2 research outputs found

    Deterministic and Efficient Three-Party Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum information processing is based on the laws of quantum physics and guarantees the unconditional security. In this thesis we propose an efficient and deterministic three-party quantum key distribution algorithm to establish a secret key between two users. Using the formal methodological approach, we study and model a quantum algorithm to distribute a secret key to a sender and a receiver when they only share entanglement with a trusted party but not with each other. It distributes a secret key by special pure quantum states using the remote state preparation and controlled gates. In addition, we employ the parity bit of the entangled pairs and ancillary states to help in preparing and measuring the secret states. Distributing a state to two users requires two maximally entangled pairs as the quantum channel and a two-particle von Neumann projective measurement. This protocol is exact and deterministic. It distributes a secret key of d qubits by 2d entangled pairs and on average d bits of classical communication. We show the security of this protocol against the entanglement attack and offer a method for privacy amplification. Moreover, we also study the problem of distributing Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) in a metropolitan network. The EPR is the building block of entanglement-based and entanglement-assisted quantum communication protocols. Therefore, prior shared EPR pair and an authenticated classical channel allow two distant users to share a secret key. To build a network architecture where a centralized EPR source creates entangled states by the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) then routes the states to users in different access networks. We propose and simulate a metropolitan optical network (MON) architecture for entanglement distribution in a typical telecommunication infrastructure. The architecture allows simultaneous transmission of classical and quantum signals in the network and offers a dynamic routing mechanism to serve the entire metropolitan optical network