102 research outputs found

    Downstream Task Self-Supervised Learning for Object Recognition and Tracking

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    This dissertation addresses three limitations of deep learning methods in image and video understanding-based machine vision applications. Firstly, although deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are efficient for image recognition applications such as object detection and segmentation, they perform poorly under perspective distortions. In real-world applications, the camera perspective is a common problem that we can address by annotating large amounts of data, thus limiting the applicability of the deep learning models. Secondly, the typical approach for single-camera tracking problems is to use separate motion and appearance models, which are expensive in terms of computations and training data requirements. Finally, conventional multi-camera video understanding techniques use supervised learning algorithms to determine temporal relationships among objects. In large-scale applications, these methods are also limited by the requirement of extensive manually annotated data and computational resources.To address these limitations, we develop an uncertainty-aware self-supervised learning (SSL) technique that captures a model\u27s instance or semantic segmentation uncertainty from overhead images and guides the model to learn the impact of the new perspective on object appearance. The test-time data augmentation-based pseudo-label refinement technique continuously trains a model until convergence on new perspective images. The proposed method can be applied for both self-supervision and semi-supervision, thus increasing the effectiveness of a deep pre-trained model in new domains. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the SSL technique in both object detection and semantic segmentation problems. In video understanding applications, we introduce simultaneous segmentation and tracking as an unsupervised spatio-temporal latent feature clustering problem. The jointly learned multi-task features leverage the task-dependent uncertainty to generate discriminative features in multi-object videos. Experiments have shown that the proposed tracker outperforms several state-of-the-art supervised methods. Finally, we proposed an unsupervised multi-camera tracklet association (MCTA) algorithm to track multiple objects in real-time. MCTA leverages the self-supervised detector model for single-camera tracking and solves the multi-camera tracking problem using multiple pair-wise camera associations modeled as a connected graph. The graph optimization method generates a global solution for partially or fully overlapping camera networks

    Online Multi-Object Tracking Using CNN-based Single Object Tracker with Spatial-Temporal Attention Mechanism

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    In this paper, we propose a CNN-based framework for online MOT. This framework utilizes the merits of single object trackers in adapting appearance models and searching for target in the next frame. Simply applying single object tracker for MOT will encounter the problem in computational efficiency and drifted results caused by occlusion. Our framework achieves computational efficiency by sharing features and using ROI-Pooling to obtain individual features for each target. Some online learned target-specific CNN layers are used for adapting the appearance model for each target. In the framework, we introduce spatial-temporal attention mechanism (STAM) to handle the drift caused by occlusion and interaction among targets. The visibility map of the target is learned and used for inferring the spatial attention map. The spatial attention map is then applied to weight the features. Besides, the occlusion status can be estimated from the visibility map, which controls the online updating process via weighted loss on training samples with different occlusion statuses in different frames. It can be considered as temporal attention mechanism. The proposed algorithm achieves 34.3% and 46.0% in MOTA on challenging MOT15 and MOT16 benchmark dataset respectively.Comment: Accepted at International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 201

    Learned perception systems for self-driving vehicles

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    2022 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Building self-driving vehicles is one of the most impactful technological challenges of modern artificial intelligence. Self-driving vehicles are widely anticipated to revolutionize the way people and freight move. In this dissertation, we present a collection of work that aims to improve the capability of the perception module, an essential module for safe and reliable autonomous driving. Specifically, it focuses on two perception topics: 1) Geo-localization (mapping) of spatially-compact static objects, and 2) Multi-target object detection and tracking of moving objects in the scene. Accurately estimating the position of static objects, such as traffic lights, from the moving camera of a self-driving car is a challenging problem. In this dissertation, we present a system that improves the localization of static objects by jointly optimizing the components of the system via learning. Our system is comprised of networks that perform: 1) 5DoF object pose estimation from a single image, 2) association of objects between pairs of frames, and 3) multi-object tracking to produce the final geo-localization of the static objects within the scene. We evaluate our approach using a publicly available data set, focusing on traffic lights due to data availability. For each component, we compare against contemporary alternatives and show significantly improved performance. We also show that the end-to-end system performance is further improved via joint training of the constituent models. Next, we propose an efficient joint detection and tracking model named DEFT, or "Detection Embeddings for Tracking." The proposed approach relies on an appearance-based object matching network jointly learned with an underlying object detection network. An LSTM is also added to capture motion constraints. DEFT has comparable accuracy and speed to the top methods on 2D online tracking leaderboards while having significant advantages in robustness when applied to more challenging tracking data. DEFT raises the bar on the nuScenes monocular 3D tracking challenge, more than doubling the performance of the previous top method (3.8x on AMOTA, 2.1x on MOTAR). We analyze the difference in performance between DEFT and the next best-published method on nuScenes and find that DEFT is more robust to occlusions and large inter-frame displacements, making it a superior choice for many use-cases. Third, we present an end-to-end model to solve the tasks of detection, tracking, and sequence modeling from raw sensor data, called Attention-based DEFT. Attention-based DEFT extends the original DEFT by adding an attentional encoder module that uses attention to compute tracklet embedding that 1) jointly reasons about the tracklet dependencies and interaction with other objects present in the scene and 2) captures the context and temporal information of the tracklet's past observations. The experimental results show that Attention-based DEFT performs favorably against or comparable to state-of-the-art trackers. Reasoning about the interactions between the actors in the scene allows Attention-based DEFT to boost the model tracking performance in heavily crowded and complex interactive scenes. We validate the sequence modeling effectiveness of the proposed approach by showing its superiority for velocity estimation task over other baseline methods on both simple and complex scenes. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of Attention-based DEFT for capturing spatio-temporal interaction of the crowd for velocity estimation task, which helps it to be more robust to handle complexities in densely crowded scenes. The experimental results show that all the joint models in this dissertation perform better than solving each problem independently

    Tracking by Prediction: A Deep Generative Model for Mutli-Person localisation and Tracking

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    Current multi-person localisation and tracking systems have an over reliance on the use of appearance models for target re-identification and almost no approaches employ a complete deep learning solution for both objectives. We present a novel, complete deep learning framework for multi-person localisation and tracking. In this context we first introduce a light weight sequential Generative Adversarial Network architecture for person localisation, which overcomes issues related to occlusions and noisy detections, typically found in a multi person environment. In the proposed tracking framework we build upon recent advances in pedestrian trajectory prediction approaches and propose a novel data association scheme based on predicted trajectories. This removes the need for computationally expensive person re-identification systems based on appearance features and generates human like trajectories with minimal fragmentation. The proposed method is evaluated on multiple public benchmarks including both static and dynamic cameras and is capable of generating outstanding performance, especially among other recently proposed deep neural network based approaches.Comment: To appear in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201
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