438 research outputs found

    The critical Z-invariant Ising model via dimers: the periodic case

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    We study a large class of critical two-dimensional Ising models namely critical Z-invariant Ising models on periodic graphs, example of which are the classical square, triangular and honeycomb lattice at the critical temperature. Fisher introduced a correspondence between the Ising model and the dimer model on a decorated graph, thus setting dimer techniques as a powerful tool for understanding the Ising model. In this paper, we give a full description of the dimer model corresponding to the critical Z-invariant Ising model. We prove that the dimer characteristic polynomial is equal (up to a constant) to the critical Laplacian characteristic polynomial, and defines a Harnack curve of genus 0. We prove an explicit expression for the free energy, and for the Gibbs measure obtained as weak limit of Boltzmann measures.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Knots with small rational genus

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    If K is a rationally null-homologous knot in a 3-manifold M, the rational genus of K is the infimum of -\chi(S)/2p over all embedded orientable surfaces S in the complement of K whose boundary wraps p times around K for some p (hereafter: S is a p-Seifert surface for K). Knots with very small rational genus can be constructed by "generic" Dehn filling, and are therefore extremely plentiful. In this paper we show that knots with rational genus less than 1/402 are all geometric -- i.e. they may be isotoped into a special form with respect to the geometric decomposition of M -- and give a complete classification. Our arguments are a mixture of hyperbolic geometry, combinatorics, and a careful study of the interaction of small p-Seifert surfaces with essential subsurfaces in M of non-negative Euler characteristic.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; version 3 corrects minor typos; keywords: knots, rational genu

    The ZZ-invariant massive Laplacian on isoradial graphs

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    We introduce a one-parameter family of massive Laplacian operators (Δm(k))k∈[0,1)(\Delta^{m(k)})_{k\in[0,1)} defined on isoradial graphs, involving elliptic functions. We prove an explicit formula for the inverse of Δm(k)\Delta^{m(k)}, the massive Green function, which has the remarkable property of only depending on the local geometry of the graph, and compute its asymptotics. We study the corresponding statistical mechanics model of random rooted spanning forests. We prove an explicit local formula for an infinite volume Boltzmann measure, and for the free energy of the model. We show that the model undergoes a second order phase transition at k=0k=0, thus proving that spanning trees corresponding to the Laplacian introduced by Kenyon are critical. We prove that the massive Laplacian operators (Δm(k))k∈(0,1)(\Delta^{m(k)})_{k\in(0,1)} provide a one-parameter family of ZZ-invariant rooted spanning forest models. When the isoradial graph is moreover Z2\mathbb{Z}^2-periodic, we consider the spectral curve of the characteristic polynomial of the massive Laplacian. We provide an explicit parametrization of the curve and prove that it is Harnack and has genus 11. We further show that every Harnack curve of genus 11 with (z,w)↔(z−1,w−1)(z,w)\leftrightarrow(z^{-1},w^{-1}) symmetry arises from such a massive Laplacian.Comment: 71 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Inventiones mathematica

    Topological Defects on the Lattice I: The Ising model

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    In this paper and its sequel, we construct topologically invariant defects in two-dimensional classical lattice models and quantum spin chains. We show how defect lines commute with the transfer matrix/Hamiltonian when they obey the defect commutation relations, cousins of the Yang-Baxter equation. These relations and their solutions can be extended to allow defect lines to branch and fuse, again with properties depending only on topology. In this part I, we focus on the simplest example, the Ising model. We define lattice spin-flip and duality defects and their branching, and prove they are topological. One useful consequence is a simple implementation of Kramers-Wannier duality on the torus and higher genus surfaces by using the fusion of duality defects. We use these topological defects to do simple calculations that yield exact properties of the conformal field theory describing the continuum limit. For example, the shift in momentum quantization with duality-twisted boundary conditions yields the conformal spin 1/16 of the chiral spin field. Even more strikingly, we derive the modular transformation matrices explicitly and exactly.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figure

    Bond-Propagation Algorithm for Thermodynamic Functions in General 2D Ising Models

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    Recently, we developed and implemented the bond propagation algorithm for calculating the partition function and correlation functions of random bond Ising models in two dimensions. The algorithm is the fastest available for calculating these quantities near the percolation threshold. In this paper, we show how to extend the bond propagation algorithm to directly calculate thermodynamic functions by applying the algorithm to derivatives of the partition function, and we derive explicit expressions for this transformation. We also discuss variations of the original bond propagation procedure within the larger context of Y-Delta-Y-reducibility and discuss the relation of this class of algorithm to other algorithms developed for Ising systems. We conclude with a discussion on the outlook for applying similar algorithms to other models.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures; submitte
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