evolving Integrated Vertical Heterogeneous Networks

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    6G and beyond networks tend towards fully intelligent and adaptive design in order to provide better operational agility in maintaining universal wireless access and supporting a wide range of services and use cases while dealing with network complexity efficiently. Such enhanced network agility will require developing a self-evolving capability in designing both the network architecture and resource management to intelligently utilize resources, reduce operational costs, and achieve the coveted quality of service (QoS). To enable this capability, the necessity of considering an integrated vertical heterogeneous network (VHetNet) architecture appears to be inevitable due to its high inherent agility. Moreover, employing an intelligent framework is another crucial requirement for self-evolving networks to deal with real-time network optimization problems. Hence, in this work, to provide a better insight on network architecture design in support of self-evolving networks, we highlight the merits of integrated VHetNet architecture while proposing an intelligent framework for self-evolving integrated vertical heterogeneous networks (SEI-VHetNets). The impact of the challenges associated with SEI-VHetNet architecture, on network management is also studied considering a generalized network model. Furthermore, the current literature on network management of integrated VHetNets along with the recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) solutions are discussed. Accordingly, the core challenges of integrating AI/ML in SEI-VHetNets are identified. Finally, the potential future research directions for advancing the autonomous and self-evolving capabilities of SEI-VHetNets are discussed.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Mobile edge computing in wireless communication networks: design and optimization

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    This dissertation studies the design and optimization of applying mobile edge computing (MEC) in three kinds of advanced wireless networks, which is motivated by three non-trivial but not thoroughly studied topics in the existing MEC-related literature. First, we study the application of MEC in wireless powered cooperation-assisted systems. The technology of wireless power transfer (WPT) used at the access point (AP) is capable of providing sustainable energy supply for resource-limited user equipment (UEs) to support computation offloading, but also introduces the double-near-far effect into wireless powered communication networks (WPCNs). By leveraging cooperation among near-far users, the system performance can be highly improved through effectively suppressing the double-near-far effect in WPCNs. Then, we consider the application of MEC in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted relaying systems to make better use of the flexible features of UAV as well as its computing resources. The adopted UAV not only acts as an MEC server to help compute UEs' offloaded tasks but also a relay to forward UEs' offloaded tasks to the AP, thus such kind of cooperation between the UAV and the AP can take the advantages of both sides so as to improve the system performance. Last, heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets) with the coexistence of MEC and central cloud computing (CCC) are studied to show the complementary and promotional effects between MEC and CCC. The small base stations (SBSs) empowered by edge clouds offer limited edge computing services for UEs, whereas the macro base station (MBS) provides high-performance CCC services for UEs via restricted multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) backhauls to their associated SBSs. With further considering the case with massive MIMO backhauls, the system performance can be further improved while significantly reducing the computational complexity. In the aforementioned three advanced MEC systems, we mainly focus on minimizing the energy consumption of the systems subject to proper latency constraints, due to the fact that energy consumption and latency are regarded as two important metrics for measuring the performance of MEC-related works. Effective optimization algorithms are proposed to solve the corresponding energy minimization problems, which are further validated by numerical results
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