1,199 research outputs found

    A Four-Dimensional Image Reconstruction Framework for PET under Arbitrary Geometries

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    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a functional imaging modality with applications ranging from the treatment of cancer, studying neurological diseases and disease models. Virtual-Pinhole PET technology improves the image quality in terms of resolution and contrast recovery. The technology calls for having a detector with smaller crystals placed near a region of interest in a conventional whole-body PET scanner. The improvement is from the higher spatial sampling of the imaging area near the detector. A prototype half-ring PET insert built to study head-and-neck cancer imaging was extended to breast cancer imaging. We have built a prototype half-ring PET insert for head-and-neck cancer imaging applications. In the first half of this work, we extend the use of the insert to breast imaging and show that such a system provides high resolution images of breast and axillary lymph nodes while maintaining the full imaging field of view capability of a clinical PET scanner. We are focused on designing unconventional PET geometries for specific applications. A general purpose 4D PET reconstruction framework was created to estimate the radionuclide uptake in the subject. Quantitative estimation in PET requires precise modeling of PET physics. Data acquired in a PET scanner is well modeled as a Poisson counting process. Reconstruction given the forward model is implemented using MAP-OSEM. The framework is capable of reconstructing PET data under arbitrary position of the detector elements and different crystal sizes. A novel symmetry finding algorithm is created to reduce the system matrix size, without loss of resolution. The framework motivates investigation into different PET system geometries for different applications, as well as optimizing the design of PET systems. A generalized normalization procedure was developed to model unknown components. The programs are parallelized using OpenMP and MPI to run on small workstations as well as super-computing clusters. The performance of our reconstruction framework is presented through four novel and unconventional PET systems, each designed specifically for a different geometry. The Virtual-Pinhole half-ring system is a half-ring insert integrated into a Siemens Biograph-40, for head and neck imaging. The Flat-panel system is a modular insert system integrated into the Biograph-40, designed for breast cancer imaging. The MicroInsert II is the second generation full ring insert device, integrated into the MicroPET scanner to improve the resolution and contrast recovery of the MicroPET scanner. The Plant PET system is a PET system designed to image plants vertically, and integrated into a plant growth chamber. The improvement in speed/memory from symmetry finding is as high as a factor of 50 in some cases. Further improvements to the framework and state of the field are also discussed

    Novel PET Systems and Image Reconstruction with Actively Controlled Geometry

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    Positron Emission Tomography (PET) provides in vivo measurement of imaging ligands that are labeled with positron emitting radionuclide. Since its invention, most PET scanners have been designed to have a group of gamma ray detectors arranged in a ring geometry, accommodating the whole patient body. Virtual Pinhole PET incorporates higher resolution detectors being placed close to the Region-of-Interest (ROI) within the imaging Field-of-View (FOV) of the whole-body scanner, providing better image resolution and contrast recover. To further adapt this technology to a wider range of diseases, we proposed a second generation of virtual pinhole PET using actively controlled high resolution detectors integrated on a robotic arm. When the whole system is integrated to a commercial PET scanner, we achieved positioning repeatability within 0.5 mm. Monte Carlo simulation shows that by focusing the high-resolution detectors to a specific organ of interest, we can achieve better resolution, sensitivity and contrast recovery. In another direction, we proposed a portable, versatile and low cost PET imaging system for Point-of-Care (POC) applications. It consists of one or more movable detectors in coincidence with a detector array behind a patient. The movable detectors make it possible for the operator to control the scanning trajectory freely to achieve optimal coverage and sensitivity for patient specific imaging tasks. Since this system does not require a conventional full ring geometry, it can be built portable and low cost for bed-side or intraoperative use. We developed a proof-of-principle prototype that consists of a compact high resolution silicon photomultiplier detector mounted on a hand-held probe and a half ring of conventional detectors. The probe is attached to a MicroScribe device, which tracks the location and orientation of the probe as it moves. We also performed Monte Carlo simulations for two POC PET geometries with Time-of-Flight (TOF) capability. To support the development of such PET systems with unconventional geometries, a fully 3D image reconstruction framework has been developed for PET systems with arbitrary geometry. For POC PET and the second generation robotic Virtual Pinhole PET, new challenges emerge and our targeted applications require more efficiently image reconstruction that provides imaging results in near real time. Inspired by the previous work, we developed a list mode GPU-based image reconstruction framework with the capability to model dynamically changing geometry. Ordered-Subset MAP-EM algorithm is implemented on multi-GPU platform to achieve fast reconstruction in the order of seconds per iteration, under practical data rate. We tested this using both experimental and simulation data, for whole body PET scanner and unconventional PET scanners. Future application of adaptive imaging requires near real time performance for large statistics, which requires additional acceleration of this framework

