1,862 research outputs found

    Iterative Collaborative Filtering for Sparse Noisy Tensor Estimation

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    Consider the task of tensor estimation, i.e. estimating a low-rank 3-order n×n×nn \times n \times n tensor from noisy observations of randomly chosen entries in the sparse regime. We introduce a generalization of the collaborative filtering algorithm for sparse tensor estimation and argue that it achieves sample complexity that nearly matches the conjectured computationally efficient lower bound on the sample complexity. Our algorithm uses the matrix obtained from the flattened tensor to compute similarity, and estimates the tensor entries using a nearest neighbor estimator. We prove that the algorithm recovers the tensor with maximum entry-wise error and mean-squared-error (MSE) decaying to 00 as long as each entry is observed independently with probability p=Ω(n−3/2+κ)p = \Omega(n^{-3/2 + \kappa}) for any arbitrarily small κ>0\kappa> 0. Our analysis sheds insight into the conjectured sample complexity lower bound, showing that it matches the connectivity threshold of the graph used by our algorithm for estimating similarity between coordinates

    A Comparison of Image Denoising Methods

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    The advancement of imaging devices and countless images generated everyday pose an increasingly high demand on image denoising, which still remains a challenging task in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. To improve denoising quality, numerous denoising techniques and approaches have been proposed in the past decades, including different transforms, regularization terms, algebraic representations and especially advanced deep neural network (DNN) architectures. Despite their sophistication, many methods may fail to achieve desirable results for simultaneous noise removal and fine detail preservation. In this paper, to investigate the applicability of existing denoising techniques, we compare a variety of denoising methods on both synthetic and real-world datasets for different applications. We also introduce a new dataset for benchmarking, and the evaluations are performed from four different perspectives including quantitative metrics, visual effects, human ratings and computational cost. Our experiments demonstrate: (i) the effectiveness and efficiency of representative traditional denoisers for various denoising tasks, (ii) a simple matrix-based algorithm may be able to produce similar results compared with its tensor counterparts, and (iii) the notable achievements of DNN models, which exhibit impressive generalization ability and show state-of-the-art performance on various datasets. In spite of the progress in recent years, we discuss shortcomings and possible extensions of existing techniques. Datasets, code and results are made publicly available and will be continuously updated at https://github.com/ZhaomingKong/Denoising-Comparison.Comment: In this paper, we intend to collect and compare various denoising methods to investigate their effectiveness, efficiency, applicability and generalization ability with both synthetic and real-world experiment

    Adaptive Image Denoising by Targeted Databases

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    We propose a data-dependent denoising procedure to restore noisy images. Different from existing denoising algorithms which search for patches from either the noisy image or a generic database, the new algorithm finds patches from a database that contains only relevant patches. We formulate the denoising problem as an optimal filter design problem and make two contributions. First, we determine the basis function of the denoising filter by solving a group sparsity minimization problem. The optimization formulation generalizes existing denoising algorithms and offers systematic analysis of the performance. Improvement methods are proposed to enhance the patch search process. Second, we determine the spectral coefficients of the denoising filter by considering a localized Bayesian prior. The localized prior leverages the similarity of the targeted database, alleviates the intensive Bayesian computation, and links the new method to the classical linear minimum mean squared error estimation. We demonstrate applications of the proposed method in a variety of scenarios, including text images, multiview images and face images. Experimental results show the superiority of the new algorithm over existing methods.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, journa

    Universal Denoising Networks : A Novel CNN Architecture for Image Denoising

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    We design a novel network architecture for learning discriminative image models that are employed to efficiently tackle the problem of grayscale and color image denoising. Based on the proposed architecture, we introduce two different variants. The first network involves convolutional layers as a core component, while the second one relies instead on non-local filtering layers and thus it is able to exploit the inherent non-local self-similarity property of natural images. As opposed to most of the existing deep network approaches, which require the training of a specific model for each considered noise level, the proposed models are able to handle a wide range of noise levels using a single set of learned parameters, while they are very robust when the noise degrading the latent image does not match the statistics of the noise used during training. The latter argument is supported by results that we report on publicly available images corrupted by unknown noise and which we compare against solutions obtained by competing methods. At the same time the introduced networks achieve excellent results under additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), which are comparable to those of the current state-of-the-art network, while they depend on a more shallow architecture with the number of trained parameters being one order of magnitude smaller. These properties make the proposed networks ideal candidates to serve as sub-solvers on restoration methods that deal with general inverse imaging problems such as deblurring, demosaicking, superresolution, etc.Comment: Camera ready paper to appear in the Proceedings of CVPR 201
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