4,185 research outputs found

    DRASIC: Distributed Recurrent Autoencoder for Scalable Image Compression

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    We propose a new architecture for distributed image compression from a group of distributed data sources. The work is motivated by practical needs of data-driven codec design, low power consumption, robustness, and data privacy. The proposed architecture, which we refer to as Distributed Recurrent Autoencoder for Scalable Image Compression (DRASIC), is able to train distributed encoders and one joint decoder on correlated data sources. Its compression capability is much better than the method of training codecs separately. Meanwhile, the performance of our distributed system with 10 distributed sources is only within 2 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of the performance of a single codec trained with all data sources. We experiment distributed sources with different correlations and show how our data-driven methodology well matches the Slepian-Wolf Theorem in Distributed Source Coding (DSC). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first data-driven DSC framework for general distributed code design with deep learning

    SGUIE-Net: Semantic Attention Guided Underwater Image Enhancement with Multi-Scale Perception

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    Due to the wavelength-dependent light attenuation, refraction and scattering, underwater images usually suffer from color distortion and blurred details. However, due to the limited number of paired underwater images with undistorted images as reference, training deep enhancement models for diverse degradation types is quite difficult. To boost the performance of data-driven approaches, it is essential to establish more effective learning mechanisms that mine richer supervised information from limited training sample resources. In this paper, we propose a novel underwater image enhancement network, called SGUIE-Net, in which we introduce semantic information as high-level guidance across different images that share common semantic regions. Accordingly, we propose semantic region-wise enhancement module to perceive the degradation of different semantic regions from multiple scales and feed it back to the global attention features extracted from its original scale. This strategy helps to achieve robust and visually pleasant enhancements to different semantic objects, which should thanks to the guidance of semantic information for differentiated enhancement. More importantly, for those degradation types that are not common in the training sample distribution, the guidance connects them with the already well-learned types according to their semantic relevance. Extensive experiments on the publicly available datasets and our proposed dataset demonstrated the impressive performance of SGUIE-Net. The code and proposed dataset are available at: https://trentqq.github.io/SGUIE-Net.htm

    HybrUR: A Hybrid Physical-Neural Solution for Unsupervised Underwater Image Restoration

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    Robust vision restoration for an underwater image remains a challenging problem. For the lack of aligned underwater-terrestrial image pairs, the unsupervised method is more suited to this task. However, the pure data-driven unsupervised method usually has difficulty in achieving realistic color correction for lack of optical constraint. In this paper, we propose a data- and physics-driven unsupervised architecture that learns underwater vision restoration from unpaired underwater-terrestrial images. For sufficient domain transformation and detail preservation, the underwater degeneration needs to be explicitly constructed based on the optically unambiguous physics law. Thus, we employ the Jaffe-McGlamery degradation theory to design the generation models, and use neural networks to describe the process of underwater degradation. Furthermore, to overcome the problem of invalid gradient when optimizing the hybrid physical-neural model, we fully investigate the intrinsic correlation between the scene depth and the degradation factors for the backscattering estimation, to improve the restoration performance through physical constraints. Our experimental results show that the proposed method is able to perform high-quality restoration for unconstrained underwater images without any supervision. On multiple benchmarks, we outperform several state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised approaches. We also demonstrate that our methods yield encouraging results on real-world applications
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