1,063 research outputs found

    On the M\"obius Function and Topology of General Pattern Posets

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    We introduce a formal definition of a pattern poset which encompasses several previously studied posets in the literature. Using this definition we present some general results on the M\"obius function and topology of such pattern posets. We prove our results using a poset fibration based on the embeddings of the poset, where embeddings are representations of occurrences. We show that the M\"obius function of these posets is intrinsically linked to the number of embeddings, and in particular to so called normal embeddings. We present results on when topological properties such as Cohen-Macaulayness and shellability are preserved by this fibration. Furthermore, we apply these results to some pattern posets and derive alternative proofs of existing results, such as Bj\"orner's results on subword order.Comment: 28 Page

    Nexus solitons in the center vortex picture of QCD

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    It is very plausible that confinement in QCD comes from linking of Wilson loops to finite-thickness vortices with magnetic fluxes corresponding to the center of the gauge group. The vortices are solitons of a gauge-invariant QCD action representing the generation of gluon mass. There are a number of other solitonic states of this action. We discuss here what we call nexus solitons, in which for gauge group SU(N), up to N vortices meet a a center, or nexus, provided that the total flux of the vortices adds to zero (mod N). There are fundamentally two kinds of nexuses: Quasi-Abelian, which can be described as composites of Abelian imbedded monopoles, whose Dirac strings are cancelled by the flux condition; and fully non-Abelian, resembling a deformed sphaleron. Analytic solutions are available for the quasi-Abelian case, and we discuss variational estimates of the action of the fully non-Abelian nexus solitons in SU(2). The non-Abelian nexuses carry Chern-Simons number (or topological charge in four dimensions). Their presence does not change the fundamentals of confinement in the center-vortex picture, but they may lead to a modified picture of the QCD vacuum.Comment: LateX, 24 pages, 2 .eps figure