8,144 research outputs found

    Deep Comprehensive Correlation Mining for Image Clustering

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    Recent developed deep unsupervised methods allow us to jointly learn representation and cluster unlabelled data. These deep clustering methods mainly focus on the correlation among samples, e.g., selecting high precision pairs to gradually tune the feature representation, which neglects other useful correlations. In this paper, we propose a novel clustering framework, named deep comprehensive correlation mining(DCCM), for exploring and taking full advantage of various kinds of correlations behind the unlabeled data from three aspects: 1) Instead of only using pair-wise information, pseudo-label supervision is proposed to investigate category information and learn discriminative features. 2) The features' robustness to image transformation of input space is fully explored, which benefits the network learning and significantly improves the performance. 3) The triplet mutual information among features is presented for clustering problem to lift the recently discovered instance-level deep mutual information to a triplet-level formation, which further helps to learn more discriminative features. Extensive experiments on several challenging datasets show that our method achieves good performance, e.g., attaining 62.3%62.3\% clustering accuracy on CIFAR-10, which is 10.1%10.1\% higher than the state-of-the-art results.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 201

    Max-margin Deep Generative Models

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    Deep generative models (DGMs) are effective on learning multilayered representations of complex data and performing inference of input data by exploring the generative ability. However, little work has been done on examining or empowering the discriminative ability of DGMs on making accurate predictions. This paper presents max-margin deep generative models (mmDGMs), which explore the strongly discriminative principle of max-margin learning to improve the discriminative power of DGMs, while retaining the generative capability. We develop an efficient doubly stochastic subgradient algorithm for the piecewise linear objective. Empirical results on MNIST and SVHN datasets demonstrate that (1) max-margin learning can significantly improve the prediction performance of DGMs and meanwhile retain the generative ability; and (2) mmDGMs are competitive to the state-of-the-art fully discriminative networks by employing deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as both recognition and generative models

    Soft Proposal Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

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    Weakly supervised object localization remains challenging, where only image labels instead of bounding boxes are available during training. Object proposal is an effective component in localization, but often computationally expensive and incapable of joint optimization with some of the remaining modules. In this paper, to the best of our knowledge, we for the first time integrate weakly supervised object proposal into convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in an end-to-end learning manner. We design a network component, Soft Proposal (SP), to be plugged into any standard convolutional architecture to introduce the nearly cost-free object proposal, orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art methods. In the SP-augmented CNNs, referred to as Soft Proposal Networks (SPNs), iteratively evolved object proposals are generated based on the deep feature maps then projected back, and further jointly optimized with network parameters, with image-level supervision only. Through the unified learning process, SPNs learn better object-centric filters, discover more discriminative visual evidence, and suppress background interference, significantly boosting both weakly supervised object localization and classification performance. We report the best results on popular benchmarks, including PASCAL VOC, MS COCO, and ImageNet.Comment: ICCV 201

    Semantic-Guided Multi-Attention Localization for Zero-Shot Learning

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    Zero-shot learning extends the conventional object classification to the unseen class recognition by introducing semantic representations of classes. Existing approaches predominantly focus on learning the proper mapping function for visual-semantic embedding, while neglecting the effect of learning discriminative visual features. In this paper, we study the significance of the discriminative region localization. We propose a semantic-guided multi-attention localization model, which automatically discovers the most discriminative parts of objects for zero-shot learning without any human annotations. Our model jointly learns cooperative global and local features from the whole object as well as the detected parts to categorize objects based on semantic descriptions. Moreover, with the joint supervision of embedding softmax loss and class-center triplet loss, the model is encouraged to learn features with high inter-class dispersion and intra-class compactness. Through comprehensive experiments on three widely used zero-shot learning benchmarks, we show the efficacy of the multi-attention localization and our proposed approach improves the state-of-the-art results by a considerable margin.Comment: accepted to NeurIPS'1

    Supervised COSMOS Autoencoder: Learning Beyond the Euclidean Loss!

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    Autoencoders are unsupervised deep learning models used for learning representations. In literature, autoencoders have shown to perform well on a variety of tasks spread across multiple domains, thereby establishing widespread applicability. Typically, an autoencoder is trained to generate a model that minimizes the reconstruction error between the input and the reconstructed output, computed in terms of the Euclidean distance. While this can be useful for applications related to unsupervised reconstruction, it may not be optimal for classification. In this paper, we propose a novel Supervised COSMOS Autoencoder which utilizes a multi-objective loss function to learn representations that simultaneously encode the (i) "similarity" between the input and reconstructed vectors in terms of their direction, (ii) "distribution" of pixel values of the reconstruction with respect to the input sample, while also incorporating (iii) "discriminability" in the feature learning pipeline. The proposed autoencoder model incorporates a Cosine similarity and Mahalanobis distance based loss function, along with supervision via Mutual Information based loss. Detailed analysis of each component of the proposed model motivates its applicability for feature learning in different classification tasks. The efficacy of Supervised COSMOS autoencoder is demonstrated via extensive experimental evaluations on different image datasets. The proposed model outperforms existing algorithms on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and SVHN databases. It also yields state-of-the-art results on CelebA, LFWA, Adience, and IJB-A databases for attribute prediction and face recognition, respectively

