2 research outputs found

    JaTeCS an open-source JAva TExt Categorization System

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    JaTeCS is an open source Java library that supports research on automatic text categorization and other related problems, such as ordinal regression and quantification, which are of special interest in opinion mining applications. It covers all the steps of an experimental activity, from reading the corpus to the evaluation of the experimental results. As JaTeCS is focused on text as the main input data, it provides the user with many text-dedicated tools, e.g.: data readers for many formats, including the most commonly used text corpora and lexical resources, natural language processing tools, multi-language support, methods for feature selection and weighting, the implementation of many machine learning algorithms as well as wrappers for well-known external software (e.g., SVM_light) which enable their full control from code. JaTeCS support its expansion by abstracting through interfaces many of the typical tools and procedures used in text processing tasks. The library also provides a number of "template" implementations of typical experimental setups (e.g., train-test, k-fold validation, grid-search optimization, randomized runs) which enable fast realization of experiments just by connecting the templates with data readers, learning algorithms and evaluation measures

    Revisiting Distributional Correspondence Indexing: A Python Reimplementation and New Experiments

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    This paper introduces PyDCI, a new implementation of Distributional Correspondence Indexing (DCI) written in Python. DCI is a transfer learning method for cross-domain and cross-lingual text classification for which we had provided an implementation (here called JaDCI) built on top of JaTeCS, a Java framework for text classification. PyDCI is a stand-alone version of DCI that exploits scikit-learn and the SciPy stack. We here report on new experiments that we have carried out in order to test PyDCI, and in which we use as baselines new high-performing methods that have appeared after DCI was originally proposed. These experiments show that, thanks to a few subtle ways in which we have improved DCI, PyDCI outperforms both JaDCI and the above-mentioned high-performing methods, and delivers the best known results on the two popular benchmarks on which we had tested DCI, i.e., MultiDomainSentiment (a.k.a. MDS -- for cross-domain adaptation) and Webis-CLS-10 (for cross-lingual adaptation). PyDCI, together with the code allowing to replicate our experiments, is available at https://github.com/AlexMoreo/pydci