9 research outputs found

    Volumetric Lung Nodule Segmentation using Adaptive ROI with Multi-View Residual Learning

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    Accurate quantification of pulmonary nodules can greatly assist the early diagnosis of lung cancer, which can enhance patient survival possibilities. A number of nodule segmentation techniques have been proposed, however, all of the existing techniques rely on radiologist 3-D volume of interest (VOI) input or use the constant region of interest (ROI) and only investigate the presence of nodule voxels within the given VOI. Such approaches restrain the solutions to investigate the nodule presence outside the given VOI and also include the redundant structures into VOI, which may lead to inaccurate nodule segmentation. In this work, a novel semi-automated approach for 3-D segmentation of nodule in volumetric computerized tomography (CT) lung scans has been proposed. The proposed technique can be segregated into two stages, at the first stage, it takes a 2-D ROI containing the nodule as input and it performs patch-wise investigation along the axial axis with a novel adaptive ROI strategy. The adaptive ROI algorithm enables the solution to dynamically select the ROI for the surrounding slices to investigate the presence of nodule using deep residual U-Net architecture. The first stage provides the initial estimation of nodule which is further utilized to extract the VOI. At the second stage, the extracted VOI is further investigated along the coronal and sagittal axis with two different networks and finally, all the estimated masks are fed into the consensus module to produce the final volumetric segmentation of nodule. The proposed approach has been rigorously evaluated on the LIDC dataset, which is the largest publicly available dataset. The result suggests that the approach is significantly robust and accurate as compared to the previous state of the art techniques.Comment: The manuscript is currently under review and copyright shall be transferred to the publisher upon acceptanc

    Attention-Enhanced Cross-Task Network for Analysing Multiple Attributes of Lung Nodules in CT

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    Accurate characterisation of visual attributes such as spiculation, lobulation, and calcification of lung nodules is critical in cancer management. The characterisation of these attributes is often subjective, which may lead to high inter- and intra-observer variability. Furthermore, lung nodules are often heterogeneous in the cross-sectional image slices of a 3D volume. Current state-of-the-art methods that score multiple attributes rely on deep learning-based multi-task learning (MTL) schemes. These methods, however, extract shared visual features across attributes and then examine each attribute without explicitly leveraging their inherent intercorrelations. Furthermore, current methods either treat each slice with equal importance without considering their relevance or heterogeneity, which limits performance. In this study, we address these challenges with a new convolutional neural network (CNN)-based MTL model that incorporates multiple attention-based learning modules to simultaneously score 9 visual attributes of lung nodules in computed tomography (CT) image volumes. Our model processes entire nodule volumes of arbitrary depth and uses a slice attention module to filter out irrelevant slices. We also introduce cross-attribute and attribute specialisation attention modules that learn an optimal amalgamation of meaningful representations to leverage relationships between attributes. We demonstrate that our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods at scoring attributes using the well-known public LIDC-IDRI dataset of pulmonary nodules from over 1,000 patients. Our model also performs competitively when repurposed for benign-malignant classification. Our attention modules also provide easy-to-interpret weights that offer insights into the predictions of the model

    Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) in deep learning-based medical image analysis

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    With an increase in deep learning-based methods, the call for explainability of such methods grows, especially in high-stakes decision making areas such as medical image analysis. This survey presents an overview of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) used in deep learning-based medical image analysis. A framework of XAI criteria is introduced to classify deep learning-based medical image analysis methods. Papers on XAI techniques in medical image analysis are then surveyed and categorized according to the framework and according to anatomical location. The paper concludes with an outlook of future opportunities for XAI in medical image analysis.Comment: Submitted for publication. Comments welcome by email to first autho