5,247 research outputs found

    A Survey on Cross-Layer Design Frameworks for Multimedia Applications over Wireless Networks

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    In the last few years, the Internet throughput, usage and reliability have increased almost exponentially. The introduction of broadband wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and cellular networks together with increased computational power have opened the door for a new breed of applications to be created, namely real-time multimedia applications. Delivering real-time multimedia traffic over a complex network like the Internet is a particularly challenging task since these applications have strict quality -of-service (QoS) requirements on bandwidth, delay, and delay jitter. Traditional IP-based best effort service will not be able to meet these stringent requirements. The time-varying nature of wireless channels and resource constrained wireless devices make the problem even more difficult. To improve perceived media quality by end users over wireless Internet, QoS supports can be addressed in different layers, including application layer, transport layer and link layer. Cross layer design is a well-known approach to achieve this adaptation. In cross-layer design, the challenges from the physical wireless medium and the QoS-demands from the applications are taken into account so that the rate, power, and coding at the physical layer can adapted to meet the requirements of the applications given the current channel and network conditions. A number of propositions for cross-layer designs exist in the literature. In this paper, an extensive review has been made on these cross-layer architectures that combine the application-layer, transport layer and the link layer controls. Particularly the issues like channel estimation techniques, adaptive controls at the application and link layers for energy efficiency, priority based scheduling, transmission rate control at the transport layer, and adaptive automatic repeat request (ARQ) are discussed in detail.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Delay-Constrained Video Transmission: Quality-driven Resource Allocation and Scheduling

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    Real-time video demands quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees such as delay bounds for end-user satisfaction. Furthermore, the tolerable delay varies depending on the use case such as live streaming or two-way video conferencing. Due to the inherently stochastic nature of wireless fading channels, deterministic delay bounds are difficult to guarantee. Instead, we propose providing statistical delay guarantees using the concept of effective capacity. We consider a multiuser setup whereby different users have (possibly different) delay QoS constraints. We derive the resource allocation policy that maximizes the sum video quality and applies to any quality metric with concave rate-quality mapping. We show that the optimal operating point per user is such that the rate-distortion slope is the inverse of the supported video source rate per unit bandwidth, a key metric we refer to as the source spectral efficiency. We also solve the alternative problem of fairness-based resource allocation whereby the objective is to maximize the minimum video quality across users. Finally, we derive user admission and scheduling policies that enable selecting a maximal user subset such that all selected users can meet their statistical delay requirement. Results show that video users with differentiated QoS requirements can achieve similar video quality with vastly different resource requirements. Thus, QoS-aware scheduling and resource allocation enable supporting significantly more users under the same resource constraints.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processin

    Effective Capacity in Wireless Networks: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Low latency applications, such as multimedia communications, autonomous vehicles, and Tactile Internet are the emerging applications for next-generation wireless networks, such as 5th generation (5G) mobile networks. Existing physical-layer channel models, however, do not explicitly consider quality-of-service (QoS) aware related parameters under specific delay constraints. To investigate the performance of low-latency applications in future networks, a new mathematical framework is needed. Effective capacity (EC), which is a link-layer channel model with QoS-awareness, can be used to investigate the performance of wireless networks under certain statistical delay constraints. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on existing works, that use the EC model in various wireless networks. We summarize the work related to EC for different networks such as cognitive radio networks (CRNs), cellular networks, relay networks, adhoc networks, and mesh networks. We explore five case studies encompassing EC operation with different design and architectural requirements. We survey various delay-sensitive applications such as voice and video with their EC analysis under certain delay constraints. We finally present the future research directions with open issues covering EC maximization

    SVC-based Multi-user Streamloading for Wireless Networks

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    In this paper, we present an approach for joint rate allocation and quality selection for a novel video streaming scheme called streamloading. Streamloading is a recently developed method for delivering high quality video without violating copyright enforced restrictions on content access for video streaming. In regular streaming services, content providers restrict the amount of viewable video that users can download prior to playback. This approach can cause inferior user experience due to bandwidth variations, especially in mobile networks with varying capacity. In streamloading, the video is encoded using Scalable Video Coding, and users are allowed to pre-fetch enhancement layers and store them on the device, while base layers are streamed in a near real-time fashion ensuring that buffering constraints on viewable content are met. We begin by formulating the offline problem of jointly optimizing rate allocation and quality selection for streamloading in a wireless network. This motivates our proposed online algorithms for joint scheduling at the base station and segment quality selection at receivers. The results indicate that streamloading outperforms state-of-the-art streaming schemes in terms of the number of additional streams we can admit for a given video quality. Furthermore, the quality adaptation mechanism of our proposed algorithm achieves a higher performance than baseline algorithms with no (or limited) video-centric optimization of the base station's allocation of resources, e.g., proportional fairness

    Optimal Network-Assisted Multi-user DASH Video Streaming

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    Streaming video is becoming the predominant type of traffic over the Internet with reports forecasting the video content to account for 80% of all traffic by 2019. With significant investment on Internet backbone, the main bottleneck remains at the edge servers (e.g., WiFi access points, small cells, etc.). In this work, we propose and prove the optimality of a multiuser resource allocation mechanism operating at the edge server that minimizes the probability of stalling of video streams due to buffer under-flows. Our proposed policy utilizes Media Presentation Description (MPD) files of clients that are sent in compliant to Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) protocol to be cognizant of the deadlines of each of the media file to be displayed by the clients. Then, the policy schedules the users in the order of their deadlines. After establishing the optimality of this policy to minimize the stalling probability for a network with links associated with fixed loss rates, the utility of the algorithm is verified under realistic network conditions with detailed NS-3 simulations

