4 research outputs found

    Is it worth it? Budget-related evaluation metrics for model selection

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    Projects that set out to create a linguistic resource often do so by using a machine learning model that pre-annotates or filters the content that goes through to a human annotator, before going into the final version of the resource. However, available budgets are often limited, and the amount of data that is available exceeds the amount of annotation that can be done. Thus, in order to optimize the benefit from the invested human work, we argue that the decision on which predictive model one should employ depends not only on generalized evaluation metrics, such as accuracy and F-score, but also on the gain metric. The rationale is that, the model with the highest F-score may not necessarily have the best separation and sequencing of predicted classes, thus leading to the investment of more time and/or money on annotating false positives, yielding zero improvement of the linguistic resource. We exemplify our point with a case study, using real data from a task of building a verb-noun idiom dictionary. We show that in our scenario, given the choice of three systems with varying F-scores, the system with the highest F-score does not yield the highest profits. In other words, we show that the cost-benefit trade off can be more favorable if a system with a lower F-score is employed

    Is it worth it? Budget-related evaluation metrics for model selection

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    Creating a linguistic resource is often done by using a machine learning model that filters the content that goes through to a human annotator, before going into the final resource. However, budgets are often limited, and the amount of available data exceeds the amount of affordable annotation. In order to optimize the benefit from the invested human work, we argue that deciding on which model one should employ depends not only on generalized evaluation metrics such as F-score, but also on the gain metric. Because the model with the highest F-score may not necessarily have the best sequencing of predicted classes, this may lead to wasting funds on annotating false positives, yielding zero improvement of the linguistic resource. We exemplify our point with a case study, using real data from a task of building a verb-noun idiom dictionary. We show that, given the choice of three systems with varying F-scores, the system with the highest F-score does not yield the highest profits. In other words, in our case the cost-benefit trade off is more favorable for a system with a lower F-score.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables, In proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018

    Probing with Noise: Unpicking the Warp and Weft of Taxonomic and Thematic Meaning Representations in Static and Contextual Embeddings

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    The semantic relatedness of words has two key dimensions: it can be based on taxonomic information or thematic, co-occurrence-based information. These are captured by different language resources—taxonomies and natural corpora—from which we can build different computational meaning representations that are able to reflect these relationships. Vector representations are arguably the most popular meaning representations in NLP, encoding information in a shared multidimensional semantic space and allowing for distances between points to reflect relatedness between items that populate the space. Improving our understanding of how different types of linguistic information are encoded in vector space can provide valuable insights to the field of model interpretability and can further our understanding of different encoder architectures. Alongside vector dimensions, we argue that information can be encoded in more implicit ways and hypothesise that it is possible for the vector magnitude—the norm—to also carry linguistic information. We develop a method to test this hypothesis and provide a systematic exploration of the role of the vector norm in encoding the different axes of semantic relatedness across a variety of vector representations, including taxonomic, thematic, static and contextual embeddings. The method is an extension of the standard probing framework and allows for relative intrinsic interpretations of probing results. It relies on introducing targeted noise that ablates information encoded in embeddings and is grounded by solid baselines and confidence intervals. We call the method probing with noise and test the method at both the word and sentence level, on a host of established linguistic probing tasks, as well as two new semantic probing tasks: hypernymy and idiomatic usage detection. Our experiments show that the method is able to provide geometric insights into embeddings and can demonstrate whether the norm encodes the linguistic information being probed for. This confirms the existence of separate information containers in English word2vec, GloVe and BERT embeddings. The experiments and complementary analyses show that different encoders encode different kinds of linguistic information in the norm: taxonomic vectors store hypernym-hyponym information in the norm, while non-taxonomic vectors do not. Meanwhile, non-taxonomic GloVe embeddings encode syntactic and sentence length information in the vector norm, while the contextual BERT encodes contextual incongruity. Our method can thus reveal where in the embeddings certain information is contained. Furthermore, it can be supplemented by an array of post-hoc analyses that reveal how information is encoded as well, thus offering valuable structural and geometric insights into the different types of embeddings

    Distance,Time and Terms in First Story Detection

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    First Story Detection (FSD) is an important application of online novelty detection within Natural Language Processing (NLP). Given a stream of documents, or stories, about news events in a chronological order, the goal of FSD is to identify the very first story for each event. While a variety of NLP techniques have been applied to the task, FSD remains challenging because it is still not clear what is the most crucial factor in defining the “story novelty”. Giventhesechallenges,thethesisaddressedinthisdissertationisthat the notion of novelty in FSD is multi-dimensional. To address this, the work presented has adopted a three dimensional analysis of the relative qualities of FSD systems and gone on to propose a specific method that wearguesignificantlyimprovesunderstandingandperformanceofFSD. FSD is of course not a new problem type; therefore, our first dimen sion of analysis consists of a systematic study of detection models for firststorydetectionandthedistancesthatareusedinthedetectionmod els for defining novelty. This analysis presents a tripartite categorisa tion of the detection models based on the end points of the distance calculation. The study also considers issues of document representation explicitly, and shows that even in a world driven by distributed repres iv entations,thenearestneighbourdetectionmodelwithTF-IDFdocument representations still achieves the state-of-the-art performance for FSD. Weprovideanalysisofthisimportantresultandsuggestpotentialcauses and consequences. Events are introduced and change at a relatively slow rate relative to the frequency at which words come in and out of usage on a docu ment by document basis. Therefore we argue that the second dimen sion of analysis should focus on the temporal aspects of FSD. Here we are concerned with not only the temporal nature of the detection pro cess, e.g., the time/history window over the stories in the data stream, but also the processes that underpin the representational updates that underpin FSD. Through a systematic investigation of static representa tions, and also dynamic representations with both low and high update frequencies, we show that while a dynamic model unsurprisingly out performs static models, the dynamic model in fact stops improving but stays steady when the update frequency gets higher than a threshold. Our third dimension of analysis moves across to the particulars of lexicalcontent,andcriticallytheaffectoftermsinthedefinitionofstory novelty. Weprovideaspecificanalysisofhowtermsarerepresentedfor FSD, including the distinction between static and dynamic document representations, and the affect of out-of-vocabulary terms and the spe cificity of a word in the calculation of the distance. Our investigation showed that term distributional similarity rather than scale of common v terms across the background and target corpora is the most important factor in selecting background corpora for document representations in FSD. More crucially, in this work the simple idea of the new terms emerged as a vital factor in defining novelty for the first story