3 research outputs found

    Microscopic Nuclei Classification, Segmentation and Detection with improved Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) Approaches

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    Due to cellular heterogeneity, cell nuclei classification, segmentation, and detection from pathological images are challenging tasks. In the last few years, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) approaches have been shown state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on histopathological imaging in different studies. In this work, we have proposed different advanced DCNN models and evaluated for nuclei classification, segmentation, and detection. First, the Densely Connected Recurrent Convolutional Network (DCRN) model is used for nuclei classification. Second, Recurrent Residual U-Net (R2U-Net) is applied for nuclei segmentation. Third, the R2U-Net regression model which is named UD-Net is used for nuclei detection from pathological images. The experiments are conducted with different datasets including Routine Colon Cancer(RCC) classification and detection dataset, and Nuclei Segmentation Challenge 2018 dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed DCNN models provide superior performance compared to the existing approaches for nuclei classification, segmentation, and detection tasks. The results are evaluated with different performance metrics including precision, recall, Dice Coefficient (DC), Means Squared Errors (MSE), F1-score, and overall accuracy. We have achieved around 3.4% and 4.5% better F-1 score for nuclei classification and detection tasks compared to recently published DCNN based method. In addition, R2U-Net shows around 92.15% testing accuracy in term of DC. These improved methods will help for pathological practices for better quantitative analysis of nuclei in Whole Slide Images(WSI) which ultimately will help for better understanding of different types of cancer in clinical workflow.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, 3 Table

    DeepDistance: A Multi-task Deep Regression Model for Cell Detection in Inverted Microscopy Images

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    This paper presents a new deep regression model, which we call DeepDistance, for cell detection in images acquired with inverted microscopy. This model considers cell detection as a task of finding most probable locations that suggest cell centers in an image. It represents this main task with a regression task of learning an inner distance metric. However, different than the previously reported regression based methods, the DeepDistance model proposes to approach its learning as a multi-task regression problem where multiple tasks are learned by using shared feature representations. To this end, it defines a secondary metric, normalized outer distance, to represent a different aspect of the problem and proposes to define its learning as complementary to the main cell detection task. In order to learn these two complementary tasks more effectively, the DeepDistance model designs a fully convolutional network (FCN) with a shared encoder path and end-to-end trains this FCN to concurrently learn the tasks in parallel. DeepDistance uses the inner distances estimated by this FCN in a detection algorithm to locate individual cells in a given image. For further performance improvement on the main task, this paper also presents an extended version of the DeepDistance model. This extended model includes an auxiliary classification task and learns it in parallel to the two regression tasks by sharing feature representations with them. Our experiments on three different human cell lines reveal that the proposed multi-task learning models, the DeepDistance model and its extended version, successfully identify cell locations, even for the cell line that was not used in training, and improve the results of the previous deep learning methods.Comment: Preprint submitted to Elsevie

    Joint Cell Nuclei Detection and Segmentation in Microscopy Images Using 3D Convolutional Networks

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    We propose a 3D convolutional neural network to simultaneously segment and detect cell nuclei in confocal microscopy images. Mirroring the co-dependency of these tasks, our proposed model consists of two serial components: the first part computes a segmentation of cell bodies, while the second module identifies the centers of these cells. Our model is trained end-to-end from scratch on a mouse parotid salivary gland stem cell nuclei dataset comprising 107 image stacks from three independent cell preparations, each containing several hundred individual cell nuclei in 3D. In our experiments, we conduct a thorough evaluation of both detection accuracy and segmentation quality, on two different datasets. The results show that the proposed method provides significantly improved detection and segmentation accuracy compared to state-of-the-art and benchmark algorithms. Finally, we use a previously described test-time drop-out strategy to obtain uncertainty estimates on our predictions and validate these estimates by demonstrating that they are strongly correlated with accuracy.Comment: We were not able to reproduce the result