602,168 research outputs found

    Consumer Response to Integrated Pest Management and Organic Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis

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    While several studies have presented aggregate, descriptive illustrations of consumer response to IPM, the willingness-to-purchase and willingness-to-pay for IPM produce as a function of demographic characteristics has not received the exhaustive research attention that has focused on organic produce. The objective of this study was to empirically evaluate which demographic characteristics cause consumers to be more likely to purchase IPM grown produce. A hypothetical willingness-to-purchase model for IPM produce as well as willingness-to-pay models for both IPM and organic produce are presented. A non-hypothetical analysis also predicts consumers who strictly purchase only conventional produce. Income was found to be the most significant determinant of willingness-to-purchase IPM grown produce. Participants with higher annual incomes were more likely to express an interest in purchasing IPM produce and also appeared less likely to strictly purchase conventional produce. Those whose frequently purchase organic produce, those who visit farmers markets and those who live in suburban areas were all found to be more likely to purchase IPM grown produce. The results also indicate that females, those with higher annual incomes, younger individuals, and those who frequently purchase organic produce are all more likely to pay a premium for both IPM and organically grown produce. Overall, the results of this survey give insight into the likely consumer response to produce that is labeled as “IPM Grown.” However, before the average consumer exhibits the same level of interest in IPM as the sample in this study, some mechanism must be developed to educate the public about IPM.Consumer/Household Economics, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management,

    The Influence of Socio-Economic Characteristics on Food Advertisement Usage

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    Only 22 percent of surveyed consumers reported making frequent use of food advertisements when purchasing food products. However, certain demographic segments appear to place a greater emphasis on food advertisements than others. This study empirically evaluates which socio-economic characteristics encourage consumers to be more likely to take food advertisements into account when purchasing grocery products. The results indicate that those with lower annual incomes, those with lower levels of education, and those living in suburban and rural areas are the most likely to make use of food advertisements in the newspaper. The results also indicate that households with children, single individuals, and those over 65 years of age are less likely to use food advertisements.Consumer/Household Economics, Marketing,

    Evaluating Consumer Usage of Nutritional Labeling: The Influence of Socio-Economic Characteristics

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    The majority of consumers report making frequent use of nutritional labeling when purchasing food products. However, certain segments appear to place a greater emphasis on food product labels than others. This study empirically evaluates which demographic characteristics encourage consumers to be more likely to take nutritional labels into account when purchasing grocery products. The results indicate that females, older individuals, and those living in suburban and rural areas are the most likely to make use of nutritional labeling. The results also indicate that larger households were less likely to use nutritional labeling.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,


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    Consumers were surveyed at various grocery retail establishments in New Jersey to provide opinions on organic produce. The objective of this study was to empirically evaluate which demographic characteristics cause consumers to be more likely to pay a premium to obtain organically grown produce. The results indicate that females, those with higher annual incomes, younger individuals, and those who usually or always purchase organic produce are all more likely to pay a premium for organic produce. The results also indicate that the likelihood of paying a premium for organic produce decreases with the number of individuals living in the household.Consumer/Household Economics,


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    Lansia (lanjut usia) adalah seseorang yang telah memasuki tahapan akhir dari fase kehidupan. Kelompok yang dikategorikan lansia ini akan mengalami suatu proses yang disebut Aging Process atau proses penuaaan. Kesehatan para lansia yang mulai belakangan ini telah ditingkatkan oleh pemerintah melalui program-program dari Puskesmas seperti posyandu lansia, namun hal ini masih kurang luas menjamah para lansia, karena dengan intensitas kegiatan posyandu yang hanya dilakukan sekali dalam beberapa minggu dikarenakan banyaknya lingkungan dalam cakupan wilayah kerja puskesmas. Sehingga para lansia yang mengalami keluhan kembali akan sulit memeriksakan diri kepuskesmas karena masalah kemampuan fisik dan transportasi. Dari data yang kami dapatkan dari Posyandu Lansia Bina Sejahtera Kelurahan RW 05 Kelurahan Bukit sangkal jumlah lansia yang mengeluh tentang kesehatannya dan yang sering hadir pada saat kegiatan posyandu bejumlah 46 (61,3%) dari 60 lansia yang ada . Ini menunjukan bahwa kebutuhan para lansia dalam peningkatan kesehatan diri mereka sangatlah penting. Maka dari itu kami mencoba membantu dan bekerjasama dengan Posyandu lansia Bina Sejahtera RW 05 Kelurahan bukit Sangkal untuk mendapatkan data lansia dan mengundang para lansia hadir di Posyandu Lansia Stikes Mitra Adiguna dalam rangka Bakti Sosial yaitu penyuluhan dan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis. Tujuan meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat khususnya para lansia dan informasi tentang pentingnya pemeliharaan kesehatan diri. Metode yang digunakan untuk dapat mencapai target dari kegiatan ini adalah dengan cara pendekatan, ceramah. Luaran akhir kegiatan ini adalah dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan klien tentang perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dan dapat membantu meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat khususnya lansia