    QoE-Aware Resource Allocation for Small Cells

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    In this paper, we study the problem of Quality of Experience (QoE) aware resource allocation in wireless systems. In particular, we consider application-aware joint Bandwidth-Power allocation for a small cell. We optimize a QoE metric for multi-user video streaming in a small cell that maintains a trade-off between maximizing the playback rate of each user and ensuring proportional fairness (PF) among users. We formulate the application-driven joint bandwidth-power allocation as a non-convex optimization problem. However, we develop a polynomial complexity algorithm, and we show that the proposed algorithm achieves the optimal solution of the proposed optimization problem. Simulation results show that the proposed QoE-aware algorithm significantly improves the average QoE. Moreover, it outperforms the weighted sum rate allocation which is the state-of-the-art physical resource allocation scheme.Comment: 6 page

    Optimal Foresighted Multi-User Wireless Video

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    Recent years have seen an explosion in wireless video communication systems. Optimization in such systems is crucial - but most existing methods intended to optimize the performance of multi-user wireless video transmission are inefficient. Some works (e.g. Network Utility Maximization (NUM)) are myopic: they choose actions to maximize instantaneous video quality while ignoring the future impact of these actions. Such myopic solutions are known to be inferior to foresighted solutions that optimize the long-term video quality. Alternatively, foresighted solutions such as rate-distortion optimized packet scheduling focus on single-user wireless video transmission, while ignoring the resource allocation among the users. In this paper, we propose an optimal solution for performing joint foresighted resource allocation and packet scheduling among multiple users transmitting video over a shared wireless network. A key challenge in developing foresighted solutions for multiple video users is that the users' decisions are coupled. To decouple the users' decisions, we adopt a novel dual decomposition approach, which differs from the conventional optimization solutions such as NUM, and determines foresighted policies. Specifically, we propose an informationally-decentralized algorithm in which the network manager updates resource "prices" (i.e. the dual variables associated with the resource constraints), and the users make individual video packet scheduling decisions based on these prices. Because a priori knowledge of the system dynamics is almost never available at run-time, the proposed solution can learn online, concurrently with performing the foresighted optimization. Simulation results show 7 dB and 3 dB improvements in Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) over myopic solutions and existing foresighted solutions, respectively

    Toward Green Media Delivery: Location-Aware Opportunities and Approaches

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    Mobile media has undoubtedly become the predominant source of traffic in wireless networks. The result is not only congestion and poor Quality-of-Experience, but also an unprecedented energy drain at both the network and user devices. In order to sustain this continued growth, novel disruptive paradigms of media delivery are urgently needed. We envision that two key contemporary advancements can be leveraged to develop greener media delivery platforms: 1) the proliferation of navigation hardware and software in mobile devices has created an era of location-awareness, where both the current and future user locations can be predicted; and 2) the rise of context-aware network architectures and self-organizing functionalities is enabling context signaling and in-network adaptation. With these developments in mind, this article investigates the opportunities of exploiting location-awareness to enable green end-to-end media delivery. In particular, we discuss and propose approaches for location-based adaptive video quality planning, in-network caching, content prefetching, and long-term radio resource management. To provide insights on the energy savings, we then present a cross-layer framework that jointly optimizes resource allocation and multi-user video quality using location predictions. Finally, we highlight some of the future research directions for location-aware media delivery in the conclusion

    Performance Comparison of Packet Scheduling Algorithms for Video Traffic in LTE Cellular Network

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    In this paper we have studied downlink packet scheduling algorithms proposed for LTE cellular networks. The study emphasize on three most promising scheduling algorithms such as: FLS, EXP rule and LOG rule. The performance of these three algorithms is conducted over video traffic in a vehicular environment using LTE-Sim simulator. The simulation was setup with varying number of users from 10 - 60 in fixed bounded regions of 1 km radius. The main goal this study is to provide results that will help in the design process of packet scheduler for LTE cellular networks, aiming to get better overall performance users. Simulation results show that, the FLS scheme outperforms in terms of average system throughput, average packet delay, PLR; and with a satisfactory level of fairness index

    A Survey on QoE-oriented Wireless Resources Scheduling

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    Future wireless systems are expected to provide a wide range of services to more and more users. Advanced scheduling strategies thus arise not only to perform efficient radio resource management, but also to provide fairness among the users. On the other hand, the users' perceived quality, i.e., Quality of Experience (QoE), is becoming one of the main drivers within the schedulers design. In this context, this paper starts by providing a comprehension of what is QoE and an overview of the evolution of wireless scheduling techniques. Afterwards, a survey on the most recent QoE-based scheduling strategies for wireless systems is presented, highlighting the application/service of the different approaches reported in the literature, as well as the parameters that were taken into account for QoE optimization. Therefore, this paper aims at helping readers interested in learning the basic concepts of QoE-oriented wireless resources scheduling, as well as getting in touch with its current research frontier.Comment: Revised version: updated according to the most recent related literature; added references; corrected typo
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