780,405 research outputs found

    Axiomatizing Flat Iteration

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    Flat iteration is a variation on the original binary version of the Kleene star operation P*Q, obtained by restricting the first argument to be a sum of atomic actions. It generalizes prefix iteration, in which the first argument is a single action. Complete finite equational axiomatizations are given for five notions of bisimulation congruence over basic CCS with flat iteration, viz. strong congruence, branching congruence, eta-congruence, delay congruence and weak congruence. Such axiomatizations were already known for prefix iteration and are known not to exist for general iteration. The use of flat iteration has two main advantages over prefix iteration: 1.The current axiomatizations generalize to full CCS, whereas the prefix iteration approach does not allow an elimination theorem for an asynchronous parallel composition operator. 2.The greater expressiveness of flat iteration allows for much shorter completeness proofs. In the setting of prefix iteration, the most convenient way to obtain the completeness theorems for eta-, delay, and weak congruence was by reduction to the completeness theorem for branching congruence. In the case of weak congruence this turned out to be much simpler than the only direct proof found. In the setting of flat iteration on the other hand, the completeness theorems for delay and weak (but not eta-) congruence can equally well be obtained by reduction to the one for strong congruence, without using branching congruence as an intermediate step. Moreover, the completeness results for prefix iteration can be retrieved from those for flat iteration, thus obtaining a second indirect approach for proving completeness for delay and weak congruence in the setting of prefix iteration.Comment: 15 pages. LaTeX 2.09. Filename: flat.tex.gz. On A4 paper print with: dvips -t a4 -O -2.15cm,-2.22cm -x 1225 flat. For US letter with: dvips -t letter -O -0.73in,-1.27in -x 1225 flat. More info at http://theory.stanford.edu/~rvg/abstracts.html#3

    Tangent Graeffe Iteration

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    Graeffe iteration was the choice algorithm for solving univariate polynomials in the XIX-th and early XX-th century. In this paper, a new variation of Graeffe iteration is given, suitable to IEEE floating-point arithmetics of modern digital computers. We prove that under a certain generic assumption the proposed algorithm converges. We also estimate the error after N iterations and the running cost. The main ideas from which this algorithm is built are: classical Graeffe iteration and Newton Diagrams, changes of scale (renormalization), and replacement of a difference technique by a differentiation one. The algorithm was implemented successfully and a number of numerical experiments are displayed

    Intuition, iteration, induction

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    In Mathematical Thought and Its Objects, Charles Parsons argues that our knowledge of the iterability of functions on the natural numbers and of the validity of complete induction is not intuitive knowledge; Brouwer disagrees on both counts. I will compare Parsons' argument with Brouwer's and defend the latter. I will not argue that Parsons is wrong once his own conception of intuition is granted, as I do not think that that is the case. But I will try to make two points: (1) Using elements from Husserl and from Brouwer, Brouwer's claims can be justified in more detail than he has done; (2) There are certain elements in Parsons' discussion that, when developed further, would lead to Brouwer's notion thus analysed, or at least something relevantly similar to it. (This version contains a postscript of May, 2015.)Comment: Elaboration of a presentation on December 5, 2013 at `Intuition and Reason: International Conference on the Work of Charles Parsons', Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusale