2,376 research outputs found

    Joint Label Prediction based Semi-Supervised Adaptive Concept Factorization for Robust Data Representation

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    Constrained Concept Factorization (CCF) yields the enhanced representation ability over CF by incorporating label information as additional constraints, but it cannot classify and group unlabeled data appropriately. Minimizing the difference between the original data and its reconstruction directly can enable CCF to model a small noisy perturbation, but is not robust to gross sparse errors. Besides, CCF cannot preserve the manifold structures in new representation space explicitly, especially in an adaptive manner. In this paper, we propose a joint label prediction based Robust Semi-Supervised Adaptive Concept Factorization (RS2ACF) framework. To obtain robust representation, RS2ACF relaxes the factorization to make it simultaneously stable to small entrywise noise and robust to sparse errors. To enrich prior knowledge to enhance the discrimination, RS2ACF clearly uses class information of labeled data and more importantly propagates it to unlabeled data by jointly learning an explicit label indicator for unlabeled data. By the label indicator, RS2ACF can ensure the unlabeled data of the same predicted label to be mapped into the same class in feature space. Besides, RS2ACF incorporates the joint neighborhood reconstruction error over the new representations and predicted labels of both labeled and unlabeled data, so the manifold structures can be preserved explicitly and adaptively in the representation space and label space at the same time. Owing to the adaptive manner, the tricky process of determining the neighborhood size or kernel width can be avoided. Extensive results on public databases verify that our RS2ACF can deliver state-of-the-art data representation, compared with other related methods.Comment: Accepted at IEEE TKD

    Dual-constrained Deep Semi-Supervised Coupled Factorization Network with Enriched Prior

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization is usually powerful for learning the "shallow" parts-based representation, but it clearly fails to discover deep hierarchical information within both the basis and representation spaces. In this paper, we technically propose a new enriched prior based Dual-constrained Deep Semi-Supervised Coupled Factorization Network, called DS2CF-Net, for learning the hierarchical coupled representations. To ex-tract hidden deep features, DS2CF-Net is modeled as a deep-structure and geometrical structure-constrained neural network. Specifically, DS2CF-Net designs a deep coupled factorization architecture using multi-layers of linear transformations, which coupled updates the bases and new representations in each layer. To improve the discriminating ability of learned deep representations and deep coefficients, our network clearly considers enriching the supervised prior by the joint deep coefficients-regularized label prediction, and incorporates enriched prior information as additional label and structure constraints. The label constraint can enable the samples of the same label to have the same coordinate in the new feature space, while the structure constraint forces the coefficient matrices in each layer to be block-diagonal so that the enhanced prior using the self-expressive label propagation are more accurate. Our network also integrates the adaptive dual-graph learning to retain the local manifold structures of both the data manifold and feature manifold by minimizing the reconstruction errors in each layer. Extensive experiments on several real databases demonstrate that our DS2CF-Net can obtain state-of-the-art performance for representation learning and clustering

    Robust Unsupervised Flexible Auto-weighted Local-Coordinate Concept Factorization for Image Clustering

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    We investigate the high-dimensional data clustering problem by proposing a novel and unsupervised representation learning model called Robust Flexible Auto-weighted Local-coordinate Concept Factorization (RFA-LCF). RFA-LCF integrates the robust flexible CF, robust sparse local-coordinate coding and the adaptive reconstruction weighting learning into a unified model. The adaptive weighting is driven by including the joint manifold preserving constraints on the recovered clean data, basis concepts and new representation. Specifically, our RFA-LCF uses a L2,1-norm based flexible residue to encode the mismatch between clean data and its reconstruction, and also applies the robust adaptive sparse local-coordinate coding to represent the data using a few nearby basis concepts, which can make the factorization more accurate and robust to noise. The robust flexible factorization is also performed in the recovered clean data space for enhancing representations. RFA-LCF also considers preserving the local manifold structures of clean data space, basis concept space and the new coordinate space jointly in an adaptive manner way. Extensive comparisons show that RFA-LCF can deliver enhanced clustering results.Comment: Accepted at the 44th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(ICASSP 2019

    Deep Self-representative Concept Factorization Network for Representation Learning

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    In this paper, we investigate the unsupervised deep representation learning issue and technically propose a novel framework called Deep Self-representative Concept Factorization Network (DSCF-Net), for clustering deep features. To improve the representation and clustering abilities, DSCF-Net explicitly considers discovering hidden deep semantic features, enhancing the robustness proper-ties of the deep factorization to noise and preserving the local man-ifold structures of deep features. Specifically, DSCF-Net seamlessly integrates the robust deep concept factorization, deep self-expressive representation and adaptive locality preserving feature learning into a unified framework. To discover hidden deep repre-sentations, DSCF-Net designs a hierarchical factorization architec-ture using multiple layers of linear transformations, where the hierarchical representation is performed by formulating the prob-lem as optimizing the basis concepts in each layer to improve the representation indirectly. DSCF-Net also improves the robustness by subspace recovery for sparse error correction firstly and then performs the deep factorization in the recovered visual subspace. To obtain locality-preserving representations, we also present an adaptive deep self-representative weighting strategy by using the coefficient matrix as the adaptive reconstruction weights to keep the locality of representations. Extensive comparison results with several other related models show that DSCF-Net delivers state-of-the-art performance on several public databases.Comment: Accepted by SDM 202