    Contrastive-center loss for deep neural networks

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    The deep convolutional neural network(CNN) has significantly raised the performance of image classification and face recognition. Softmax is usually used as supervision, but it only penalizes the classification loss. In this paper, we propose a novel auxiliary supervision signal called contrastivecenter loss, which can further enhance the discriminative power of the features, for it learns a class center for each class. The proposed contrastive-center loss simultaneously considers intra-class compactness and inter-class separability, by penalizing the contrastive values between: (1)the distances of training samples to their corresponding class centers, and (2)the sum of the distances of training samples to their non-corresponding class centers. Experiments on different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of contrastive-center loss

    Zero-Shot Fine-Grained Classification by Deep Feature Learning with Semantics

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    Fine-grained image classification, which aims to distinguish images with subtle distinctions, is a challenging task due to two main issues: lack of sufficient training data for every class and difficulty in learning discriminative features for representation. In this paper, to address the two issues, we propose a two-phase framework for recognizing images from unseen fine-grained classes, i.e. zero-shot fine-grained classification. In the first feature learning phase, we finetune deep convolutional neural networks using hierarchical semantic structure among fine-grained classes to extract discriminative deep visual features. Meanwhile, a domain adaptation structure is induced into deep convolutional neural networks to avoid domain shift from training data to test data. In the second label inference phase, a semantic directed graph is constructed over attributes of fine-grained classes. Based on this graph, we develop a label propagation algorithm to infer the labels of images in the unseen classes. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art zero-shot learning models. In addition, the features obtained by our feature learning model also yield significant gains when they are used by other zero-shot learning models, which shows the flexility of our model in zero-shot fine-grained classification.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE TIP for peer-revie

    Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction and Classification by ANN Supervised with Center Loss in Hyperspectral Imagery

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    In this paper, we propose a spectral-spatial feature extraction and classification framework based on artificial neuron network (ANN) in the context of hyperspectral imagery. With limited labeled samples, only spectral information is exploited for training and spatial context is integrated posteriorly at the testing stage. Taking advantage of recent advances in face recognition, a joint supervision symbol that combines softmax loss and center loss is adopted to train the proposed network, by which intra-class features are gathered while inter-class variations are enlarged. Based on the learned architecture, the extracted spectrum-based features are classified by a center classifier. Moreover, to fuse the spectral and spatial information, an adaptive spectral-spatial center classifier is developed, where multiscale neighborhoods are considered simultaneously, and the final label is determined using an adaptive voting strategy. Finally, experimental results on three well-known datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods compared with the state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Fine-grained pose prediction, normalization, and recognition

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    Pose variation and subtle differences in appearance are key challenges to fine-grained classification. While deep networks have markedly improved general recognition, many approaches to fine-grained recognition rely on anchoring networks to parts for better accuracy. Identifying parts to find correspondence discounts pose variation so that features can be tuned to appearance. To this end previous methods have examined how to find parts and extract pose-normalized features. These methods have generally separated fine-grained recognition into stages which first localize parts using hand-engineered and coarsely-localized proposal features, and then separately learn deep descriptors centered on inferred part positions. We unify these steps in an end-to-end trainable network supervised by keypoint locations and class labels that localizes parts by a fully convolutional network to focus the learning of feature representations for the fine-grained classification task. Experiments on the popular CUB200 dataset show that our method is state-of-the-art and suggest a continuing role for strong supervision

    Deep Discriminative Representation Learning with Attention Map for Scene Classification

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    Learning powerful discriminative features for remote sensing image scene classification is a challenging computer vision problem. In the past, most classification approaches were based on handcrafted features. However, most recent approaches to remote sensing scene classification are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The de facto practice when learning these CNN models is only to use original RGB patches as input with training performed on large amounts of labeled data (ImageNet). In this paper, we show class activation map (CAM) encoded CNN models, codenamed DDRL-AM, trained using original RGB patches and attention map based class information provide complementary information to the standard RGB deep models. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate attention information encoded CNNs. Additionally, to enhance the discriminability, we further employ a recently developed object function called "center loss," which has proved to be very useful in face recognition. Finally, our framework provides attention guidance to the model in an end-to-end fashion. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that our approach matches or exceeds the performance of other methods