2,474 research outputs found

    Joint Device Positioning and Clock Synchronization in 5G Ultra-Dense Networks

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    In this article, we address the prospects and key enabling technologies for highly efficient and accurate device positioning and tracking in 5G radio access networks. Building on the premises of ultra-dense networks as well as on the adoption of multicarrier waveforms and antenna arrays in the access nodes (ANs), we first formulate extended Kalman filter (EKF)-based solutions for computationally efficient joint estimation and tracking of the time of arrival (ToA) and direction of arrival (DoA) of the user nodes (UNs) using uplink reference signals. Then, a second EKF stage is proposed in order to fuse the individual DoA/ToA estimates from one or several ANs into a UN position estimate. Since all the processing takes place at the network side, the computing complexity and energy consumption at the UN side are kept to a minimum. The cascaded EKFs proposed in this article also take into account the unavoidable relative clock offsets between UNs and ANs, such that reliable clock synchronization of the access-link is obtained as a valuable by-product. The proposed cascaded EKF scheme is then revised and extended to more general and challenging scenarios where not only the UNs have clock offsets against the network time, but also the ANs themselves are not mutually synchronized in time. Finally, comprehensive performance evaluations of the proposed solutions on a realistic 5G network setup, building on the METIS project based outdoor Madrid map model together with complete ray tracing based propagation modeling, are provided. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that by using the developed methods, sub-meter scale positioning and tracking accuracy of moving devices is indeed technically feasible in future 5G radio access networks operating at sub-6GHz frequencies, despite the realistic assumptions related to clock offsets and potentially even under unsynchronized network elements.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications in March 2016. This is the revised version of the original article, and it is under review at the moment. 15 pages, 9 figure

    Inter-Vehicle Range Estimation from Periodic Broadcasts

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    Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) enables vehicular communication using periodic broadcast messages. We propose to use these periodic broadcasts to perform inter-vehicle ranging. Motivated by this scenario, we study the general problem of precise range estimation between pairs of moving vehicles using periodic broadcasts. Each vehicle has its own independent and unsynchronized clock, which can exhibit significant drift between consecutive periodic broadcast transmissions. As a consequence, both the clock offsets and drifts need to be taken into account in addition to the vehicle motion to accurately estimate the vehicle ranges. We develop a range estimation algorithm using local polynomial smoothing of the vehicle motion. The proposed algorithm can be applied to networks with arbitrary number of vehicles and requires no additional message exchanges apart from the periodic broadcasts. We validate our algorithm on experimental data and show that the performance of the proposed approach is close to that obtained using unicast round-trip time ranging. In particular, we are able to achieve sub-meter ranging accuracies in vehicular scenarios. Our scheme requires additional timestamp information to be transmitted as part of the broadcast messages, and we develop a novel timestamp compression algorithm to minimize the resulting overhead.Comment: 16 page

    Joint Ranging and Clock Parameter Estimation by Wireless Round Trip Time Measurements

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    In this paper we develop a new technique for estimating fine clock errors and range between two nodes simultaneously by two-way time-of-arrival measurements us- ing impulse-radio ultra-wideband signals. Estimators for clock parameters and the range are proposed that are robust with respect to outliers. They are analyzed numerically and by means of experimental measurement campaigns. The technique and derived estimators achieve accuracies below 1Hz for frequency estimation, below 1 ns for phase estimation and 20 cm for range estimation, at 4m distance using 100MHz clocks at both nodes. Therefore, we show that the proposed joint approach is practical and can simultaneously provide clock synchronization and positioning in an experimental system.Comment: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Accepted

    Joint Ranging and Clock Synchronization for Dense Heterogeneous IoT Networks

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    Synchronization and ranging in internet of things (IoT) networks are challenging due to the narrowband nature of signals used for communication between IoT nodes. Recently, several estimators for range estimation using phase difference of arrival (PDoA) measurements of narrowband signals have been proposed. However, these estimators are based on data models which do not consider the impact of clock-skew on the range estimation. In this paper, clock-skew and range estimation are studied under a unified framework. We derive a novel and precise data model for PDoA measurements which incorporates the unknown clock-skew effects. We then formulate joint estimation of the clock-skew and range as a two-dimensional (2-D) frequency estimation problem of a single complex sinusoid. Furthermore, we propose: (i) a two-way communication protocol for collecting PDoA measurements and (ii) a weighted least squares (WLS) algorithm for joint estimation of clock-skew and range leveraging the shift invariance property of the measurement data. Finally, through numerical experiments, the performance of the proposed protocol and estimator is compared against the Cramer Rao lower bound demonstrating that the proposed estimator is asymptotically efficient.Comment: 52nd Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computer

