1,017 research outputs found

    Isogeometric Boundary Elements in Electromagnetism: Rigorous Analysis, Fast Methods, and Examples

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    We present a new approach to three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering problems via fast isogeometric boundary element methods. Starting with an investigation of the theoretical setting around the electric field integral equation within the isogeometric framework, we show existence, uniqueness, and quasi-optimality of the isogeometric approach. For a fast and efficient computation, we then introduce and analyze an interpolation-based fast multipole method tailored to the isogeometric setting, which admits competitive algorithmic and complexity properties. This is followed by a series of numerical examples of industrial scope, together with a detailed presentation and interpretation of the results

    Multipatch Approximation of the de Rham Sequence and its Traces in Isogeometric Analysis

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    We define a conforming B-spline discretisation of the de Rham complex on multipatch geometries. We introduce and analyse the properties of interpolation operators onto these spaces which commute w.r.t. the surface differential operators. Using these results as a basis, we derive new convergence results of optimal order w.r.t. the respective energy spaces and provide approximation properties of the spline discretisations of trace spaces for application in the theory of isogeometric boundary element methods. Our analysis allows for a straightforward generalisation to finite element methods

    Spectral Numerical Exterior Calculus Methods for Differential Equations on Radial Manifolds

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    We develop exterior calculus approaches for partial differential equations on radial manifolds. We introduce numerical methods that approximate with spectral accuracy the exterior derivative d\mathbf{d}, Hodge star ⋆\star, and their compositions. To achieve discretizations with high precision and symmetry, we develop hyperinterpolation methods based on spherical harmonics and Lebedev quadrature. We perform convergence studies of our numerical exterior derivative operator d‾\overline{\mathbf{d}} and Hodge star operator ⋆‾\overline{\star} showing each converge spectrally to d\mathbf{d} and ⋆\star. We show how the numerical operators can be naturally composed to formulate general numerical approximations for solving differential equations on manifolds. We present results for the Laplace-Beltrami equations demonstrating our approach.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Fast Isogeometric Boundary Element Method based on Independent Field Approximation

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    An isogeometric boundary element method for problems in elasticity is presented, which is based on an independent approximation for the geometry, traction and displacement field. This enables a flexible choice of refinement strategies, permits an efficient evaluation of geometry related information, a mixed collocation scheme which deals with discontinuous tractions along non-smooth boundaries and a significant reduction of the right hand side of the system of equations for common boundary conditions. All these benefits are achieved without any loss of accuracy compared to conventional isogeometric formulations. The system matrices are approximated by means of hierarchical matrices to reduce the computational complexity for large scale analysis. For the required geometrical bisection of the domain, a strategy for the evaluation of bounding boxes containing the supports of NURBS basis functions is presented. The versatility and accuracy of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by convergence studies showing optimal rates and real world examples in two and three dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, 27 figure
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