2 research outputs found

    The Role of Test Administrator and Error

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    This study created a framework to quantify and mitigate the amount of error that test administrators introduced to a biometric system during data collection. Prior research has focused only on the subject and the errors they make when interacting with biometric systems, while ignoring the test administrator. This study used a longitudinal data collection, focusing on demographics in government identification forms such as driver\u27s licenses, fingerprint metadata such a moisture and skin temperature, and face image compliance to an ISO best practice standard. Error was quantified from the first visit and baseline test administrator error rates were measured. Additional training, software development, and error mitigation techniques were introduced before a second visit, in which the error rates were measured again. The new system greatly reduced the amount of test administrator error and improved the integrity of the data collected. Findings from this study show how to measure test administrator error and how to reduce it in future data collections

    Análisis de usabilidad de reconocimiento biomético por firma manustrita en IPAD

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    Los sistemas de firma manuscrita en distintos dispositivos digitales ya están considerablemente arraigados en la sociedad actual, ya sea a la hora de firmar un recibo en el banco, firmar un contrato o pagar en el supermercado. La modalidad biométrica de firma manuscrita, que es la modalidad a tratar en este trabajo, añade nuevas variables al análisis biométrico, tales como la comodidad del sujeto a la hora de firmar, la familiaridad con la tecnología, los distintos dispositivos del mercado e incluso el estado de ánimo del usuario. El objetivo de este estudio es el de abrir nuevas líneas de investigación, estudiando la usabilidad del dispositivo iPad de Apple en base a las firmas realizadas sobre el mismo con diferentes styluses y en diferentes escenarios. Se extraerán conclusiones sobre qué stylus nos permite obtener una menor tasa de error, la posición preferida del usuario a la hora de firmar y, finalmente, se tratará de descubrir qué tipo de dificultades se presentan comúnmente y cómo evitarlas.Handwritten signature recognition systems in different digital devices are already considerably established in todays’ society, either by signing a receipt in the bank, by signing a contract or paying at the supermarket. The handwritten signature recognition biometric, which is this work target, adds new variables to the biometric analysis, as subjects’ comfort when signing, if he/she is familiarized with technology, different devices on the market and even the users’ mood. The objective of this research will be open new investigation fields, evaluating the usability of the Apple iPad based on the signatures made on it with different styluses. Conclusions will be drawn about which stylus returns a lower error rate, which is the most comfortable position when signing and, finally, discovering which kind of difficulties appear commonly and how to avoid them.Ingeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale