3 research outputs found

    Isoperimetry, Stability, and Irredundance in Direct Products

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    The direct product of graphs G1,…,GnG_1,\ldots,G_n is the graph with vertex set V(G1)Γ—β‹―Γ—V(Gn)V(G_1)\times\cdots\times V(G_n) in which two vertices (g1,…,gn)(g_1,\ldots,g_n) and (g1β€²,…,gnβ€²)(g_1',\ldots,g_n') are adjacent if and only if gig_i is adjacent to giβ€²g_i' in GiG_i for all ii. Building off of the recent work of Brakensiek, we prove an optimal vertex isoperimetric inequality for direct products of complete multipartite graphs. Applying this inequality, we derive a stability result for independent sets in direct products of balanced complete multipartite graphs, showing that every large independent set must be close to the maximal independent set determined by setting one of the coordinates to be constant. Armed with these isoperimetry and stability results, we prove that the upper irredundance number of a direct product of balanced complete multipartite graphs is equal to its independence number in all but at most 3737 cases. This proves most of a conjecture of Burcroff that arose as a strengthening of a conjecture of the second author and Iyer. We also propose a further strengthening of Burcroff's conjecture.Comment: 24 pages, 0 figure

    Tightness of Paired and Upper Domination Inequalities for Direct Product Graphs

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    A set DD of vertices in a graph GG is called dominating if every vertex of GG is either in DD or adjacent to a vertex of DD. The paired domination number Ξ³pr(G)\gamma_{\mathrm{pr}}(G) of GG is the minimum size of a dominating set whose induced subgraph admits a perfect matching, and the upper domination number Ξ“(G)\Gamma(G) is the maximum size of a minimal dominating set. In this paper, we investigate the sharpness of two multiplicative inequalities for these domination parameters, where the graph product is the direct product Γ—\times. We show that for every positive constant cc, there exist graphs GG and HH of arbitrarily large diameter such that Ξ³pr(GΓ—H)≀cΞ³pr(G)Ξ³pr(H)\gamma_{\mathrm{pr}}(G \times H) \leq c\gamma_{\mathrm{pr}}(G)\gamma_{\mathrm{pr}}(H), thus answering a question of Rall as well as two questions of Paulraja and Sampath Kumar. We then study when this inequality holds with c=12c = \frac{1}{2}, in particular proving that it holds whenever GG and HH are trees. Finally, we demonstrate that the inequality Ξ“(GΓ—H)β‰₯Ξ“(G)Ξ“(H)\Gamma(G \times H) \geq \Gamma(G) \Gamma(H), due to Bre\v{s}ar, Klav\v{z}ar, and Rall, is tight.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Sets Arising as Minimal Additive Complements in the Integers

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    A subset CC of an abelian group GG is a minimal additive complement to WβŠ†GW \subseteq G if C+W=GC + W = G and if Cβ€²+Wβ‰ GC' + W \neq G for any proper subset Cβ€²βŠ‚CC' \subset C. In this paper, we study which sets of integers arise as minimal additive complements. We confirm a conjecture of Kwon, showing that bounded-below sets with arbitrarily large gaps arise as minimal additive complements. Moreover, our construction shows that any such set belongs to a co-minimal pair, strengthening a result of Biswas and Saha for lacunary sequences. We bound the upper and lower Banach density of syndetic sets that arise as minimal additive complements to finite sets. We provide some necessary conditions for an eventually periodic set to arise as a minimal additive complement and demonstrate that these necessary conditions are also sufficient for certain classes of eventually periodic sets. We conclude with several conjectures and questions concerning the structure of minimal additive complements.Comment: 15 page