    Quality of Agricultural Produce: Consumer Preferences and Perceptions

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    The purpose of this research was to gain a greater insight into the characteristics and beliefs consumers draw upon while selecting the produce they purchase. Health and environmental risk perceptions of many agricultural inputs and products were also collected as well as demographic information. Nineteen produce characteristics were ranked by consumers. Locally grown produce and the country of origin were among the least important characteristics while freshness, taste/flavor, cleanliness, health value and absence of pesticides were among the most important characteristics. The survey also showed that most consumers made use of nutritional information and labeling while shopping for food and those who did, felt it aided them in making better purchase decisions. Consumers exhibited a clear preference for low-input methods of agricultural production which minimize the use of pesticides. They believed that there were health benefits to organic produce and that they would purchase more organic produce if it were more readily available. Respondents also indicated that they believed pesticides in general, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides all had significant health and environmental risks. Consumers believed on average that the use of pesticides positively contributes to the cosmetic appearance, quality, and supply of produce. Conversely, they believed that a reduction in pesticide usage would increase both the healthfulness and prices of produce. The results show where consensus and discord exist among consumers beliefs. Issues which have been the result of media campaigns and advertising such as oils used in cooking, tobacco products and alcoholic beverages show a greater degree of consensus than issues which are not often in the public spotlight. There were also areas in which consumers believed that there were inadequacies in the current produce market. Participants did not believe government food safeguards were sufficient to 2 protect public health nor did they believe the experts know enough about the long term effects of pesticide residues. The goal of this research was to provide food marketing agents with a better understanding of consumer purchase behavior, preferences and beliefs. The results are especially encouraging to those developing marketing endeavors for low input produce such as organic and IPM produce.Consumer/Household Economics,

    Espropriazione presso terzi. Analisi dell'istituto alla luce delle recenti riforme sul processo esecutivo.

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    Gli ultimi interventi del legislatore sul processo esecutivo hanno inciso, in modo particolare, sull’espropriazione mobiliare presso terzi. La peculiarità di questo tipo di procedura esecutiva risiede nella esistenza di un rapporto trilatero che vede protagonista, oltre al creditore procedente e al debitore esecutato, anche un soggetto terzo che, pur rimanendo estraneo al processo di esecuzione, ne diviene figura indispensabile. Oggetto principale del pignoramento, infatti, diventano i beni rientranti nel patrimonio del debitore ma che si trovano in possesso del terzo, o i crediti vantati dal debitore pignorato nei confronti del terzo. Scopo di questo elaborato è analizzare l’istituto forse più controverso del processo esecutivo, disciplinato al capo III del libro III del codice di procedura civile, alla luce delle diverse riforme che lo hanno interessato negli ultimi anni fino al d.l. n. 83/2015, convertito in l. n. 132/2015 e in vigore dal 21 agosto 2015. La seguente trattazione si propone, dopo un breve excursus sul processo esecutivo, di approfondire la figura del pignoramento presso terzi quale elemento centrale dell’espropriazione, cercando di delimitarne l’oggetto con un approfondimento sulla sua forma e i relativi contenuti necessari. Si tenterà, poi, di dare un quadro di insieme degli aspetti procedurali veri e propri: dalla notificazione del pignoramento come atto iniziale della procedura espropriativa fino alla sua conclusione con l’assegnazione o la vendita di beni o crediti del terzo, passando per lo studio della dichiarazione del terzo. Particolare approfondimento verrà riservato alla dichiarazione del terzo quale elemento fondamentale di questo tipo di espropriazione; segnatamente, si cercherà di porre attenzione all’impatto che su di essa hanno avuto le modifiche apportate dal legislatore, a partire dalla riforma dovuta alla l. n. 228/2012 che ha assegnato al silenzio del terzo (cioè, alla sua mancata dichiarazione) valenza di dichiarazione “presunta” a contenuto positivo

    Cell-to-Cell Communication in Learning and Memory: From Neuro- and Glio-Transmission to Information Exchange Mediated by Extracellular Vesicles

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    Most aspects of nervous system development and function rely on the continuous crosstalk between neurons and the variegated universe of non-neuronal cells surrounding them. The most extraordinary property of this cellular community is its ability to undergo adaptive modifications in response to environmental cues originating from inside or outside the body. Such ability, known as neuronal plasticity, allows long-lasting modifications of the strength, composition and efficacy of the connections between neurons, which constitutes the biochemical base for learning and memory. Nerve cells communicate with each other through both wiring (synaptic) and volume transmission of signals. It is by now clear that glial cells, and in particular astrocytes, also play critical roles in both modes by releasing different kinds of molecules (e.g., D-serine secreted by astrocytes). On the other hand, neurons produce factors that can regulate the activity of glial cells, including their ability to release regulatory molecules. In the last fifteen years it has been demonstrated that both neurons and glial cells release extracellular vesicles (EVs) of different kinds, both in physiologic and pathological conditions. Here we discuss the possible involvement of EVs in the events underlying learning and memory, in both physiologic and pathological condition


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    The majority of consumers surveyed (77 percent) report awareness of the Jersey Fresh, state-sponsored promotional program. However, certain segments appear more likely to be familiar with Jersey Fresh and its logos than others are. Behavioral and demographic models were constructed to evaluate which characteristics influence consumer awareness of Jersey Fresh. The results indicate that those who shop at more than one supermarket, those who frequently shop at direct marketing facilities, and those who frequently read food advertisements are more likely to exhibit a preexisting awareness of the Jersey Fresh Program. The results also indicate that the period of residence in the state positively contributed to the awareness of the program.Consumer/Household Economics, Marketing,
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