    Fundamental Limits of Wideband Localization - Part I: A General Framework

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    The availability of positional information is of great importance in many commercial, public safety, and military applications. The coming years will see the emergence of location-aware networks with sub-meter accuracy, relying on accurate range measurements provided by wide bandwidth transmissions. In this two-part paper, we determine the fundamental limits of localization accuracy of wideband wireless networks in harsh multipath environments. We first develop a general framework to characterize the localization accuracy of a given node here and then extend our analysis to cooperative location-aware networks in Part II. In this paper, we characterize localization accuracy in terms of a performance measure called the squared position error bound (SPEB), and introduce the notion of equivalent Fisher information to derive the SPEB in a succinct expression. This methodology provides insights into the essence of the localization problem by unifying localization information from individual anchors and information from a priori knowledge of the agent's position in a canonical form. Our analysis begins with the received waveforms themselves rather than utilizing only the signal metrics extracted from these waveforms, such as time-of-arrival and received signal strength. Hence, our framework exploits all the information inherent in the received waveforms, and the resulting SPEB serves as a fundamental limit of localization accuracy.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Cooperative Joint Localization and Clock Synchronization Based on Gaussian Message Passing in Asynchronous Wireless Networks

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    Localization and synchronization are very important in many wireless applications such as monitoring and vehicle tracking. Utilizing the same time of arrival (TOA) measurements for simultaneous localization and synchronization is challenging. In this paper, we present a factor graph (FG) representation of the joint localization and time synchronization problem based on TOA measurements, in which the non-line-of-sight measurements are also taken into consideration. On this FG, belief propagation (BP) message passing and variational message passing (VMP) are applied to derive two fully distributed cooperative algorithms with low computational requirements. Due to the nonlinearity in the observation function, it is intractable to compute the messages in closed form and most existing solutions rely on Monte Carlo methods, e.g., particle filtering. We linearize a specific nonlinear term in the expressions of messages, which enables us to use a Gaussian representation for all messages. Accordingly, only the mean and variance have to be updated and transmitted between neighboring nodes, which significantly reduces the communication overhead and computational complexity. A message passing schedule scheme is proposed to trade off between estimation performance and communication overhead. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms perform very close to particle-based methods with much lower complexity especially in densely connected networks.Comment: 38 pages one column, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Joint ranging and synchronization for an anchorless network of mobile nodes

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    Synchronization and localization are critical challenges for the coherent functioning of a wireless network, which are conventionally solved independently. Recently, various estimators have been proposed for pairwise synchronization between immobile nodes, based on time stamp exchanges via two-way communication. In this paper, we consider a \textit{network of mobile nodes} for which a novel joint time-range model is presented, treating both unsynchronized clocks and the pairwise distances as a polynomial function of \textit{true} time. For a set of nodes, a pairwise least squares solution is proposed for estimating the pairwise range parameters between the nodes, in addition to estimating the clock offsets and clock skews. Extending these pairwise solutions to network-wide ranging and clock synchronization, we present a central data fusion based global least squares algorithm. A unique solution is non-existent without a constraint on the cost function (\eg clock reference node). Ergo, a constrained framework is proposed and a new Constrained \Cramer\ Rao Bound (CCRB) is derived for the joint time-range model. In addition, various constraints are proposed and their effects on the proposed algorithms are studied. Simulations are conducted and the proposed algorithm is shown to approach the theoretical limits.Comment: In submissio

    Modified CRB for Location and Velocity Estimation using Signals of Opportunity

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    We consider the problem of localizing two sensors using signals of opportunity from beacons with known positions. Beacons and sensors have asynchronous local clocks or oscillators with unknown clock skews and offsets. We model clock skews as random, and analyze the biases introduced by clock asynchronism in the received signals. By deriving the equivalent Fisher information matrix for the modified Bayesian Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of sensor position and velocity estimation, we quantify the errors caused by clock asynchronism

    Scalable and Passive Wireless Network Clock Synchronization

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    Clock synchronization is ubiquitous in wireless systems for communication, sensing and control. In this paper we design a scalable system in which an indefinite number of passively receiving wireless units can synchronize to a single master clock at the level of discrete clock ticks. Accurate synchronization requires an estimate of the node positions. If such information is available the framework developed here takes position uncertainties into account. In the absence of such information we propose a mechanism which enables simultaneous synchronization and positioning. Furthermore we derive the Cramer-Rao bounds for the system which show that it enables synchronization accuracy at sub-nanosecond levels. Finally, we develop and evaluate an online estimation method which is statistically efficient

    TW-TOA Based Positioning in the Presence of Clock Imperfections

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    This paper studies the positioning problem based on two-way time-of-arrival (TW-TOA) measurements in asynchronous wireless sensor networks. Since the optimal estimator for this problem involves difficult nonconvex optimization, we propose two suboptimal estimators based on squared-range least squares and least absolute mean of residual errors. The former approach is formulated as a general trust region subproblem which can be solved exactly under mild conditions. The latter approach is formulated as a difference of convex functions programming (DCP), which can be solved using a concave-convex procedure. Simulation results illustrate the high performance of the proposed techniques, especially for the DCP approach
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