30 research outputs found

    Outer actions of Out(Fn)\mathrm{Out}(F_n) on small right-angled Artin groups

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    We determine the precise conditions under which SOut(Fn)\mathrm{SOut}(F_n), the unique index two subgroup of Out(Fn)\mathrm{Out}(F_n), can act non-trivially via outer automorphisms on a RAAG whose defining graph has fewer than 12(n2)\frac 1 2 \binom n 2 vertices. We also show that the outer automorphism group of a RAAG cannot act faithfully via outer automorphisms on a RAAG with a strictly smaller (in number of vertices) defining graph. Along the way we determine the minimal dimensions of non-trivial linear representations of congruence quotients of the integral special linear groups over algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero, and provide a new lower bound on the cardinality of a set on which SOut(Fn)\mathrm{SOut}(F_n) can act non-trivially.Comment: 16 pages v.2 Minor changes. Final versio

    On the number of outer automorphisms of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group

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    We show that there is no uniform upper bound on |Out(Aut(A))| when A ranges over all right-angled Artin groups. This is in contrast with the cases where A is free or free abelian: for all n, Dyer-Formanek and Bridson-Vogtmann showed that Out(Aut(F_n)) = 1, while Hua-Reiner showed |Out(Aut(Z^n)| = |Out(GL(n,Z))| < 5. We also prove the analogous theorem for Out(Out(A)). We establish our results by giving explicit examples; one useful tool is a new class of graphs called austere graphs

    Calculating the virtual cohomological dimension of the automorphism group of a RAAG

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    We describe an algorithm to find the virtual cohomological dimension of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group. The algorithm works in the relative setting; in particular it also applies to untwisted automorphism groups and basis-conjugating automorphism groups. The main new tool is the construction of free abelian subgroups of certain Fouxe-Rabinovitch groups of rank equal to their virtual cohomological dimension, generalizing a result of Meucci in the setting of free groups.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. Revised background on RORGs, small changes elsewhere. Accepted to appear in Bulletin of the LM