    Free Software for PET Imaging

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    Positron Emission Mammography

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    The clinical utilities of multi-pinhole single photon emission computed tomography

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    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is an important imaging modality for various applications in nuclear medicine. The use of multi-pinhole (MPH) collimators can provide superior resolution-sensitivity trade-off when imaging small field-of-view compared to conventional parallel-hole and fan-beam collimators. Besides the very successful application in small animal imaging, there has been a resurgence of the use of MPH collimators for clinical cardiac and brain studies, as well as other small field-of-view applications. This article reviews the basic principles of MPH collimators and introduces currently available and proposed clinical MPH SPECT systems

    Towards patient-specific dose and image quality analysis in CT imaging

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    Development and Implementation of Fully 3D Statistical Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Helical CT and Half-Ring PET Insert System

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    X-ray computed tomography: CT) and positron emission tomography: PET) have become widely used imaging modalities for screening, diagnosis, and image-guided treatment planning. Along with the increased clinical use are increased demands for high image quality with reduced ionizing radiation dose to the patient. Despite their significantly high computational cost, statistical iterative reconstruction algorithms are known to reconstruct high-quality images from noisy tomographic datasets. The overall goal of this work is to design statistical reconstruction software for clinical x-ray CT scanners, and for a novel PET system that utilizes high-resolution detectors within the field of view of a whole-body PET scanner. The complex choices involved in the development and implementation of image reconstruction algorithms are fundamentally linked to the ways in which the data is acquired, and they require detailed knowledge of the various sources of signal degradation. Both of the imaging modalities investigated in this work have their own set of challenges. However, by utilizing an underlying statistical model for the measured data, we are able to use a common framework for this class of tomographic problems. We first present the details of a new fully 3D regularized statistical reconstruction algorithm for multislice helical CT. To reduce the computation time, the algorithm was carefully parallelized by identifying and taking advantage of the specific symmetry found in helical CT. Some basic image quality measures were evaluated using measured phantom and clinical datasets, and they indicate that our algorithm achieves comparable or superior performance over the fast analytical methods considered in this work. Next, we present our fully 3D reconstruction efforts for a high-resolution half-ring PET insert. We found that this unusual geometry requires extensive redevelopment of existing reconstruction methods in PET. We redesigned the major components of the data modeling process and incorporated them into our reconstruction algorithms. The algorithms were tested using simulated Monte Carlo data and phantom data acquired by a PET insert prototype system. Overall, we have developed new, computationally efficient methods to perform fully 3D statistical reconstructions on clinically-sized datasets

    Monte Carlo simulations for system modeling in emission tomography

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    Non-invasive diagnostic imaging can be performed with different technologies:X-ray radiography, computed radiography, direct radiography, mammography,Computed Tomography (CT), UltraSound (US), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which all give anatomical information, and also with functional MRI (fMRI), optical imaging, thermography, planar isotope imaging,Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and gamma camera PET which return functional information.Recent devices combine two modalities on the same gantry in order to achieve hardware fusion of anatomical and functional images. Given the demographic aging in Western Europe, there exists a large interest in what is popularly referred to as a GPS-tool for cancer, i.e. a diagnostic tool for oncology that detects small malignant lesions in a very early stadium and that can be used for disease staging. Therefore research in nuclear medicine has a social support and bearing. In nuclear medicine examinations, a radiopharmaceutical is injected in the patient, marked with a radionuclide emitting one single photon with an energy of 100-200 keV in SPECT and a positron emitting radionuclide in PET. The emission of a positron finally results in two annihilation photons of 511 keV. Those photons are detected, mostly using a scintillation crystal that generates optical photons which travel through a light guide before reaching the PhotoMultiplierTubes (PMTs). Those PMTs convert the optical photons to electrons, which are in their turn used to generate a position and energy encoding signal. In PET there is an electronic collimation to acquire directional information while this information is obtained by applying a lead collimator in SPECT. The acquired data is afterwards reconstructed to result in a threedimensional radioactive tracer distribution within the patient. Optimization,evaluation and (re)design of all elements in this detection chain is mostly done using simulations. Given the possibility of modeling different physical processes, the Monte Carlo method has also been applied in nuclear medicine to a wide range of problems that could not be addressed by experimental or analytical approaches
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