3 research outputs found

    Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Algorithms for L1-Norm Principal Component Analysis

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) is often used to reduce the dimension of data by selecting a few orthonormal vectors that explain most of the variance structure of the data. L1 PCA uses the L1 norm to measure error, whereas the conventional PCA uses the L2 norm. For the L1 PCA problem minimizing the fitting error of the reconstructed data, we propose an exact reweighted and an approximate algorithm based on iteratively reweighted least squares. We provide convergence analyses, and compare their performance against benchmark algorithms in the literature. The computational experiment shows that the proposed algorithms consistently perform best

    Optimization for L1-Norm Error Fitting via Data Aggregation

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    We propose a data aggregation-based algorithm with monotonic convergence to a global optimum for a generalized version of the L1-norm error fitting model with an assumption of the fitting function. The proposed algorithm generalizes the recent algorithm in the literature, aggregate and iterative disaggregate (AID), which selectively solves three specific L1-norm error fitting problems. With the proposed algorithm, any L1-norm error fitting model can be solved optimally if it follows the form of the L1-norm error fitting problem and if the fitting function satisfies the assumption. The proposed algorithm can also solve multi-dimensional fitting problems with arbitrary constraints on the fitting coefficients matrix. The generalized problem includes popular models such as regression and the orthogonal Procrustes problem. The results of the computational experiment show that the proposed algorithms are faster than the state-of-the-art benchmarks for L1-norm regression subset selection and L1-norm regression over a sphere. Further, the relative performance of the proposed algorithm improves as data size increases