    GrAMME: Semi-Supervised Learning using Multi-layered Graph Attention Models

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    Modern data analysis pipelines are becoming increasingly complex due to the presence of multi-view information sources. While graphs are effective in modeling complex relationships, in many scenarios a single graph is rarely sufficient to succinctly represent all interactions, and hence multi-layered graphs have become popular. Though this leads to richer representations, extending solutions from the single-graph case is not straightforward. Consequently, there is a strong need for novel solutions to solve classical problems, such as node classification, in the multi-layered case. In this paper, we consider the problem of semi-supervised learning with multi-layered graphs. Though deep network embeddings, e.g. DeepWalk, are widely adopted for community discovery, we argue that feature learning with random node attributes, using graph neural networks, can be more effective. To this end, we propose to use attention models for effective feature learning, and develop two novel architectures, GrAMME-SG and GrAMME-Fusion, that exploit the inter-layer dependencies for building multi-layered graph embeddings. Using empirical studies on several benchmark datasets, we evaluate the proposed approaches and demonstrate significant performance improvements in comparison to state-of-the-art network embedding strategies. The results also show that using simple random features is an effective choice, even in cases where explicit node attributes are not available

    cvpaper.challenge in 2015 - A review of CVPR2015 and DeepSurvey

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    The "cvpaper.challenge" is a group composed of members from AIST, Tokyo Denki Univ. (TDU), and Univ. of Tsukuba that aims to systematically summarize papers on computer vision, pattern recognition, and related fields. For this particular review, we focused on reading the ALL 602 conference papers presented at the CVPR2015, the premier annual computer vision event held in June 2015, in order to grasp the trends in the field. Further, we are proposing "DeepSurvey" as a mechanism embodying the entire process from the reading through all the papers, the generation of ideas, and to the writing of paper.Comment: Survey Pape

    Information Extraction from Scientific Literature for Method Recommendation

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    As a research community grows, more and more papers are published each year. As a result there is increasing demand for improved methods for finding relevant papers, automatically understanding the key ideas and recommending potential methods for a target problem. Despite advances in search engines, it is still hard to identify new technologies according to a researcher's need. Due to the large variety of domains and extremely limited annotated resources, there has been relatively little work on leveraging natural language processing in scientific recommendation. In this proposal, we aim at making scientific recommendations by extracting scientific terms from a large collection of scientific papers and organizing the terms into a knowledge graph. In preliminary work, we trained a scientific term extractor using a small amount of annotated data and obtained state-of-the-art performance by leveraging large amount of unannotated papers through applying multiple semi-supervised approaches. We propose to construct a knowledge graph in a way that can make minimal use of hand annotated data, using only the extracted terms, unsupervised relational signals such as co-occurrence, and structural external resources such as Wikipedia. Latent relations between scientific terms can be learned from the graph. Recommendations will be made through graph inference for both observed and unobserved relational pairs.Comment: Thesis Proposal. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1708.0607

    cvpaper.challenge in 2016: Futuristic Computer Vision through 1,600 Papers Survey

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    The paper gives futuristic challenges disscussed in the cvpaper.challenge. In 2015 and 2016, we thoroughly study 1,600+ papers in several conferences/journals such as CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/NIPS/PAMI/IJCV

    Flexible Auto-weighted Local-coordinate Concept Factorization: A Robust Framework for Unsupervised Clustering

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    Concept Factorization (CF) and its variants may produce inaccurate representation and clustering results due to the sensitivity to noise, hard constraint on the reconstruction error and pre-obtained approximate similarities. To improve the representation ability, a novel unsupervised Robust Flexible Auto-weighted Local-coordinate Concept Factorization (RFA-LCF) framework is proposed for clustering high-dimensional data. Specifically, RFA-LCF integrates the robust flexible CF by clean data space recovery, robust sparse local-coordinate coding and adaptive weighting into a unified model. RFA-LCF improves the representations by enhancing the robustness of CF to noise and errors, providing a flexible constraint on the reconstruction error and optimizing the locality jointly. For robust learning, RFA-LCF clearly learns a sparse projection to recover the underlying clean data space, and then the flexible CF is performed in the projected feature space. RFA-LCF also uses a L2,1-norm based flexible residue to encode the mismatch between the recovered data and its reconstruction, and uses the robust sparse local-coordinate coding to represent data using a few nearby basis concepts. For auto-weighting, RFA-LCF jointly preserves the manifold structures in the basis concept space and new coordinate space in an adaptive manner by minimizing the reconstruction errors on clean data, anchor points and coordinates. By updating the local-coordinate preserving data, basis concepts and new coordinates alternately, the representation abilities can be potentially improved. Extensive results on public databases show that RFA-LCF delivers the state-of-the-art clustering results compared with other related methods.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE

    Machine learning in acoustics: theory and applications

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    Acoustic data provide scientific and engineering insights in fields ranging from biology and communications to ocean and Earth science. We survey the recent advances and transformative potential of machine learning (ML), including deep learning, in the field of acoustics. ML is a broad family of techniques, which are often based in statistics, for automatically detecting and utilizing patterns in data. Relative to conventional acoustics and signal processing, ML is data-driven. Given sufficient training data, ML can discover complex relationships between features and desired labels or actions, or between features themselves. With large volumes of training data, ML can discover models describing complex acoustic phenomena such as human speech and reverberation. ML in acoustics is rapidly developing with compelling results and significant future promise. We first introduce ML, then highlight ML developments in four acoustics research areas: source localization in speech processing, source localization in ocean acoustics, bioacoustics, and environmental sounds in everyday scenes.Comment: Published with free access in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 27 Nov. 201