3 research outputs found

    Issues on conflict resolution in collaborative networks

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    12th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES, 17 - 19 October 2011 - São Paulo, BrazilConflicts are frequent in virtually every scenario involving complex interactions. Collaborative Networks, in which there is a compromise between skills, competencies and resources, are not an exception. Moreover, these conflicts can be different in nature, ranging from cultural or relational conflicts to conflicts of interests. Although conflicts are common in these virtual settings, very few tools exist to settle them. Therefore, parties involved in conflict resolution generally have to resort to traditional approaches, which delay the process and waste the advantages of these Virtual Organizations. In this paper we present a structured model of a contract for a Collaborative Network. Based on this model, we developed an information system which is able to build conflict scenarios and determine the possible and probable outcomes. We combine this development with the UMCourt platform, which comprises a rich negotiation and mediation tool, to build a conflict resolution framework in the context of Collaborative Networks.The work described in this paper was developed under the TIARAC - Telematics and Artificial Intelligence in Alternative Conflict Resolution Project (PTDC/JUR/71354/2006), a research project supported by FCT (Science & Technology Foundation), Portugal

    Issues on Conflict Resolution in Collaborative Networks

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    Abstract. Conflicts are frequent in virtually every scenario involving complex interactions. Collaborative Networks, in which there is a compromise between skills, competencies and resources, are not an exception. Moreover, these conflicts can be different in nature, ranging from cultural or relational conflicts to conflicts of interests. Although conflicts are common in these virtual settings, very few tools exist to settle them. Therefore, parties involved in conflict resolution generally have to resort to traditional approaches, which delay the process and waste the advantages of these Virtual Organizations. In this paper we present a structured model of a contract for a Collaborative Network. Based on this model, we developed an information system which is able to build conflict scenarios and determine the possible and probable outcomes. We combine this development with the UMCourt platform, which comprises a rich negotiation and mediation tool, to build a conflict resolution framework in the context of Collaborative Networks

    Um sistema de resolução de conflitos online para organizações virtuais

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaOs conflitos são cada vez mais frequentes no atual contexto socioeconómico inundando cada vez mais os tribunais com novos processos. Técnicas como a negociação, mediação ou arbitragem são alternativas aos tribunais para resolve-los. Com o crescente desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e de Comunicação têm surgido novas dinâmicas de negócio, como é o caso do Comércio Eletrónico e das Organizações Virtuais, onde as atividades de negócio ocorrem agora num ambiente virtual. Como consequência disso, os conflitos podem agora também ocorrer online levantando novos desafios na forma de como estes devem ser resolvidos. O trabalho desenvolvido ao longo deste documento analisa os possíveis conflitos que podem surgir no contexto de uma Organização Virtual e o impacto que estes podem ter na agilidade e flexibilidade de operação das mesmas. Mediante isto, foi desenvolvido um Sistema Multi-Agente que fornece serviços para auxiliar na deteção e na resolução de conflitos online, que possam surgir na fase de operação de uma Organização Virtual.Conflicts are increasingly more frequent in the current socio-economic context, flooding the courts with processes. Techniques such as negotiation, mediation or arbitration are alternative to courts when it comes to resolve them. The increasing development of Information and Communication Technologies brought new dynamics of business, such as e-commerce and Virtual Organizations, where most of the business activities can occur in a virtual environment. As a consequence, conflicts can now occur online, rising new challenges in how they should be resolved. The work depicted in this dissertation analyses the potential conflicts that may arise in a Virtual Organization and the impact that these can have on the agility and flexibility in the operation phase of a Virtual Organization. It was developed a Multi-Agent System that provides services to assist in detecting and resolving conflicts online, that may arise during the operation of a Virtual Organization