2,361,572 research outputs found

    Country Profile on Disability: Republic of Uzbekistan

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    [Excerpt] The Law on Social Security of Disabled People in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Article 1 defines a person with disability as one who is in need of aid because he/she has physical or mental problems. Daily activities such as moving, orientation, speech, behavioral control, and/or work on one\u27s own are completely or partly limited. In Uzbekistan, persons with disabilities are screened in two steps. Firstly, a diagnosis is given by the hospitals where each person is registered according to his/her residential addresses. Secondly, persons with disabilities receive referrals to the Medicine Labour Expert Commissions (MLEC) of their respective district, which determines the grade of disability. Regarding reception of social security benefits, the MLEC defines persons with disabilities by legislature in accordance with national traditions, international norms, and the economic resources of Uzbekistan. According to the causes of disabilities, persons with disabilities are divided into three general groups: (1) Disability caused by genetic diseases, (2) Disability caused by acquired diseases, and (3) Disability caused by industrial injury such as traffic accidents, industrial accidents, and natural disasters

    Trajectories of distress following the great East Japan earthquake : a multi-wave prospective study

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    The March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear leak were complex traumas. We examined psychological distress in the years following the earthquake using growth mixture modeling to classify responses from 2,599 linked respondents (2012–2016). We identified four classes of trajectories following the disaster: resilient (76% of respondents), delayed distress (8%), recovery (8%), and chronic distress (7%). Compared with the resilient class, other class members were less likely to be female and had less social support. Survivors in the recovery group were more likely to live in prefabricated housing. Although distress has decreased over time, specific populations continue to require targeted intervention

    Japan\u27s War on Three Fronts Prior to 1941

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    This paper argues that Japan fought a three-front war prior to 1941. Japan not only fought China in the Second Sino-Japanese War, but conducted military operations against the Soviet Union. The third front occurred within Japan, as military factionalism prevented Japan from focusing on either China or the Soviet Union. By 1941, weakened through years of war, Japan focused their attention on French Indochina. This ultimately led to U.S entry into World War II

    Realizing Society 5.0

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    One definition: "A human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space." Society 5.0 was proposed in the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan

    National Museums and Other Cultures in Modern Japan

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    This article examines the representation of Japan at three national museums in Japan: the Tokyo National Museum, the National Museum of Japanese History and the National Museum of Ethnology. It explores the way in which the museums have displayed difference both within Japan and between Japan and the other countries to which it is compared. The essay examines how this has produced a claim of Japanese uniqueness in the museum, the difficulty museums therefore have in connecting the Japanese past to the present and a number of recent attempts to overcome these problems in the representation of Japan


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    This research aims to improve understanding of Muslim migrants’ process of adaptation to life in Japan. We examine data from a 2005-2006 survey of migrant Muslim men in Japan, specifically, in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. This study had two main goals. The first goal was to classify the extent of adaptation to Japan of the Muslims living in Japan. The second purpose of the study was to clarify some of the factors that are associated with differences in adaptation. It is reasonable that the extent of adaptation is influenced by attitudes and by individual characteristics. I start by defining adaptation as having two dimensions. The first dimension is a subjective measure of adaptation. This is the perception of adaptation to Japan that the migrants subjectively claimed and that they reported in the questionnaire. The second dimension is an objective measure of adaptation that is measured by differences in various aspects of their living situations. The characteristics are organized in each quadrant according to the adaptation type that they fit into based on the cross-tabulation analyses’ results. The following thing was considered as a result of the analysis. Subjective adaptation to Japan was associated with Objective adaptation to Japan. Employment type is key to adaptation to Japan. The length of stay in Japan is important to subjective adaptation. Feelings of faith are important to subjective adaptation

    [Review of] John Lie. Multiethnic Japan

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    In preparing Multiethnic Japan, sociologist John Lie set out to describe the lives of the new Asian workers in Japan, but ended up demonstrating that Japan has long been and remains very much a multiethnic country


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    This research investigates Japan's policy of restricting chemical exports to South Korea in 2019. The chemicals restricted by Japan include fluorinated polyamide, photoresist, and hydrogen fluoride. Chemicals originating from Japan are crucial materials for South Korea's technology industry. This research is explanatory, aiming to explain why Japan imposed restrictions on chemical exports to South Korea in 2019. The study utilizes foreign policy theory with an adaptive model according to James Nathan Rosenau. This theory elucidates Japan's national interests when implementing the policy of restricting chemical exports to South Korea in 2019 and how domestic and foreign actors were involved in influencing the policies. The relationship between Japan and South Korea has been ongoing since 1910, where historical issues between Japan and South Korea have persisted for a long time. The research findings indicate that historical issues are one of the factors in the formulation of Japan's policy to limit chemical exports to South Korea in 2019. Additionally, Japan restricted chemical exports to South Korea to maintain their national security

    Country Profile on Disability: Arab Republic of Egypt

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    A brief report on disability statistics, public policy and disability-related organizations and activities in Egypt